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Newbie (1/14)



About Me

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I would consider myself an amateur writer and I strive each day to become better at what I love. I also have an insatiable love for Paranormal Romance Novels. That is not to say I don't read other stuff, but just really, really love Paranormal Romance Novels. Let me see, what else? I have a bunny named Oreo and a mutt of a dog named Billy. Don't ask. My grandmother named him. I didn't.

Uh, I really love cats, but sadly I don't own any. :cry: I particularly love fluffy balls of doom! I also love horses. Not as much as I use to, but I still love them. I have a deep respect and love for wolves. Mythical creatures wise, I love dragons and griffins.

My favorite colors are Black, Blood Red, and all shades of Blue.

I have to have a little coffee with my cream and sugar! Otherwise I don't function well during the day.

I live practically at my computer, but only because my Muse taunts me into writing a lot. Not always to what I want though. Damn woman needs to get her priorities straight! I have a novel in process that needs to be written!

I do live in Alabama. Yes - I have indoor plumbing, Yes - I wear shoes, No - I am not married to my cousin, and when I speak I don't sound illiterate. Nascar is not something I love and football is not what I eat and breathe. Shocking isn't it? :blink:

Religion wise... I am Pagan. No, I don't worship Satan. That would make me a Satanist.

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