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looking for a story where sirus is back from the veil

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Guest JaceDamian23

I'm pretty sure the summary is basically.... Sirus is back from behind the veil to find his love has moved on. I think that it is a Sirus, Hermione, Snape story. Not sure which is his love, but pretty sure its a 3 some story. Not sure what site it is on. Doesn't really matter. if you know this story please tell me the author, name, but I would apprecriate if you gave me a url.

I think that this is a novel type story...mature and I dont know if its done.


Guest JaceDamian23
Posted (edited)

no dont think so. this is a Sirus, Mione, and Snape story not a Draco, harry and Snape story....... also I dont know that site, its probaly on fanficiton.net or adultfanficiton.net just cant find it

thanks though

Edited by JaceDamian23
Guest JaceDamian23

or if you cant find that, i'd not mind one with Sirus, Mione and another guy..kinda like that

  • 6 months later...
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