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  1. I'm looking for a one on one rp buddy to rp with me over Instant Messenger. One that is semi-literate and fairly mature and has the same preferences as I do. If your interested then read my RP preferences and then pm me or email me at werewulf2000@yahoo.com. Note: It is imperative that you are a fan of Naruto and are hopefully up to date on the manga Also, I'm looking for someone who will be on all the time and not just once in a while, I'm only pretty much every day, all evening. Role Playing Preferences Alright, here is my preferences in a roleplay buddy, though I am pretty flexible. I hate playing seme so I only play uke, this is the only place where I'm not flexible, having to play seme pretty much kills my interest in an rp. I'll rp absolutely anything Narutowise, pretty much any pairing that doesn't involve Lee or Gai. I like Lee but I don't see him as yaoi worthy material, and I just absolutely hate Gai. Any other pairing I am game for though. I'm am a huge fan of Orochimaru so I enjoy pairing him up with Kabuto or Sasuke. I am into the hardcore stuff and I am also into the dark, sadistic stuff as well. Angst is my crack and sadism/masochism = angst = love. I don't mind doing the cute, romantic stuff sometimes too. As stated above, I will rp pretty much anything, anything goes when I rp. Anything but mpreg that is, I hate mpreg and I think its just lame, but other then that I'm up for anything, as dark and sadistic as you like or as cute and fluffy as you like. That is all for now, I'm hoping to hear from someone.
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