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My Pokemon Challenges


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Looks like I'm the first one with Pokemon Challenge stories.

Meowth Challenges:

First one, Meowth quits Team Rocket once and for all and becomes Ash's Pokemon.

And second one is roles changed where Pikachu is living Meowth's life and Meowth is living Pikachu's. Ash starts off with Meowth instead of Pikachu, and Pikachu is a Team Rocket member hanging around with Jessie and James.

PaulxOC: A girl from our world has a terrible life. Her parents fight all the time, they hate her and she has no friends at school. Plus she's always getting picked on a lot at school. One day she gets fed up with it all and just thinks that everyone would be better off if she was dead, she thinks that just as she's crossing the road. She waits for the oncoming car to hit her and make it be all over with. When she opens her eyes she finds herself in the world of Pokemon. She is almost raped when a tall hansome boy called Paul saves her life. She then decides to become a Pokemon Coordinator. Paul, doesn't know why he's being so kind and letting this girl travel with him but he figures she has no where else to turn, so he lets her come with him. So, the girl with her first Pokemon that Paul caught for her, a Pachirisu travel with Paul.

This must be an adult content story. Must have at least 30 chapters in it. Paul and the OC must have sex at least once. Also the OC must win at the Grand Festibal. Also the point is the OC changes Paul's life around, making him a better person. He even ends up being nicer to his Pokemon, after he falls in love with this girl.

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  • 2 years later...

Ok, I know this is old, but I am accepting the PaulxOC

Finding Hope, Love, and Serenity

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