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widow Hermione stories

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Guest JaceDamian23

Hey I'm really only looking for some recs. I read a lot and I love reading sad angsty stories. So I was looking for some stories that Hermione is in love with fred and he dies and she gets close with George... either starts dating him or falls in love with another guy.

Or just Hermione with any guy and her boyfriend or husbend dies or goes into a coma or something like that... leaves her with a baby (or not). I don't read stories where Harry is one of the main two characters though.... so I don't want her falling in love with him unless he is the one that dies and she is grieving over him.

I basically love Hermione with everyone, Ron's brothers, the slytherins. etc. I love Mione with Ron but I don't read fan fictions with them... not really. You can still post stories of that shipper if you want though.

oh and I prefer longer stories....like novel length but if the story is new thats fine, post away. I also prefer mature stories

thanks so much in advance.

Posted (edited)

I know I have a few saved in my favs, I'll have to go thru them for you, but one that immediatly came to mind is A New Beginning by Mz_Figg - wonderful story, 82 chapters, but really a good read. Here's the addy for it: http://www.grangerenchanted.com/enchant/vi...ry.php?sid=1075 Ron dies in a broom accident (I think), leaving her with 2 children to raise & in need of a job. She ends up with Severus Snape.

This is one where she starts out married to Harry (after an affair with Draco in school, but he chose family duty over her) - Harry dies (saving the life of Draco's squib son, Draco's wife, Pansy dies in the same accident. --- REALLY good story, but still in progress : http://www.grangerenchanted.com/enchant/vi...ry.php?sid=1957

The back-story to that (about her & Draco is actually it's own story called A Question of Ethics, found here: http://www.grangerenchanted.com/enchant/vi...ry.php?sid=1536

I'll look thru my stuff to find some others for you, but it may take a while.

Edited by SiriusDesires

Interestingly enough, a story about Hermione being widowed was posted just recently for the Hermione Big Bang. It's called The Widow Weasley and it's a Dramione epilogue fic. (Ron is the one who has been killed.)

There Are No Constants kind of fits in with your Fred request, but not fully. However, it's really, really good and very angsty, so there you go!

Past Grievances has Ron dying, and Hermione left as a widowed mother. It's Charlie/Hermione, which is awesome, but a WIP that hasn't been updated in a while, which is not awesome.

Atonement is another Draco/Hermione fic. Very angsty, with Hermione being captured by Draco during the war and trying to deal with Ron's death.

Those are the only ones that pop into my mind now, but I'll be sure to post if I happen to think of any more.

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