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Family Traits

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

Everyone has family traits that are passed generation through generation whether personality wise, physically or phycologically. These can often lead to all kinds of wacky hijinks and the like. So, what are yours?

I have a couple. For starts, the women on both sides of my family are incredibly fertile and you can tell just by looking at us. Take me, for instance. I have a 38 inch waist but am 46 inches around the hips. That, I will tell you right now, has little to do with fat. On either sides of my hips, dispite my excess of body fat, you can feel right to the bone. THE BONE!

My aunt is shaped very much the same way, but with a bust to match!

So, of course, my mother loves to point this out to me at random intervales (usually with the boyfriend present). And when I say "Point this out," I mean build a giant electric blue billboard on the side of the Empire State Building with "MY DAUGHTER IS A BABY MACHINE!" in big bold letters.

Yeah... ><

The only reason our family isn't over run with rugrats as it is can be credited to modern birth control methods. By this I mean every woman with at least 2 kids in our family has her tubes tied or is at least on the pill.

I should also mention twins run in my family. (my great grandmother was a part of 1 of 2 sets amongst her 17 siblings).

I am so doomed TT____TT

Guest Agaib

Hmm... well I hardly know anything about my father's side of the family, and that's where I get most of my traits from.

I wonder... can fetishes run in the family?

Guest DarkVampWriter

Every girl in our family either has red hair or a tint of red.... i got kinda mad because i didnt get the red trait so I dyed it ^___^


Dad's side: red hair too. Family trait that skips every other generation. Some Viking raided the village back in the day, I expect. Most of the people from the part of the world where my ancestors come from look like Native Americans. Hence, they scared the crap out of the Greeks and because my ancestors were the first known people on Earth to tame the horse, the Greeks thought that we were centaurs.

But, I digress. My dad has red hair, some of my kids have red hair, and one of my sister's kids has red hair. Family traits on my mom's side: hair that is thick as a horse's mane and takes a long time to turn gray.

Alcoholism also runs in my family, although I've never done that myself, I can see it happening in other behaviors. Like this site, for instance. It's like a drug...If I had to give it up, I swear I would have the DT's.

Guest ChibiShiva

"You're Pierre's daughter, right? 'Cause you got his lips."

I've heard this line SO many times. But big lips run in the family. That and diabetes (grandmothers have it), heart conditions (grandfathers/uncles), actually I don't see have those yet, thankfully.

On my mom's side, I've got the eyes, hair and forehead; on my father's, height, nose and lips.

The bitchy/sarcastic/talkative attitude comes from both sides XD.

Guest Nympho

I landed with my paternal grandfather's eyes, my mom's cheekbones, eye shape, and high forehead, my dad's hair and personality( really short fuse) and albanism from both sides.

I think my ass and boobs are the only things that are mine! biggrin.gif Nobody can figure out where they came from.

Guest arora

large breasts run in my mothers side, not like C or D cups. we are talking DD+.

and i have been cursed with them as well. three of my aunts have had a breast reduction to save there backs. i think i'll get the Navy to pay for mine because having to keep up with the guys situp count is fricking hard with an extra 10 pounds on your chest.

Oh and skin tags. little lumps of skin that grow out and don't do anyting but be an unsightly bump the size of a pencil tip. yeah, my dad gave me that gene. i have two on one eyelid.

thankfully there small enough that most people wont notice, but i still know their there and hate them.

thanks dad


There is a hint of introversion running in both sides of the family. Of course, it doesn't show up much, and there's also a lot of extroversion, but, somehow, all that introversion got channeled into me. And, to a lesser extent, my sister.

Oh. The joy.

Guest Agaib

Most of my family is on the extroversive side of the scale with little to no introversion, but somehow I ended up with a buttload.


I'm definitely introverted, with a dash of insane "Look-at-me-mom!" that comes out once in an embarrassing while. It's like I'm on drugs or something, but no, it's only high blood sugar kicked down by agressive reacting insulin. I don't know. Maybe my body naturally produces LSD or something. It's not that I hallucinate, but I certainly can enjoy life without an artificial boost. Partly genetic, I suppose. I did have an uncle who was a bit on the cuckoo side.

Guest lightgoddess

It's two things for me, my slanted ass eyes and my writing. When I was a little (outside) kid, my skin stayed really dark, and with dark brown hair and slanted eyes, all the new kids would ask me if I was Japanese. blink.gif Got that from my dad...thanks oodles dad! laugh.gif

Artistic ability also runs on my dad's side of the family, sadly, my brother's worthless ass got all of that and left me wondering where the hell I got my writing ability, which I got from my mom's side of the family. Thankfully, that was about all that I got because I was not cursed with the "Pruett Nose". That's my mom's family beak. ph34r.gif

Guest Agaib
my brother's worthless ass got all of that


Somtimes the best of the artists can in the end be lazy worthless people. Not to say I have amazing artistic ability, though I have more than most of my family, I tend to struggle with it also.

Guest Rockin
I wonder... can fetishes run in the family?

It's possible, I believe. A father and son could like the same thing, but depending on the person, it's a 4 out of a hundred.

Well, I seem to have my father's love of music, but my type of music varies more then he does. He likes rap and R&B music, while I like that and more (especially video game and anime music. My mom and step dad would tell me to turn it down while they blast their type of music XD). I also seem to carry my father's patience and common sense, along with the 'respect elders' chip.

Well, I seem to got my mom's 'Piss off!' emotion XD. I also seem to got the hairiness from her side as well (grown a peach fuzz on my face when I was 13 i think). I also seem to got her brother's face in somewhat. I think I also got the laziness from her...or I'd probably developed it myself. XD

Guest Soulsearcher

My mom's side is the good ol' Swede's. That's the fabulous jawline and high cheekbones.

Dad's side ... --;; not so good. Yeah, that's the skin cancer side. Bleah.

oO;; Course, I suppose I should be thankful I didn't end up like my dad's mom. She's about 4 feet tall with HUGE knockers and tiny feet. Thank God for those dominant Swedish gene's. ^^_v

Guest Agaib
It's possible, I believe.

It's just a scary thought for Me. If I ever have children, really don’t want a miniature Dominatrix running around My house. ph34r.gifph34r.gif

Guest Rockin
It's just a scary thought for Me. If I ever have children, really don’t want a miniature Dominatrix running around My house. ph34r.gifph34r.gif

Wait, I took another thought at it and it's actually NOT possible to carry fetishes. Sorry about that ^^;;.

You see, fetishes are normally made by living through life and seeing different types of erotica. A father who likes a women's ass may have a son who likes women's breast. Why? because they live it and have their own feel of fetishes. It's possible that a spouse and a family member could have the same fetishes, but not because of blood or something.

So yeah, there's no need to worry about chances of your fetishes passed down to your children...because pretty much, they might discover it for themselves and like it. XD

  • 4 weeks later...

i don't seem to take after my family in any way, in fact i seem to be the opposite.

All the people on my fathers side of the family are short. i have five uncles, the shortest is around four feet and the tallest five and a half. yet i'm six foot four. I'm starting to doubt them when they say i'm not adopted.

everyone on my mothers side is average height so i don't know where i'm getting my height from.

the only way i take after my family is the waist line, isn't DNA wonderful!!! the men in my family always seem to have a fairly wide midsection and i'm beginning to take after them. its the first place the fat goes to, but the last place it goes from when you diet and exercise.

all in all i seem to be the mutant freek of the family.

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