FoxJaFire Posted March 1, 2009 Report Posted March 1, 2009 A angst/darky/romancy/non con, Challenge, just telling you now. Umm, well how about some thing along the lines of, starting back when James and everyone are at Hogwarts and James Saves Severus life, and claims a life debt one him, but doesn't activate it yet. Sev and Lucius are friends, and threw circumstances James saves Lucius too. A series of life debt instances go on, were James saves people,(basically he saved a large group of slytherins and a few others, but only claims property on most of them, because of some reason or other) - he only really cares about the ones he has with Sev and Lucius,(maybe some one else too) and makes them his in some way but lets them still live there lives somewhat, and years go by-marries Lily and every thing like that. Then Harry comes into his inheritance, and gains Lucius and Sev, but also saves Draco (savior complex) and there is a scene were Lucius is angry and scared for Draco in some way or form, because he thought it would only be him having to threw that. Also while all this is going on the war can be done or going on, up to whoever, but id like there to be scene were Sev, Lucius and harry are in one room, looking at an album, when they first become Harry's and they say something about Sirius and Albus and harry chucks a wine glass or something at some one and yells at them to leave the room, latter Harry goes to them and fixes all there injuries and pulls out the embedded glass and stuff. You can make Harry a creature that cant figure out who his mates are, or who he wants them to be, for some reason, or that his senses are blocked somehow, voluntarily, and he doesn't realize who they are till after he beets Voldie, or something like that. You can change it around if you want and stuff, all i ask is that it be a long story, like an epic- it should have some time put into it. you know not just like one of those two or three chapter things and then never finished... id like cry. If you decide to do it, and you'd like any help just contact me, is love to read a story like this and most certainly make time for you! Thankys, and much love!! Quote
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