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I would greatly be pleased if someone were to do a fic, where there is Jack/Ralph and Roger/SamnEric, but then they get resqued of the island and they have to see sykiatrist for years, but then jack wants to make amends, and somehow they get onto a plane/boat, and go back to the island, or an island that looks like the last one that jack and Roger have control of and get stuck there, and its like last time, were Jack is chief, and there more slash and stuff again. If you want you can make it a happy ending were Ralph falls in love with Jack, the same with the others, and they all live happy every after, because they can't fit into regular society anymore and don't want to. Or you can make it a dark ending and just leave it there, or something like that.

Mostly because i love LotF, and Jack/Ralph-ness. If you want to post or contact me, as always would love to help and I thanks you very much!! Much Loves!! Woot!!!

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