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  1. LOL, you're unbelievably bad at this.
  2. You're deeply deluded. I've been trolled in the past; hell, I've even had people try to set up 4chan forum invasions on me. At no point did I ever freak out about it in the way you do, because having an actual life outside the internet is what allows me to have some perspective on the whole thing. You're treating fanfiction (FANFICTION) as though it is something important and serious to the world, which it is most certainly not. You state that people have been trolling you for a long time. You state that half of a forum has ganged up on you. You know what the common denominator is in those circumstances? You.
  3. Haha, are you for real? You think that the only way I could find your ultra-vehement complaints about trolls silly is if I was related to the activity itself? No, I'm afraid I don't have sufficient motivation to do that to anyone. I'm simply approaching the matter from a realistic perspective: if you're going to write erotic fanfiction and post it on the internet for everyone to see, you open yourself up to attacks from many angles. Really, I think you'll understand the inherent silliness of the whole thing if you state it to yourself in an objective manner. Repeat this out loud to yourself: "I'm comparing people spamming reviews of my erotic Sonic The Hedgehog fanfiction to rape." Doesn't that seem more than a tad over-the-top to you? To compare someone insulting you on the internet to having someone physically violate you in the worst way possible? If so, perhaps you should leave the computer for a while. EDIT: Additionally, let me tell you that getting so worked up for it provides INCREDIBLE motivation for people to keep attacking you, when there's one simple, logical thing that would make it all better: laughing it off as people being silly on the internet.
  4. Nah, didn't read any of your stuff, I just felt like attacking you for taking people spamming reviews on your erotic Sonic fanfiction so seriously. How does it matter to you in any way.
  5. Trolls are to writers as disruptive students are to teachers: they only pop up if you suck at your job.
  6. Sucking cum out of your partner's ass. I don't know of it actually occurring with any frequency in real life.
  7. Most people in the fanfiction community, for some bizarre reason, seem to view writing as a massive circlejerk where the only purpose is the approval of others via reviews. Of course you shouldn't be writing at all if all you want is the approval of others, but unfortunately this is not the case. To address the question, the fear of negative reviews is specifically tied to the above desire for hugs all around, where even the ugliest girl can find someone to say her eyes are pretty. To be honest, though, negative reviews are borderline impossible to find as the standards are dreadfully low.
  8. Ironically, claims were made in the early days of AFF that the site was not a response to anything elsewhere in the community.
  9. It's unbelievably silly that a section for 'controversy' would be needed on a pornographic website.
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