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I love me some pregger people. No threesomes, no Ginny/LV as main character. I have searched all the websites that I know and read what I've been interested in. I really like slash, but read Hermione with a Slytherin.

Am also interested in stories with next generation, where they remarry, or just tell their story.

Any help and recommendations welcome.

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I love me some pregger people. No threesomes, no Ginny/LV as main character. I have searched all the websites that I know and read what I've been interested in. I really like slash, but read Hermione with a Slytherin.

Am also interested in stories with next generation, where they remarry, or just tell their story.

Any help and recommendations welcome.

This is a fest for 2010, It's the next generation and some of the best writer of fanfic will participate

there is going to be from Femmeslash, gen, het and slash, So if you want to check it out when it begins

HP Next Gen Fest

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There are some really good Draco/Hermione pregnancy fics. (Draco's a Slytherin, so I figure he counts!) :)

What Malfoys Do Best - Totally hilarious fic! :)

Ordinary People - One last night with Draco leaves Hermione preganant. Long and enjoyable, although very Muggle-y at times.

Reprucussions - Draco rapes Hermione and must deal with the result. A WIP.

Accio DHr has a whole list of Draco/Hermione pregnancy fics.

Sleeping - a very sweet Charlie/Hermione fic

Another Charlie/Hermione fic

Another list of fics where Ginny, Hermione, or another character is pregnant.

I don't read mpreg, but here are some rec lists here and here.

I'd be happy to recommend some next generation fics if you tell me what you're looking for. Het/slash/pairings/characters. :)

Hope this helps!

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There are some really good Draco/Hermione pregnancy fics. (Draco's a Slytherin, so I figure he counts!) :)

What Malfoys Do Best - Totally hilarious fic! :)

Ordinary People - One last night with Draco leaves Hermione preganant. Long and enjoyable, although very Muggle-y at times.

Reprucussions - Draco rapes Hermione and must deal with the result. A WIP.

Accio DHr has a whole list of Draco/Hermione pregnancy fics.

Sleeping - a very sweet Charlie/Hermione fic

Another Charlie/Hermione fic

Another list of fics where Ginny, Hermione, or another character is pregnant.

I don't read mpreg, but here are some rec lists here and here.

I'd be happy to recommend some next generation fics if you tell me what you're looking for. Het/slash/pairings/characters. :)

Hope this helps!

OMG!! I will definitely look through this list you left me. I am all giddy. And Draco always counts as a Slytherin, "Slytherin Prince" and all. :D I love you sooo much.

I like Scorpius with Albus or James or any Scorpius slash, but will look at any summary. Haven't really seen a lot, so am open to anything for now.

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Not a huge slash fan (although I will read on occasion) and can't think of any Scorpius fics offhand unless they're with Rose or very dark.

His Father's Son - This is a new story in HP Dark Fest. It's Scorpius/Albus and very, very good. Don't read the spoilers! :)

Softly-sweetly has some wonderful stories. She's a big writer of next-gen so I would go through her tags. I came across her work through her Draco/Lily Luna Potter story. It's not Scorpius, but it's dark and good!

Some good stuff in the Next Gen Dark Fest.

Snarky Scorp has some good stories too. Again, check out her tags or masterlist. My favorite of her is The Predator and the Prey. Dom!Teddy with a young Scorpoius and Albus. Again, very dark.

Playing Games is a really good Scorpius/Rose fic. Love both of them in this!

And just because this made me giggle: ass news - for all your Albus Severus/Scorpius needs!

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