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Everything posted by Braioch

  1. Ahhh well, the first time I've actually begun searching for a Beta, let's see how this goes For what I'm looking for out of a Beta, I first need someone who can obviously pick up on any grammatical errors as well as spelling ones. Also I have a habit of overly describing something, or even worse, using run on sentences, so yeah...>.> Also I need someone who will actually give a crap about the story (which I will skim over in a bit) mostly because I like to chat with anyone who's checking over my work. So I can bounce off ideas and even plot with them. I enjoy sharing that kind of thing with at least ONE person while I'm writing, sometimes it helps get my muse back into shape because he's a lazy ass little bugger sometimes. Oh, it's going into the Naruto section. It will also not have a Sasuke Pairing....it's Kiba and an OMC. Basically it's a re-telling of the series, I have the prologue just about done in case anyone is curious about the OMC where he's detailed a little bit from the Third's POV. So if you're curious at all, just let me know and I can pass it on. But so far I have it (kind of) starting off a couple of weeks before the Chunnin exams and letting it go from there. The first few chapters after the prologue will probably just be going over the developing relationship, but since you know they're only 13 (the OMC will be 14) it's not going to go very far. Kind ties in with my whole 'you really shouldn't be seriously considering sex for at least a few more years at that age' kind of thing, call me old fashioned in my many and long 21 years . Anyways there will be a skip sometime after, for I have a few ideas of what I'm going to do and will be more than willing to share with whomever is interested. For now as far as content I'm seeing M/M(obviously XD) Kiba/OMC, Light Bondage (at some point I'm sure), changing of the canon plot, anal, oral, character death, hurt and comfort (like RL stuff, not overly done) WAFF (again, not overly done, don't want to puke because of the cute after all ) and some other things I'm sure of. Also I could use some help when I get to the Shippuden episodes, most of my knowledge off of that is based on reading online, as I haven't got a hold of the episodes yet. I think that's about it for now, let me know....or don't ~Braioch~
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