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I started this story a long time ago, and never finished it. I hope it sounds familiar to someone.

Draco curses his father into a mirror and Hermione's mother (I think) finds the mirror in a shop and buys it for her. Onl ytrue love can release Lucius.

Any help is appreciated.

Posted (edited)

I remember this story, Draco puts him in the mirror for his safety .... but then something happens to Draco (can't remember if he dies or looses his memory). Hermioney is blinded in the final battle. Her mother finds the mirror at an antique shop & can hear Lucius, which shocks him. Somehow, Hermioney acidently enters the mirror with him & is shocked to find she can see when in there - Is that the one????

I remember it being a really good story, but I think it was abandoned. I'll go on a hunt forit though - I would love th find that it was ultimatly finished!

Edited by SiriusDesires
Posted (edited)
I think the one you're talking about is The Mirror's Reflection by Shilohdarke.

It's unfinished. I'm not certain where it can be found.

Yep, that's it! She had/has some great stories (unfortunatly some were left unfinished) I remember now, hearing she stopped writting FanFicton to publish origonals. I think someone said that particular story was taken down & she was re-working it with-out being in the HP world. She's a very talented writer.

Edited to add: I went on a search & found this http://www.manicreaders.com/ShilohMDarke/... apparently she's doing some e-books too!

The story being asked about HAS been re-worked, called & is now called Magic's Reflection

Edited by SiriusDesires
I did some extra searching, and I found 18 chapters of the original on the restrictedsection.org site.

You'll have to be registered to be able to view the story.

Thank you all for your replies! I am off to the RS to read. I had a DUH moment when you said Shiloh lol. I could have just emailed her! Thank you again.


Actually she did finish this story on AFF, but her publisher wanted her to turn it into a original fic so she took it down. Shilohdarke had returned to Fan Fiction and is slowly trying to finish her stories.

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