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Here is the situation. I have an idea in my head, and I haven't quite got the jist of the story sorted out. However, 200 pages later (yes, that good of an idea, and in only 2 days, 200 pages) I felt like I really needed some feedback. You know, see if the ideas in the story i've posted are good, bad, mediocre. Whatever. I just needed some feedback, DESPERATELY needed feed back.

I actually posted in the topic what was going on, and asked for feedback. As much as I could get. I'm trying to break writers block and I really want to turn all these ideas into a good story.

NO takers. Not even a rating. So here I am, i've posted 5 'chapters' and nothin. How is a girl supposed to get her writers block to take a hike if she can't even get any feed back!!!


Oceans of Love (and frustration!), ~Marian the Blackadder~


Are you referring to your story "Rites & Ceremonies"? If so then I can see a few problems. Firstly, the "Star Trek: Classic" category simply doesn't have so much passing traffic, and one reason is that only 4 stories in total have been updated there so far during 2009, and only 4 in all of 2008. That means much less people will be browsing that category. Another problem is that, right at the very start of your story, you talk about it being repetitive and a mish-mash of ideas. That alone isn't very tempting for people to make them want to read it, but that wouldn't be such a problem if it was short. The real problem is that there's a great deal of 'repetitive mish-mash' for people get through. I'm a fan of Star Trek - including the original series - but the idea of reading through all that, based on your description, frankly sounds like torture. It might not be anywhere near as bad as you make it sound, but maybe it is; that's how most people are likely to think.

There are maybe a couple of things you could do. Firstly, cut the other 4 chapters and only leave the first one for now. Secondly, leave the 'repetitive mish-mash' stuff for the end of the chapter if you like - you want to try and sell your story a little better than you currently are. ;) But the problem remains that the category it's in simply isn't as popular as others. But if you sell it a little better then you never know. :)



There is life out there! Horray!!! I was beginning to wonder!

Well, the thing that is making it difficult for me, is it's a Spock fan fic. Which means, Vulcan physiology and philosophy. In the show they tended to reason things out by being repetitive, and sort of going in circles to find the logic of a situation when it's something new, or confusing, or out of place. Or even to find the illogical view when it is something they don't personally agree with. You know, you've watched the show and probley the movies too, LOL.

So, when I say repetitive, it's kinda true, and it's also . . . . sort of me trying to figure out the characters. What they believe, and what they are bound to by their culture.

I guess I was trying to explain in my discription is that I'm not at my best right now when writting, and that I have this great idea (i think) but the characters I've chosen to write the story about, makes it kinda hard. Cause I'm freakin' human and I don't understand why they seem so weighed down by morals and beliefs to the point that they risk their lives. In the story, Vulcan's are AMAZINGLY stoic, and they ARE reptitive. With two half human Vulcan's, that are fighting between their two sides, plus having to deal with the situation they were thrust into . . . it's gonna be reptitive. But it's for a good reason, they do finally come to conclusions and make dicisions.

But this is why I'm begging for feedback LOL. If anyone has any ideas about how to make it less reptitive, if they like the idea of the story, what they would like to see happen, what they wouldn't like to see happen. That's basically the reason I came running to the website for reviews, comments, and suggestions. I kept reading it going, "WTF? Something is wrong here. I need help."

Anyway, now i've rambled on. It seems as though I do that alot lately when I start writting LMAO!

Thank you for the tips by the way, I think I"m going over to change the discription right now.

Oceans Of Love, ~Marian the Blackadder~

  • 1 month later...

Here's an idea: If the fic starts out slow and takes several chapters to build into smut action - try posting it on FF.

No, I'm not a traitor to AFF. But there's a LOT more traffic over there. I start many of my slower 'building' stories over there at the same time that I publish them here. Then when I get to the hot and heavy chapters - I'll simply end it on FF with a link at the bottom of the final posted chapter to it's 'Hot' continuation here on AFF. Honestly, I'll get 40-to-1 reviews on FF vs AFF. But the few dedicated reviewers here seem to be more mature and lucid that over there...

Granted, it does depend on the subjects involved... I've got one on here that really blew away the interest it generated on FF - just the first intro chapter. (No smut, but making it obvious what WAS to come!)


another way to gain readership (and subsequently reviews/ratings) is to choose a more popular fandom like Buffy or Harry Potter and write some fics there. I find that if I really like an author's work in one fandom I'm more likely to be checking his profile and reading his work in less popular/obscure fandoms.


I really don't agree with MorbidFantasy. Writing for more popular series is not the way to get more attention, granted, if I do like an author, I check out their other works too. BUT, what's the point in writing for another fandom when you've got writer's block? I know how hard it is to write for those poor, obscure and often times dead series...I do too. Hellsing, Berserk, xxxHOLiC. They just don't pull the traffic, but that's not why I write something, and I'm betting that you're the same way with this fic of yours. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Buffy (The show, not the character. I HATE Buffy Summers. Well, Sarah Michelle Geller.) and Harry Potter, but that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon what I'm working on now just to get some more reviews.

Now, as it has been a REALLY long time since I watched Star Trek anything...I'm not going to be much help with your actual plot, but maybe I can help with the writer's block, for it is an evil I combat often. When I get horrible, HORRIBLE writer's block, my cure all is to eat a bowl of Sketti O's and watch Invader Zim. In other words, something that makes me giggle uncontrollably and leaves me feeling happy. Something else to try that will increase blood flow to the brain, making it easier to think is caffeine. Either black tea or coffee work well, or, if you do yoga, you can try standing on your head. Silly, yes, but it does work. Try a change in scenery; go outside with a notebook and a pen. If you don't write by hand, you might try it. My best ideas always come from writing by hand, technical stuff, like correct grammar and wording I leave for the computer, all you really need at first are ideas. For music, Listen to something classical; it connects brainwaves and makes it easier to think and concentrate. If you want something to look at, look at things that are purple. (Which is why Invader Zim works so well too, lots of purple) Purple is supposed to inspire inspiration. Why not try taking a hot shower! Not only will you feel nice and clean afterwards, but you might just come up with something, I usually do. Something that I think about when writing something really long and important to me is this: So long as I get all of my ideas down, even if they're not in order, I have them. Think of it like a quilt; you first need to pick out all squares (ideas) then you can sew them together with thread (what comes between each idea) and then you get your finished product! It doesn't matter if you're thinking of something in the later chapters of your fic, so long as you have those ideas, you don't have to worry about remembering them for so long, letting you relax, KNOWING you have your ideas solid, on paper, or safe in a document. I know a lot of these things may seem silly or just plain weird, but you'd be surprised at how well they work.

Like Melrick said, you might make your fic seem a little more appetizing in the first author's note. Leave the mish-mash for at the end of the chapter. Personally, I tend to gravitate away from authors who put things like 'I don't know where this is going' in the summary. It's just doesn't seem like it's worth the time. You might try going to LiveJournal and searching out some Star Trek communities there. People review there and comment a lot more than any place I've seen, and I'm quite certain you can find a few active communities there. Just curious (and because I know it was Spock that bore forth the wonder of my life that is slash) if your fic slash or het?


Lucifer you're too idealistic. I'm just being pragmatic here.

Ideally when you write something it's because you enjoy doing so, and not necessarily for others to enjoy. If that was the case then none of us would be posting on AFF, but the fact is authors here like to have their work appreciated.

I just happen to be lucky in liking a genre (Lara Croft) that gets enough traffic that I can expect at least a certain amount of first time readership, and hopefully hook them in for reviews and new chapters. If you're main interest is in a more obscure section you have to be prepared for it to be pretty barren of traffic/interest. What I described (finding a more popular fandom) is a more practical way of getting people to notice your writing. It doesn't mean you have to choose a popular fandom that you have absolutely no interest in. Just find something that you like that more people on AFF would like and start there if you want to know how your mettle measures up.

And I never said anything about abandoning your interest. If you really like the piece/fandom there's no reason why you should stop writing for it. Just be realistic in your expectations of feedback.


I'm well aware of the fact that writers like feedback, and I am aware that writing for a lesser known fandom means less views and reviews for my story. I write for well known fandoms, like Buffy and Yuugiou, but I'm more interested in lesser knowns like Hellsing and Fire Emblem right now, so that's my focus point. There are at least a hundred fandoms that I have stuff in the works for, but curses! Writer's block strikes again! And basically next to nothing gets finished, or I move on to another series. I just let myself cycle through series, that way I never get sick of them. Except for Hellsing. I'll never be sick of Hellsing.

Anyway! My point is, even if I am interested in a really popular fandom, I'm not going to abandon what I'm working on to finish a Buffy fic if I'm just not feeling it. That's all. I know that this Berserk fic I'm fixing up won't get a lot of views, and even less reviews, but I had fun writing it, and perhaps a few people will enjoy reading it too. But, I also know that there are some places that are a little more specialized, like communities and clubs on LiveJournal and Y-Gallery. (I'm a yaoi/slash/M/M writer) You just have to know where to post!

As for ideals, idealistically I'd never have writer's block/laziness or forget words. *Sighs dreamily at the thought*

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