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  1. I got into my account. Thank you.
  2. Hi. I don’t know if this is where I post. But I’m very late to realizing I needed a link to reactivate my account. I looked in my e-mail but there was no link there. Can you please send me a new link. My account url is below. Thank you. https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296992276
  3. That's alright, DemonGoddess. I understand. Take care.
  4. Alright, cool. Thanks.
  5. That's good to know that you guys take flaming very seriously, although unfortunately, sometimes people are very passive-aggressive with their flaming on here but I will definitely report any flames, in the future. For the most part, I think the rules on here are worth it, considering the ability to write things other sites usually don't allow although I wish we could reply, ourselves, to those who flame us but I understand why you guys would rather have people report to you, instead. Well, thanks again and have a great day.
  6. Alright, WillowDarkling, I was able to update everything and all I can do is hope that people remain unbiased and don't treat people differently or personally dislike strangers for the things they choose to write on this site since at least they're contributing to it and aren't attempting to hurt anyone or hurting anyone in real life... Thanks again, for the the help.
  7. I apologize for not linking with a URL since I didn't know that was required. Honestly, I removed it not to offend anyone who controls the site or break any rules (that I wasn't aware of and will correct it if I can get some help with it) but because I wanted PRIVACY. I attempted to contact someone through private e-mail regarding this but no one replied, even though I was replied to, twice before and pretty promptly. My private information has been breached more than once through this site and I didn't want people linking back and compromising it further. Also, I don't understand why this is coming up now when in the past, I gave my user name and everything was handled just fine without much trouble from anyone. I feel like I'm being mobbed and attacked for some reason. But correct me, if I'm wrong. I simply wanted my profile to be updated and I don't see where the issue lies in that. I would really appreciate it, if I could be helped with that since I am a contributing member to this site. Also, I don't know how to replace the URL. I don't know what was there before I got rid of it... Edit: Oops. I didn't see that my profile had been updated. Thank you to whomever helped me with that but I still do not know how to update my URL to link to my profile and if someone could help me with that, that would be appreciated, thanks... Second Edit: Okay. I figured out how to link it. I no longer need help.
  8. Hi. My user name is GogetaInu and I've noticed that when I'm logged in and looking at my profile in my account, it will show that my profile Bio has been updated but when I view my profile Bio as how someone not logged into my account, would see it, it hasn't been updated. I wanted to know why my profile isn't updating and if there's anyway my profile can be fixed to where others looking at my profile Bio who aren't logged into my account, can see the updated version of it, since the information on it is very outdated, at this point. Thanks.
  9. Oh, okay. Relieved to know everything's okay. Thanks for the reply.
  10. Hi. I cannot log in to my adultfanfiction account. I've typed my password in several times but cannot login. At some point, I had to clear my cache and cookies because I was having browser issues. Could this have something to do with it? Hope that someone can please help me. Thank you.
  11. Thanks so much, BronxWench! I'm breathing a sigh of relief, now. Thanks again!
  12. Hi. I don't know if this is the proper place to put this but I'm really desperate... I just discovered an anonymous review I made on the adult fanfiction site a while back and for some strange reason, my e-mail is displayed and I am begging the moderators to remove this review. The story is called Beyonce's Book of Bitches under the Celebrity and Beyonce section. The e-mail is on the latest review under the name ALE. Thank you.
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