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Everything posted by MuggleAngel

  1. That's not very much to go by... Can you remember any more details of this story?
  2. I don't know if you are still looking into this, but I found the second one that I was thinking about... and it only took me around 2-years! The story is Charles Alexander Tompkins, by Taran and is posted on HP Fandom. In it there was a Death Eater attack on Hogwarts. Harry and Professor Snape were in the same corridor when they were attacked. Snape told Harry to run and a Death Eater cast a spell on Snape and he disappeared. Everyone thought Snape had died protecting Harry. Dumbledore later got a floo message that the school had sent a student to a protective room in a safe house, who turned out to be a teenaged Severus Snape. Sev came back to Hogwarts under a different name and with out any memories... I really don't want to tell you any more if you haven't read it, but it is a wonderful story and one of my fave Snarrys! The link blow should take you there no problem! http://hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=65
  3. Okay... It took me almost 2-years, but I finally found this one! The only thing I was wrong about was that Sev.'s new name started with the letter C, not D. If anyone would like to read it; the stary is Charles Alexander Tompkins, by Taran and is posted on HP Fandom. The link below should take you there no problem! http://hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=65
  4. It took me less time then I thought it would to find the second story I mentioned, but my computer spazzed and I had to restart it... That story is Kitty Love, by phoenixmaiden, is posted on HP Fandom and I blieve that it has 2 or 3 sequels. The link below should take you to that story! http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=36827
  5. Okay... The fist one I mentioned is A Panther's Heart, by Copper Vixen and is posted on HP Fandom. The link below, should get you there no problem! http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=10171
  6. I know of one where Harry was a Black Panther, but was sent to a Vet and adopted by Lucius Malfoy to be a pet for his son. Draco bonds with the Panther and figures out it's really Harry... Of course it turns out as a Drarry! There is another where Harry was turned into a small black cat (by Draco I think) and then found later by Lord Volemort. Tom (Voldemort) and Harry later become a couple, once Harry is made mostly human again. I should be able to find the first one easily, but it may take me a while to find the second . I'm sorry to say, that I've never read the one that you are looking for though!
  7. I'm open to reading Het, as long as it's well written... so thanks for the help ! But when you say "FFN", do you mean FanFiction.net?
  8. Yes... Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  9. I can only remember one, but it's Slash... To tell the truth, I'm not even sure I could find that one, since the last time I read it was about seven-years-ago!?! I'm sorry I couldn't be any help!
  10. I read this once last year... but don't remember the Title or the Author. Here is what I do remember! A Marriage Law comes into effect. I think Harry and Ginny Married before being forced to marry someone else, as Ginny told him she was pregnant. One of the twins (I don't remember which one) is inlove with Hermoine and upset that he may never have the chance to be with her. When they pick the name of the Witch they will marry, his brother got Hermione's and they traded names without letting anyone know... I think the other name that he gave to his twin, was Pansy Parkinson!?! I'm not positive, but I think Ron got Luna's name... who later slipped him a potion to make him love her. I think that Harry finds out that Ginny wasn't really pregnant, that she only said she was to force him to marry her. He was hurt that she would lie to him about such a thing... Um, I think that both Ginny and her Mom were kiled by an accadental explosion, while sitting in a restoraunt!?! I really don't remember much else, but hope someone knows the story! If you could let me know the Title, Author, Site and or Sites it is posted; I would really apreciate it! Please and Thank You!
  11. I know a good one... it is however very long (82 chapter + 2 Author's Notes)! In it Harry runs away from the Dursley's when he was only 5-years-old and ends up being raised by Gypsies. The Gypsies keep him hidden in plain sight from the Wizarding World, simply by covering his scar with a scarf. A lot happens and I don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't read it, but Harry does find out he's the rightful Heir of Hogwart's and owns the school... The story is Gypsy Caravan, by witchdragon and is posted on HPFandom. The link blow should get you there no problem! http://hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=18012
  12. I'm nearly 30, but have recently started watching Doc McStuffins. I also enjoy the Toy Story movies. I was wondering if there where any good stories around, about the toys in either of these... Pretty much any kind of story is fine, but I don't want to read anything where the toy (toys) kill anyone or any thing. If you know of any I would be grateful to know... Thank You!
  13. My fave Drarry author is Constant Vigilance, who posts on The Hex Files. All of their fics are amazing... from the short Drabbles to their longer stories! However, some of them are very graphic. So just make sure you read their Warnings, before you read the fics. I also wrote a short Drarry... it's not much but I'm very proud of it. This link should take you to Constant Vigilance page no problem! http://www.thehexfiles.net/viewuser.php?uid=33 My little Drarry is called Laun-Drarry. And if you read it, I hope you enjoy it. The link be low should get you to it. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095776
  14. It was my first time going to AO3, but I was able to find Yours by spae. The link below should take you to it no problem! http://archiveofourown.org/works/295234?view_adult=true
  15. Found it... and it took me less then a minute. It's posted on HPFandom and is called Small Fires: A bedtime story for SoftObsiian74, by Emily Waters. The link below should take you there no problem! http://hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=33450
  16. That does sound interesting... sorry I've never read it! The story I mentioned has a sequel and I'll post the link to both. Here's a heads-up though... The Author tends to over explain or have the characters repeat themselves during a conversation. They also sometimes get the time lines off by a bit, but as long as you're paying attention, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I really hope you enjoy both of these and the links below should take you to them no problem! 1) The quartet meet Lily and the Marauders This story is 31 chapters long and leaves off when the Quartet return to their time. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544204940 2) The Quartet and The Marauders: The new time line. And this one is 12 chapters and picks up with them reappearing in 1997. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600008590
  17. I know I've read one where Harry and Draco go to the past... but in that one, the two where like brothers... I've actually been looking for it for a while. I'm sorry, but I don't think I've read the one that you are looking for!
  18. I know of a few where they use a potion to gain their Animagus forms... but I can't remember the titles or where I read them, sorry! I do know of one though that is a time-travel fic, where Harry and his friends are Animagus. Um, I know that; Ron is a Black-Panther, Ginny is a Cat, Hermione is a White-Owl and I think Harry is a fox. In this story Harry and his friends wind up in the past and become friends with Lily and The Marauders. It's also both Het and Slash... Let me know if you'd like to read it and I'll track it down!
  19. I have read a couple of stories by the Author chelleybelle and loved them! I have begun to read the story Professor, You're Mine!, but it is incomplete. It was last updated in 2008 and appears to be abandoned. In the Author's Notes they say they have the outline for the rest of the story and it would update in a couple of weeks, however they never did... I was wondering if the Author possibly posted and completed it elsewhere? If so, could you please post me a link to it!?! Please and Thank You!
  20. I know this was posted four-years-ago, but does anyone have a link to these?
  21. MuggleAngel


    The Drarry story is Moonlight Offering, by Slashpervert and is posted on HPFandom. It's one of my faves ! The link below should get you there no problem! http://hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=32080
  22. Okay... I was able to find the story I was looking for on my own, but would still love to read more great HP Christmas fics! So if anyone know of any, please give me a heads up . The story is The Truest Christmas Wish, by Constant Vigilance. The link to it is below! http://www.angelfire...ruestxmas.html/
  23. MuggleAngel


    I do know of one where Harry has sex while in a wolf form, but the person he has sex with is Draco... Sorry, I haven't read one with Ginny or Hermione!
  24. Um... There is a story called The Veela In Her. But I don't remember her appearance changing and I know it's not complete. Can you remember anything else from the fic you're looking for?
  25. I know of one that Ron and his dorm mates rape Harry and kick him out of the tower... Ron did this because he found out Harry was gay, but the others did it because I think Ron told them he tried to rape Ginny!?! ... To tell the truth I don't remember the pairing, but both Severus and Draco were the ones to take care of Harry after what happened. Sorry to say I don't remember the title, author or the site it was on.
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