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Everything posted by draechaeli

  1. I just read that fic! But I couldn't find it. I did however run across a similar fic in which Harry finds Sirius and Remus having sex and wants to join in. I did not read too far into it since I need to go to bed so there might be a beast scene similar to whac you described in this fic. It is very chan (Harry is like 9 fyi his whole sexual nature is due to some curse or similiar) it is called The Children of Atum If you haven't read it you might enjoy it.
  2. So my last fic search I confused two fics. the first one was founds so now I'm looking for a slash fic in which Harry is at hogwarts and just happens to dance topless (not overly whorish, just with friends), I'm remembering/thinking gold nipple rings and green pants (for the whole gryffindor/slytherin thing) Does this story even exist?
  3. Soche funny thing is I had decided to reread For Services Rendered about a week ago and stopped at chap ten and started reading new thing it must have gotten stuck in my head. I wish their had been dancing though. Thank you for your help. By the way I like your Inu-Youkai
  4. I'm looking or this fic I once read. It involved Harry being very abused, or sold as a whore when he was younger and Snape saving him. I just remember at one point Harry and Snape have some of the Slytherins (possibly Gryffindor's as well) over to Snape's quarters and there is dancing. Harry is only wearing green silk pyjama bottoms, and he has his nipples pierced (or something similar). One of those Harry doesn't attend Hogwarts as a normal student fics. There is a possibility that I am confusing two stories together and it might have a diferent premise (Like Harry wanting to be Severus' sub or something) I'm mostly looking for a fic inwhich Harry is dancing (for fun with friends) topless and he happens to have his nipples pierced. Thanks for the help!
  5. At 21:41 Today I got a score of 700 on Pyramid Solitare!!!

    1. draechaeli


      When I first started playing the last high score on the first page was either 700 or 715 and so I made it my personal goal to get in the 700s. Then I got a score of 935 and later 1150. But I still wanted that 700 and I got it!

    2. DemonsAngel
    3. DemonGoddess


      cool! that's a tough game

  6. Sad... Thanks for the info
  7. Scenario 3.1 (includes Harry having mates): Cuddel Monster VS Lust Monster by yamiyugi23: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026135
  8. I'm looking for a fic that was being updated around the same time as 'Reluctant Slut' was on AFF. It was in the 'Harry Potter AU/AR' threesome or male/male section. The premise is that Vernon decided that Harry was too costly or something, and raises him as a whore to raise money. The first few chapters is Harry with various OCs that are his clients and he is unhappy. When Harry gets his hogwarts letter there is like an auction for the last customer of the school year. and Fudge (who Vernon doesn't know is a wizard) wins. Then Harry goes to school and is relieved that his whoring days are mostly over. But he ends up being really horny and wanks in a bathroom stall and is caught by Theodore Nott (I think) who demands that Harry be his own personal slave. The story hadn't updated for a while and then when I couldn't find it to see if there was an update I thought it was moved. I searched in the Harry Potter AU/AR- threesome, Harry Potter AU/AR-male/male section and the Harry Potter- threesome. Anyone have any idea where this fic went? only 5 or so chapters and if it was removed for plagiarism I wouldn't mind a link to the original. Thanks
  9. That was what I was figuring. It wasn't that I wanted more people to read the fic so much as that when I see some warnings I expect it to happen in between chapters 5 and 10 and when it doesn't happen until chapter 50 I get antsy. like with MPreg I'll be like... 'Ooo, ooo he's pregnant... oh no he's not.' Or in the same instant, the characters in the fic are like 'why is he sick to his stomach and moody?' and I'm screaming at my computer 'He's pregnant you idiot!!!' So yeah, warn I shall
  10. I have a fanfic idea that involves MPreg. But I really don't want to add it as a warning, because then anytime any characters in the fic have sex people are going to assume they are going to get pregnant. I just wanted to hear peoples view on this in general. I mean I got into MPreg when I was reading a really good fic and suddenly the male character was pregnant. Personally I have all these standards for MPreg. For me to look for MPreg in a fandom there has to be a decent reason for a guy to get pregnant: a world with magic, a society set a couple hundred years in the future, the parties involved are not strictly human, etc. I will admit that I do often when coming across a MPreg fic in for example: House MD. I read it because I want to know how in 2010ish House got Chase pregnant, or something similar. I already have this future fic of mine planned out. I have a logical reason for this male getting pregnant. I also believe that I am a good writer, and therefore no one could get angry at me or those respects. I was just wondering how many people would get angry and stop reading the fic because of surprise MPreg, or would you continue reading because the situation was well thought out, logical (as logical as MPreg can get) and well written? The second part of this is do you think I would get in trouble on any fanfic posting sites/LJ if I left this warning off? For other reasons this fic will have a pretty high rating so it is not like I'm saying "Please, 12-year-old whose parents would kill me if they knew you read a suplise-mpreg fic, come read!" Thanks for your imput, and sorry I'm not going to tell you the fandom, since that would ruin the surprise.
  11. There were two that I knew of both were not finished sadly. And I seem to have only bookmarked one of them. But here is Baby Harry http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600008438&chapter=1
  12. Here is just a good general search for slash BDSM fics http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/categories.php...p;parentcatid=2 Here are some of my favorites: http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=13346 http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=22128 http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=24468 http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=26443 http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=5554 Hope that helps
  13. I read this fic years ago I'm about 90% sure that it is on FF.net. It was a Drarry with D/s components sub!Harry I remember that I stopped reading the fic when watersports was brought in. Now that I am older I would like to continue reading the fic. I just remember Draco saying he wouldn't make Harry eat his feacle matter because that was unsanitary but fresh urine was fine. If anyone knows this fic I would be greatful. Thanks
  14. Thanks Anny I never saw this reply until I found it myself. Lol it is also on TSS: http://www.thesilversnitch.net/tss2/viewstory.php?sid=3969 For anyone else who wanted it. Ended up having less BDSM then I remember but still amazing!
  15. To be fair I am answering my own questions How You Interpreted the Books/Movies 1. On a scale of Neglect to severe mental and physical abuse where is Harry? Somewhere in the middle 2. On a scale of extra chores to slave where is Harry? more on the slave end 3. On a scale of no physical contact to sex slave/whored out where is Harry? no physical contact 4. On a scale of Malnourishment to Starvation where is Harry? more towards malnourished What You Enjoy Reading 1. Would you read this fic where Harry’s abuse was more medically realistic and apparent? If so would you only read it if the abuse was minimal, moderate, or savvier, or does that not matter to you? Yes I would read it and as long as the abuse was realistic went with a plot and there was some form of resolution I would read it. 2. Do you feel that if Harry appeared and acted more like an abuse victim then in the books, would the Wizarding World be blind, only wanting to see their saviour? Yes 3. On a scale of Neglect to severe mental and physical abuse where is Harry? Anywhere 4. On a scale of extra chores to slave where is Harry? slave, is more fun (brings in new conflict) 5. On a scale of no physical contact to sex slave/whored out where is Harry? Either is good 6. On a scale of Malnourishment to Starvation where is Harry? I really want to write a proper malnourished Harry 7. MPreg Yay or Nay? 8. Threesome/Moresome Yay or Nay? 9. BDSM Yay or Nay? (you can separate it out too) 10. Slave Yay or Nay? 11. Under 18 Yay or Nay? I should have added Non-con to which my answer is to move a plot okay 12. Dumbledore Yay or Nay? 13. Weasley’s Yay or Nay? (you can break it down and differ between members) I love the Twins, Bill and Charlie the rest is a toss up 14. Hermione Yay or Nay? toss up 15. Malfoy’s Yay or Nay? (you can break it down and differ between members) 16. Snape Yay or Nay? 17. Remus Yay or Nay? 18. Sirius Yay or Nay? toss up 19. Fenrir Yay or Nay? toss up 20. Tom Riddle/Voldemort Yay or Nay? (you can separate them) toss up I wouldn’t mind also knowing people’s favourite pairings. It depends on my mood and what I want to read: Draco/Harry Severus/Harry Fenrir/Harry Lucius/Harry Tom/Harry Remus/Sirius/Remus Mix and match the above Fred/George/Fred Ron/Hermione Pansy/Hermione Neville/Ginny Neville/Luna Luna/Ginny Blaise/Ron
  16. Physically, psychologically, accurate Harry Potter This is a challenge and a story plot that I endeavour to write. The basis of which is that the implied and abuse that Harry Potter suffered as a child should have been more apparent. For example, Harry should feel awkward with casual touch, or crave it, and he should be small for his age. In many fics these are features that are very apparent. I want to read/write a fic where the first glimpse of Harry it is obvious that he suffered at the Dursley's. I would also not mind write the first one to two chapters under certain parameter so that I write the first glimpse of abused Harry and then let someone else with good plot ideas finish. I would like to see and read more of such stories and for the one that I would like to write I would like to ask peoples options on how they interpreted Harry's life prior to Hogwarts. If as many people as possible could help me with this I would appreciate it. I have two list of questions how you interpreted the books/movies and the second what you like to read. How You Interpreted the Books/Movies 1. On a scale of Neglect to severe mental and physical abuse where is Harry? 2. On a scale of extra chores to slave where is Harry? 3. On a scale of no physical contact to sex slave/whored out where is Harry? 4. On a scale of Malnourishment to Starvation where is Harry? What You Enjoy Reading 1. Would you read this fic where Harry's abuse was more medically realistic and apparent? If so would you only read it if the abuse was minimal, moderate, or savvier, or does that not matter to you? 2. Do you feel that if Harry appeared and acted more like an abuse victim then in the books, would the Wizarding World be blind, only wanting to see their saviour? 3. On a scale of Neglect to severe mental and physical abuse where is Harry? 4. On a scale of extra chores to slave where is Harry? 5. On a scale of no physical contact to sex slave/whored out where is Harry? 6. On a scale of Malnourishment to Starvation where is Harry? 7. MPreg Yay or Nay? 8. Threesome/Moresome Yay or Nay? 9. BDSM Yay or Nay? (you can separate it out too) 10. Slave Yay or Nay? 11. Under 18 Yay or Nay? 11.2. Non-Con Yay or Nay? 12. Dumbledore Yay or Nay? 13. Weasley's Yay or Nay? (you can break it down and differ between members) 14. Hermione Yay or Nay? 15. Malfoy's Yay or Nay? (you can break it down and differ between members) 16. Snape Yay or Nay? 17. Remus Yay or Nay? 18. Sirius Yay or Nay? 19. Fenrir Yay or Nay? 20. Tom Riddle/Voldemort Yay or Nay? (you can separate them) I wouldn't mind also knowing people's favourite pairings. For some clarifying definitions since I often find these words in fics misused here are the dictionary definitions of some terms. Starvation –noun: the act or state of starving; condition of being starved. Malnourished –adjective: poorly or improperly nourished Neglect –verb: to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight Please also note that I am not saying that neglect is a lesser offence then physical abuse. I am just saying they are on separate ends of the spectrum. If one is truly neglected then one is not also beat. Thanks for your help I appreciate it!
  17. I could have sworn the story was on hp fandom but I couldn't find it. The plot is a vampire finds harry on the steps of the Dursley's and takes him away. the Vampire thinking that Harry is a muggle uses his as a sex slave. Snape is sent to the Vampires for negotiation about alliances where he is forcefully gifted a sex slave - Harry. I believe the Harry hids his magic and no one knows it is him until it is too late (aka Snape is already screwing the boy). If you know this fic a sight and name and/or a link would be very nice, thank you.
  18. I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved. Author's Note: So here is several challenges for people to do, anyone can write for them just please e-mail me with the link to the fic when posted. What all of these fics have in common is Bottom!Harry. I accept (since I know that it happens in real life relationships) it when Harry Tops once in a great while. So these story ideas come from me getting angry at fanfiction, for example: not a lot of Whore!Harry or Slave!Harry fics or the whole creaturefic where there are mates (for creatures that traditionally don't have mates). Oke so… Challenge 1: Willing Slave (main pairing: Drarry) Plot: Harry is forced to pick up books at the local Library for Dudley's summer project on Slavery in Britain. Harry becomes curious about Wizarding Slavery and orders book (pick a place). Deciding that slavery would help protect him Harry returns to Hogwarts and picks Draco Malfoy. Harry will first need to make sure that Draco doesn't have the Dark Mark. After he is assured his rules for the slavery are: Doesn't want to be killed, Doesn't want to be given to Voldemort. (add more if you want). Don't care how it happens but this altercation should occur in a dark hallway with only Harry, Draco and the paintings. To prove his worth/sincerity/willingness Harry should suck Draco off. Timeline: After Harry kills the Basilisk and Before Voldemorts return in fourth year. Slavery rules: the slave is allowed to draw up rules into the slavery contract upon initial forming of the contract. Contract is not on paper. Contract is not subject to change. (Ex. Slave can say they do not want their life in mortal danger. So the slave can be beat, but not beat unto an inch of their life. (please note the slave can still be killed)). The slave is slave to their master first and their master's master second. (ex. (patriarchal society) master's father or other living male relatives that are of higher rank (godfathers, uncles, grandfathers) say the master is a Baronet the slave will answer to the (in order low to high) Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, Prince, and King and any sons they may have). But say the slave of the prince of Wales swears loyalty to the King of France the slave is not a slave to the King of France. This might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Styles_and_titles_of_peers pay attention to the Royalty, Nobility and Gentry sections (this is the order, I'm pretty sure) Harry answers to in order: Draco (master), Lucius (master's father), Severus (master's godfather), People of higher rank to Lucius (master's father's masters), and Sirius (master's mother's cousin (has no sway, but is only other relative) only if Draco says to listen to him). My Hopes for Fic: Harry getting a collar and a skimpy slave outfit Draco becomes board in History of Magic, and Harry sucks him off. Remember: Harry is willing, fighting should be a minimum. Challenge 2: Harry Raised as a Whore (main pairing: ?) Plot: The Dursley's whore out Harry from a young age. Harry not knowing any better allows it to happen. Although if Harry's life is in danger, his magic will protect him. The ministry records all happenings of accidental magic to cross-reference and make sure that all muggleborn students were/will be invited to one of the magical schools. Harry's case soon becomes talk of the ministry since Harry doesn't know his own name and all bouts of magic are being registered under Boy (or some other such thing). Lucius casually mentions it to some of his more seedy associates (who wouldn't mind using a muggle/muggleborn whore) and Lucius discovers that it is Harry Potter. Scenario 2.1: Lucius realizes the whore is Potter when he sees Harry with Draco at the Robe Shop. Since Hagrid isn't there (at that moment) Takes Harry home and uses him as a whore. Secenario 2.2: Lucius realizes the whore is Potter when he sees Harry with Draco at the Robe Shop. Since Hagrid isn't there (at that moment) Takes Harry home and with the remaining month before school starts helps Harry have a more normal life. Note: If a story like this already exists just e-mail me draechaeli@gmail.com Challenge 3: Creature!Harry (main pairing: Snarry, or Drarry or SS/DM/HP or LM/SS/HP or whoever) Note: I'm sick of Creature fics that screw up the creature. Especially the Incubus/Succubus fics. Plot: Harry is a Succubus Scenario 3.1: Harry's family ignores him as a child (like canon). As a succubus Harry needs affection, until he is old enough to have sex (when puberty begins). The lack of affection starves Harry and that is the real reason Harry is skinny and short for his age. When he meets Hagrid he realizes that Hagrid could squish him so in the Robe shop, Harry clings to Draco since he is the best candidate so far. Draco takes Harry to his parents. Draco, Lucius, Narcissa (if you want), and Severus decide that Harry needs to be cuddled/coddled/loved until he is old enough and then he'll need lots of sex. Scenario 3.2: Harry's family ignores him as a child (like canon). As a succubus Harry needs life energy in the form of sex. The lack of sex starves Harry and that is the real reason Harry is skinny and short for his age. (You could add that he was "raped" by a primary school teacher if you would like). When he meets Hagrid he realizes that Hagrid could squish him so in the Robe shop, Harry clings to Draco since he is the best candidate so far. Draco takes Harry to his parents. Draco, Lucius, and Severus, and they start to feed Harry (best candidate would probably be Lucius). Since Harry has been starved he will need lots of continual sex until he is full (insert threesome/moresome here) and after the initial feeding there would need to be frequent feedings to keep him healthy. Succubus/Incubus: For one are both masculine. Traditionally a Succubus is female, but it is simply this. An Incubus collects energy by penetrating a victim and drawing the energy from whatever surrounds (mouth, vagina, anus, etc.) the tool that is penetrating (the incubus' tongue, finger, penis, etc.). A succubus collects energy by being penetrated by the victim and drawing energy from whatever tool is penetrating (tongue, finger, penis, etc.) the orifice (mouth, vagina, anus, etc.). Note: so there would be no mate for Harry, just willing donors. As in multiple. As Harry would be taking life energy the victims/donors would become tired or could even die. Magic would held but in the initial feeding there would need to be multiple people involved. A good reference to show what I mean is "A Map of Tokyo Savage: A Side Story" it involves a young succubus. Challenge 4: Harry raised by Creatures (main pairing: Snarry, or Drarry) Plot: Through some means (your decision) Harry is raised by satyrs/fauns. Dumbldore searches for Harry, finds him and then convinces Harry to go to Hogwarts. Harry used to the Satyr/Faun lifestyle searches out for sex while at Hogwarts. Satyr: are Greek they are creatures of sex and reckless abandonment. They worship Dionysus the god of wine, ritual madness and ecstasy. Their own kindred god is Pan, God of the flock and has his own conquests. Satyrs' bottom half is that of a goat. Originally depicted with human feet and a horse tail. Later were depicted cloven and with a goats tail. Mature male satyrs have horns and the young have knobs where horns will grow. I have seen them depicted having sex with all manner of animals; goats and humans alike. Based on Greek culture, they would have little problem engaging a young boy in sex. Satyrs were actually considered uncouth and savage and therefore while Greek practiced pederasty (erotic practices between adult males and adolescent boys), Satyrs might have practiced paedophilia. Either way a child raised by them would be used to daily drunken orgies, whether or not they were a part of it. Faun: are Roman they are creatures of sex and reckless abandonment. They worship Bacchus the god of wine, ritual madness and ecstasy. Their own kindred god is Faunus, God of the flock and has his own conquests, and the Goddess Fauna. Fauns' bottom half is that of a goat. Mature male fauns have horns and the young have knobs where horns will grow. I have seen them depicted having sex with all manner of animals; goats and humans alike. Based on Roman culture (which is a bit more strict then Greek in terms of sex), they would have little problem engaging a young boy in sex. Fauns were actually considered uncouth and savage and therefore while Romans practiced pederasty (the child who was penetrated would forever be a bottom and could never top, by Roman law), fauns might have practiced paedophilia and would probably broken all Roman sex related laws ( No oral sex, No mouth to any body part other then mouth, No lesbians, and If you have been penetrated you can never Penetrate). Either way a child raised by them would be used to daily drunken orgies, whether or not they were a part of it. Note: you need to pick one satyr or faun at least to keep the god's names to the right culture. To both Romans and the Greeks large penises were funny but satyr/fauns always were well endowed. In Rome a penis was a sign of protection. I wrote a paper on Roman Sex in public, if you have any questions e-mail me: draechaeli@gmail.com.
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