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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guilty, people already thought I was a geek for watching so much Star Wars. No way I was telling them I had a crush on Spock!

G/NG- blaming anything on the dog. No seriously, I've done it and gotten away with it.

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Guilty, I gt so many looks because of where my bed sits.

G/NG- playing music as loud as you can stand it just to get back at the people in the apartment upstairs who got drunk and kept you up 'til 6 am. (Hangovers are a bitch, baby!)

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Oh, yeah! My mom hates the batty rap from Fern Gully now. laugh.gif

G/NG- managing to steal a copy of the teacher's textbook long enough to copy all the answers for the next month and a half.

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G/NG- got tired of your friend bitching about how you borrowed the shirt you're wearing month's ago and how she wants it back, so you whip it off right then and throw it at her in public!

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