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Scorpius and Hermione

Guest JaceDamian23

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Guest JaceDamian23

Hi I'm look for stories with Mione and Scorpius as lovers. Like if she goes to the future or if he goes to the past or heck I can't care about the age....I read one with them together and it was good.

Or I'd also read a story if Hermione adopts Scorpius and raises him as her own or something like that

please give me some urls


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I couldn't find anything on AFF using the search function, but I do know of a few stories. I'm not sure which one you have read, so if it's not on this list, I'd love it if you could share the link!

Two are located at Granger Enchanted, and you have to be a member to view the Adult Stories.

Family Traditions - My favorite Scorpius/Hermione story. Yummy


Napoleon Complex - This Time Turner WIP has 5 chapters so far and only up to the flirting stage. Very interesting and detailed story.


Suggestion - Scropius is attracted to an older witch. (drabble)


Seduction - Very creepy ficlet starring Insane!Scropius


Plotting - Drabble featuring Professor Hermione


Perspective - For some reason the link seems broken, so here's the link via Google cache;cd=2&gl=us

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Guest JaceDamian23

aw thanks for the help hun. Um the second story you gave me is the story I read. The time travel one. Its so good...thats what got me wanting more haha.

the last one seems interesting. Thanks. I'm a huge Draco/mIOne fan


if you find anything else please send me some urls.

I love the novel type stories the best. The longer the better:)

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  • 8 months later...

I just read another story where Hermione is entrusted to take care of Scropius. (I can't get enough of these!)

Muggle Born Magic - Part of the recent Hermione Big Bang fest. An AU that takes place in the 18th Century; Draco is without a wife, Scropius without a mother. Malfoy hires Hermione to be his son's tutor. 50,000 words long and very, very good. Scorpius is adorable, as usual. :)

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