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Everything posted by ZombieDuke

  1. So, I'm back on AFF.net. I haven't been here in a few months (since February actually, at least that's what my little date thing said when I last logged in), and I hope one and all are doing good
  2. I was worried there that I had 3 bars of warning or something... but Xax, Goddess, thank you both so much for clearing things up!
  3. (god I hope I'm in the right area...) I was wondering, what do those starts underneath my name mean? Just really curious...
  4. I was looking up the word "Bi-versatile" on wikipedia.com, and I found these great links! http://www.sexglossary.com/ - for all questions involving sex XD The Random Masturbation Synonym Generator - I rather liked the "Hugging the one-eyed field mouse with the purple turtle-neck sweater" and "Molesting Wee Willie Winkle" And, lastly, what every porn writer needs: An Intro to Dubious Sexual Terminology - Yes. I now know what "Angry Dragon" means. Enjoy!
  5. ...have all of the other Canadian's skipped town or something? It's 2:31 here
  6. ZombieDuke

    Wild ARMs 5

    In my wee greedy hands I hold Wild ARMs 5! I've been playing it pretty much non-stop since christmas, and I have to say, I rather like it! The plot is pretty good too, its a bit darker then Wild ARMs 4 & 3, but the fact that previous characters from the past games keep showing up is hysterical! I LOVE THIS GAME! Except... there's no pause feature in the game unless you pause inside a town. Which kinda sucks... Anybody else?
  7. Title: Sweet Escape Author: ZombieDuke Rating: NC-17 Summary: After the events at Mt. Chug-Chug, Greg has a dream. Feedback: YES! I needs feedback. Fandom: Game>Wild ARMs 5 URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082228 Thanks for checking out the story! I haven't written anything with slash/yaoi in, well, a year I think! Thanks, ZombieDuke
  8. Ahhh, the good ol'orgy! Why not? It'd be kinda of a 'get to know ya' party
  9. But then why did God create the clitoris?
  10. Ya'll wanna know the irony? They're talking about female masturbation
  11. DAMN YOU WikiAnswers!!!
  12. Masterbation usually makes the time go by...
  13. The HELL!?! When did Neopets become 'pay-to-play'? Mind you, I played it before it became mainstream... my poor little draggy...
  14. I also fear this DC.
  15. Where is everybody? I hate to admit it, but this board is becoming more and more of a graveyard with each passing day... and that makes me sad and scared. I love this board, it has always been so warm and caring, but now it feels like a cold stranger. I have read what happened involving the mods and everybody else... but it seems like everybody else is jumping ship too. So, I ask again: Where is everybody?
  16. So then, what's your favourite holiday? I'm mostly sticking to the Christian Calendar options (the ones I can remember, that is), but if you like a certain date that isn't on the poll, feel free to post it!
  17. If you were dissatisfied with the DH epilogue, raise your hand. *raises hand*
  18. *howls with laughter*
  19. What sort of man makes you drool, your palms sweat and raises that primal urge in you? Personally, I like my guys a little bit like Hugh Jackman, Vin Diesel, and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. A bit meaty, but oooh so 'manly'(I must not giggle, I must not giggle) and tall! Although, as of late, men in uniforms have been a bit tempting as well...
  20. I have to second that. The forum isn't what it used to be...
  21. Okay, on the news tonight I learned that Dumbledore is gay. ...argh?
  23. I thought that was Christmas... (I couldn't help myself )
  24. ZombieDuke


    Anybody else like how he solved his "little problem?" I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! It's so well written, and the last episode: SPOILER : "I will not kill my sister, I will not kill my sister, I will not kill my sister." was fuckin' hysterical! Also, did anybody else notice that Wild Bill Hithcock(sp?) from Deadwood has appeared?
  25. You do have a point there, when you think of Cathulhu, you tend to think of warm fires and falling leaves
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