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Everything posted by EloiseRenoir

  1. Hello! I'm Eloise, I'm fairly new to the community, but I've been betaing for several years. Harry Potter is the fandom that I know the best, so I would feel very comfortable working with your story. That is if you'll have me. If you're still in need of a beta, and you're interested you can send me a message here or email me at Jonathan361927@yahoo.com. Thanks for your time, I'd love to hear from you. ~ Eloise
  2. I'd love to help out with your story if you're still in need of a beta. I'm really familiar with the Harry Potter canon. I'm a spelling and grammar Nazi so that could help with some of the issues you're having with your story. English is also my first language so I can assist you there as well. If you'd like to talk with me more, feel free to email me at jonathan361927@yahoo.com. Thanks! ~ Eloise
  3. Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help me find a Harry/Draco fanfic. I read it a couple of years ago and loved it, but when my last computer crashed I lost all of my links to my favorite stories. I've been looking for it ever since. It was a story where the boys were still at school I believe, at least for the first part of it. I remember that Draco had found a bird when he was younger, a dove I believe, with a broken wing. He keeps the bird and nurses it back to health. When Lucius finds out about the bird he makes Draco break its neck. This represents how Draco's father made him into the 'cruel' person he is. If anyone could help me find this story I would be forever grateful. Thanks. ~ Eloise
  4. I'd be glad to help out in any way I can. I read a lot at Hexfiles, so that might be useful to you. I'm extremely good with grammar and spelling. Send me a message or email me at jonathan361927@yahoo.com. If you'd like more information, my resume is posted in the beta forum. ~ eloise
  5. Hi! I'd love to help look over your fic. You can reach me at jonathan361927@yahoo.com if you're interested. I'm really good at catching those pesky little grammatical errors. I hope to hear from you.
  6. I would love to help out. Let me know a little bit more about your story and I'll see what I can do. You can email me at "jonathan361927@yahoo.com"
  7. Hello Everyone! I'm Eloise, and although I am rather new to the AFF forum community I would like to dive right in and start working as a beta. I have been a reader on AFF for many years and have recently decided to do more than just lurk. I was brought up with a strict classical education with an emphasis on proper spelling and grammar. I'm willing to beta for any genre and pairing, though I primarily read fiction with a male/male pairing or anything in the Harry Potter universe. I have plenty of free time and I'm more than willing to help you with your writing and stories until I get up the courage to write my own. If you feel that you have a weakness in any specific area of your writing, such as dialouge, descriptions, characterization etc., I will do my best to work with you until we've managed to achieve a piece that you feel comfortable with. I also have no problem working with you if English is not your first language, I only ask that let me help with the editing, which may be extensive, and try not to be offended. It is my job to help you improve your writing and learn to recognize your mistakes. Any criticism is always meant to be constructive and friendly. As your beta I understand that you are the authority and rightful author of your work. My suggestions are exactly that; suggestions. Please feel free to use or decline any ideas that I send your way. I will not judge you or your work based on its content or relationships. I will work with whatever you give me. I can almost always guarentee a quick turn-around on the fixed piece. If a problem should arise where I will not be able to edit the piece within a few days, I will notify you. I prefer to return to separate versions of each story/chapter: one that will be marked with any corrections or suggestions that I may have, and the other will be a clean, edited version that is ready for you to post when you're ready. As I have previously stated I will proofread for any genre, however the following list contains most of the fandoms that I read from and have plenty of knowledge about. However, I do not have any knowlede about fandoms in the Anime genre. -Harry Pottter -Lord Of The Rings -Supernatural -Buffy The Vampire Slayer -Star Trek -StarGate: SG-1 -Lost -Dark Angel -Dexter -Doctor Who -Firefly -Queer as Folk -As well as many other movies, and books. Please comment if you're interested.
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