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Hi there. Me here.

I was just thinking, shouldn't any of the TV shows that are non fiction - IE featuring celebrities/soon to be celebrities as themselves - go under the celebrity rather than the TV show board? The reason being people would then have the celebrity specific disclaimer on rather than the the TV disclaimer. There probably are not that many this apply to, but for example... Myth Busters.

Eight stories, including one I contributed towards but didn't upload, and the standard disclaimer is along the lines of " I do not own Myth Busters, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. "

However, Kari Byron, Tori etc etc of the build team are not characters, but are real people. Funnily, the WWE TV shows are listed under celebrity, I assume for this reason, although the wresters all pretty much portray fictionalised characters (except Undertaker, who actually is some kinda supernatural dead man. Allegedly).

I realise everything is being re-organised so this probably wouldn't be something you'd want to think about right off, but I thought it ought to be tossed out because I know you're usually pretty hot on things being disclaimer correctly.


At last! My anal compulsion to nitpick is valid for something! :D

Well, possibly something for you admins to have on your "to think about" list for the future then.

Glad to have raised something helpful.


This actually all falls in to the clean up the archive itself, as that is what is a large part of what's being done with that. Making sure certain story types are in the right places, and etc.

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