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I don't know if theres already a story out there like this, if there is i would love for some one to point me out into the right direction, but..

A angst /incest/non con/ romance? challenge..

Okay you know how in the books it explains how Ron got scared of spiders by the prank with the twins and his teddy bear, well what if we could know there real motivations behind it, besides a harmless prank. Involving brotherly love, and wanting to make there fiery little brother to submit to them. Revealing Ron, Fred, and Gorges real secrets.

Id love this to be a to two part thing were you have the story chapters about where, why and how it happened, and so on. then have a sequel to it on having harry, mione, and people finding out and excepting it. you can add some Harry/other weasley or other characters in there too.

Or preferably to me, but you can do it your way, that harry was secretly in a relationship with a/or some slytherins, but was waiting for the right time to tell Ronald. preferably a relationship with Draco and Sev. Also secretly Charlie, Bill, and Percy are in a relationship, and at the end when they find out about Ron and the twins, you find out about them. You don't have to tell about there relationship to the other characters, but at the end you know, you ca have a scene were they go huh, who would have thought, and then start shagging like silly. you don't have to but I'm just saying, yep weaslys all around.

As with all any challenges/requests that i will ever put out there, i would love to help out if you need it. I'm not necessarily a good writer, but I'm great at sentence structure, looking at the big and small pictures of all structure flow, and evaluating stories. If you decide you want to, just post or contact me. Thankys, and Much Loves!!!

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