Title: Dil-Drones Summary: In the not-so-distant future, the world’s largest mail-order company launches a fleet of flying delivery drones and develops a sophisticated computer system to manage them. But when DelNet becomes self-aware, it decides to explore new forms of customer satisfaction. Warnings: Ageplay, Anal, COMPLETE, Ds, Fet, MF, Oneshot, Toys Fandom: Original Solo vs Chaptered: Solo URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108893 Review Replies:
Just look at these rave reviews:
“It’s the Sharknado of porn!”
—Entertainment, Weakly
“It’s like looking into your trousers and seeing the future.”
—The London Daily Ceiling-Mirror
“Coarse, derivative, and exploitative—in other words, everything we like in a pornographic short story.”
—The New Porker
“Two thumbs up…your ass!”
—Two Guys in Sport Coats