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Posts posted by MuggleAngel

  1. I haven't read this one... But I did read one where Draco was accidentally hit by a spell that made his penis grow huge. Everyone in school finds out and he is constantly harassed. He goes to Harry for help getting his pants to fit and they end up having sex... I don't know if you read slash or not, since you asked for het. But just in-case you'd like to read it, I'll post the link below.

    Engorgio, by Constant Vigilance, is posted @TheHexFiles.


  2. I've been searching for this story for quite a long time now and still can't seem to find it anywhere! I just looked through the "Time Travel and Crossdimensional Travel Society", but didn't have any luck finding it... If it is there, then I'm missing it somehow. I know I've asked for help here in finding this, but that was a while ago and maybe someone new can help me out!?! Okay, so this is what I remember;



    I know that Draco was living under the care of Sirius, though I don't remember why. But because of this, Harry and Draco become close like brothers. The Headmaster had both of the boys and their guardians in his office. Other friends of Harry's and their Parents were there too, but I don't remember who (might of been Hermione, Ron and Ginny). The Headmaster then told them, that with their Parents consent they would be sent to the past; back when Harry's Parents where still in school. They all agreed and the four (I think it was four or five) teens were sent back to the 70's (I don't remember the exact year). I think they landed on Hogwarts grounds, near the teenage James and Sirius. Shortly after their arrival, the teenage Remus appeared not far from them. In his arms he was holding a badly beaten Severus Snape.

    It turns out Snape and the Marauders were actually friends, but kept it secret. When Harry saw how badly Snape was hurt, he ran over to his side and used his magic to heal him. Harry passed out and Madam Pomfrey arrived soon after. She was surprised someone as small as Harry could heal such injuries. She gave him a Pepper-up potion and ordered him to rest...

    I know Harry tells the teens of the past who they are and helps them rescue Lily from the Dursley's. When he got to his mom he told her who he was... Um, I don't really remember anything after that. But I do know it was a Snarry.

    If anyone know this story, could you please give me the title, author and a link!?!I would be very grateful, Please and Thank You! :)

  3. I think I read a story like this but it was a Tonks/Harry story and she was helping him. There was a magical trunk with rooms involved. Does this ring any bells it was on Fanfiction.net and I tried finding it to see if it was one you were looking for but could not.

    No, sorry... I only ever read two stories that were Tonks/Harry, but neither one is what I'm looking for. Thanks for trying to help though, I appreciate it! :)

  4. There is a search by elvanya, about a time traveling trunk... I posted a comment there and Guest_angel_* asked if I could post a link to the stories I mentioned. The thing is I read them quite some time ago, so I was hoping someone cloud help me out with that!

    I remember reading two stories where Harry received a trunk. In one (or both) the trunk was given or left to him by Merlin. In at least one of the stories the trunk held a training room... I think there was also a huge library inside the trunk too!?! Harry would spend his spare time during school in the trunk to train and learn things, to help him in the war. Um... I think in one of the stories time moved at a different speed inside the trunk (though I'm not really sure about this), so he could spend more time training and not be missed at school. I think in one of them he bought himself an extra trunk like Mad Eye Moody's, but I don't remember why... And I'm pretty sure in one of them Harry had a new look...

    I know this isn't much to go by! I read these either before or just after I moved... so maybe four-years -ago!?! I hope someone can help me find them! If you could give me the Titles, Authors and the Site or Sites they are posted at, I would be very greatfull. Please and Thank You! :D

  5. @MuggleAngel

    can u give me the links to the story u said?

    Oh dear, um... I honestly don't remember the titles, or where I read them. I'm thinking I read them before I moved, so maybe four-years-ago!?! If you like I'll try to remember more about them and start a search of myown...

  6. I recommend stories by Constant Vigilance, posted on TheHexFiles. They are all Drarrys. Links posted below.



    The first three meet the requests you posted and the rest are some of my faves by the same Author!

    1) To the Moon, is a fabulous Draco deaged story. Harry, Greg and Vince stay at Hogwarts during summer brake to take care of him... WARNING: Mentions of child-rape and Lucius Malfoy bashing!


    2) Retreat, is... well it's unique in my opinion. It's been a while since I read this one, but Harry was beaten badly by Lucius... and mentally retreats to a four-year-old. I don't remember if Draco was the one to rescue him, but he did take care of Harry when they returned to school.


    3) In the fic Becoming Bestial, Draco is trying to become an Animagus and failing at it. Harry finds out and confronts him about it. They spend time together as Harry teaches Draco how to do it properly.


    4) Corruptela Vox, is a "Truth or Dare" story. In this everyone involved in the game finds out Draco's kink! :D


    5) In One Week, Harry tries to get Draco to see how much he loves him. But Draco is stubborn and it takes him a week to believe Harry.


    6) To Hurt, To Heal, is one of my all time faves! Draco goes against his Father's orders and warns Harry of a Death Eater attack. They end up injured and hiding out in The Forbidden Forest, along with a few other Gryffindors.


    7) Veritas, has few similarities with the story "Corruptela Vox". In this the Slytherins and Gryffindors are playing "I Never" WARNING: Mentions of rape and attempted suicide!


    There are other stories by this Author that are awesome, but are very graphic... Since you didn't ask for that kind of story, I did not post a link to them. The drables by Constant Vigilance, are wonderful and often cute... If you haven't read their work, then I think you may like the fics I've recommended! :)

  7. I know of two that I read where Harry received a trunk... In one (or both) the trunk was given or left to him by Merlin. One story the trunk held a training room. But I can't remember ever reading any where the trunk could make him time travel... Sorry I couldn't be any help! :D

  8. I've never read the story that you mentioned, but I do know of a good one. Secrets, by Vorabiza, posted @ HPFandom is one of my all time faves! In this story Harry takes care of a baby girl he thinks is an orphan, but later finds out she's a Malfoy. Obviously this becomes a Drarry (Harry/ Draco)... It is also very long, with 62 chapters. Even though it's long, it's very well written and worth reading! If you haven't read it, then the link below should get you there no problem.


  9. Draco's Engagement by Keikokin is the story I was thinking about yesterday. Draco is going to be Married, but his fiance is blackmailing him into it. He goes to Harry for help in finding out about her past... In the end it is a Drarry. I'd tell you more, but if you haven't read it I don't want to spoil it for you! It's posted @ TheSilverSnitch and the link blow should take you there no problem!


  10. In Every Cloud Has A Slytherin Lining , Harry is married to Hermione, but later ends up with Draco. There is a bit of Hermione bashing in this, but it a pretty good one. It's posted @ TheSilverSnitch by Keikokin, the link below should get you there.


    I also remember reading a story, where Draco goes to Harry for help. He wants Harry to find things out about his wife... I think Harry was a privet detective or something like that!?! But I can't seem to find this one, sorry!

  11. If you're looking for the Author of Claiming Hermione, I think I found them... Just like you said, they did mention that story on their page. They posted three HP Dramione stories, one was written in 2008 and they other in 2009. I haven't read them yet, but I hope one of them is what you're looking for!

    The Author is ilke, I really do hope this is the right person!

    The first one other then Claiming Hermione is called Between Forgetting and Remembering, the link blow should get you there.


    And the second story is Little Windows, link is below.


    I really do hope one of these is right! :)

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