Harboe Posted December 12, 2009 Report Posted December 12, 2009 Ookay, so I'll be surprised if this topic gets any hits with a title and subtitle like that, but I'll give it a try. In case you've actually clicked on this topic, however, I guess I should tell you what the whole deal is: I Have: Started to write a story about a woman in the Warhammer 40.000 setting. I Need: Someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to critique my writing style (and make the story flow better) and... (since this is AFF) give some ideas for how to add in some less-than-chaste elements into the story without going straight from chaste to horrifying-non-euclidian-fetishes The Idea: If you're interested in reading the story (and possibly being a beta), I'll be happy to e-mail you a copy of the story I've got thus far for you to read. If at that point you feel up for evaluating whether it was excellent/good/okay/bad/terrible and giving constructive criticism on the story, I'd be much obliged. Of course, should you get any ideas like: "Uh, uh! X should totally happen, so that Y could do Z!" that'd just be fantastic. It may or may not happen, but either way, it's always nice to get some ideas apart from those one gets from the teeny, tiny voices in ones head Notes and Warnings: I'm a non-native speaker of English and therefore my English is quite atypical to read. Also, due to cultural differences, it is possible that events occuring in the story might offend (the again, this is AFF...). Hope to hear from you. Ta! Quote
Guest jj19 Posted December 14, 2009 Report Posted December 14, 2009 Well there is a dearth of 40k fiction on this site, but there are some writers for it. I am not a real beta (I do make some writing/grammar mistakes), but I can help out with writing in general and 40k fluff. E-mail: johnjohnson19@live.com Quote
LovelessAngel23 Posted March 24, 2010 Report Posted March 24, 2010 I am not a English major or anything, but I can handle spelling, grammer, and mildly help keep the story on track. I do not mind lemons or limes. Pairs are not important I can work with anything. Drop me a line if you are interested. My email: Quote
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