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Everything posted by cygnavamp

  1. Go ahead! I like reading other Lex/Amp fics. I did write something on DeviantArt called the Firsts series that gave Staghart some backstory. The first person he came out to was Coco, who was very understanding and just relieved he wasn't in love with her. The second was a rookery brother that he had a crush on. Things just got awkward, but years later, they were able to be friends again. The third was a rookery mother who wanted to know why he couldn't be a little nicer to a rookery sister who showed interest in him. Once she knew the truth, she was very understanding. It was just info osmosis after that. Here's some links: http://le2.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/d324g3v http://le2.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/d3330gi
  2. "Feelings" by Morris Albert
  3. "Didn't We Almost Have It All" by Whitney Houston.
  4. Hi! I'm planning on writing a Gargoyles fic where the characters find a diary written by a female gargoyle who lived at Knight's Spur in the Victorian Era. I'm usually pretty confident about my spelling and grammar, but I want the diary entries to have British spelling. Colour, honour, practise, centre...you get the idea. So, could someone help this Yank write like a Brit? Any hints on the era may be helpful, though gargoyle mores are fairly constant no matter the century. Thanks!
  5. Well, I'm a straight woman, but I'll put in my 2 cents anyway. I think it would vary from one individual to another. Someone who was beat up a lot when they were younger might worry about it later in life, for instance.
  6. "I AM NOT A SILLYBUGGER!" - The Elephant Man
  7. "Not my daughter, you sillybugger!" - Molly Weasley
  8. Because you can use them to make lemonade! Does anyone know that today is my birthday?
  9. Same place all the rum went. Why is everything so friggen expensive?
  10. Yippie! I get X! Well, there's Xinhua Zidian, the best selling Dictionary in China, and there's Xanadu, a furry graphic novel series by Vicky Wyman.
  11. That's how I kinda see it too. I see Magus giving the logos argument and Tom giving the pathos argument.
  12. Thanks for commenting, Clockwork Knight. But, on Avalon, there isn't much power to seize. It's three aged humans looking after 33 just barely adult gargoyles. (36 if you count their beasts.) I might have her feel a mix of emotions like you suggested, maybe for a moment even considering exile. Magus would probably be the one to point out that they are trying to "raise them gargoyle" as much as possible and that gargoyles don't have taboos on this sort of thing. Tom would be the one to remind Katherine that she loves her "eggs" and doesn't really want anything bad to happen to them.
  13. Jizz in my Pants in my pants!
  14. Vanity Fair: A Novel Without A Hero by William Makepeace Thackeray
  15. The Touch in my pants!
  16. Well, I started a Gargoyles fic called "I'll Cover You" and I'd like a little advice. (First chapter is here: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092369 ) Most of the characters are going to be sort of OC's. Some of Angela's rookery sibs were shown, but only two (three if you count Boudicca) were named. I need some help fleshing them out a bit. Uriel is the resident "class clown". He likes to joke and pull pranks. Usually, his pranks are harmless, but he's going to be in dutch for his latest stunt. Aindreas, I know, is brave enough to defend his clan against Demona. I see him as a hunter and fisherman, an outdoorsy type. He's sensitive, in both good and bad ways. Jophiel is the resident muscle. He and Zadkiel are often the ones called on to do heavy work. Jophiel is a bit of a dreamer and a sculptor. (Instead of a hammer and chisel, he uses his talons.) While Aindreas can have his sensitive moments, he's more of a realist than Jophiel, though Jophiel doesn't always have his heads in the clouds either. I want to have them be compliments of each other. Also, I'm trying to figure out what exactly Princess Katherine's reaction would be to finding out their little secret. I am guessing she wouldn't be too happy. Her experiences with gargoyles have probably caused her to rethink many of her beliefs, but I'm not sure to what extent. In the Dark Ages, homosexuality was a crime punishable by burning, hanging or a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, depending on rank. Katherine did allow a wizard to live in her castle. She did say she prayed for Tom's safe return. She probably did more than just hold hands with Tom. I'm not sure how far her religious beliefs go. Any suggestions?
  17. I'd really like to see a fic with some Kunzite/Zoicite loving. I'd like to read one where Zoicite is male, as he was originally written before the DiC-heads changed everything including the names.
  18. Because they have no brains! Why?
  19. X- X rated films
  20. OK, Solaris told me how to do this right. Thank you, Solaris. Topic Title: In My Life Topic Description: Set in Hercules: The legendary Journey's Uber Universe It's a work in progress. Almost done. Was going to have it done this week, but I grabbed the wrong flash drive! It will be finished next week. Title: In My Life Author: cygnavamp Rating:Adult for mentions of both gay and straight sex, references to drugs, alcohol, violence and all that other stuff your mom warned you about. Summary:Remember those two episodes of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys where it was revealed that Hercules was immortal and was currently living today as an actor named Kevin Sorbo? What was he doing all that time between then and now? This anthology style story explains it. Autolycus also turns out to be an immortal demigod. What's he been up to? I'd like to get more viewers and reviews. The stories are all told in first person, but I may write a few more descriptive third person narratives of certain chapters if anyone likes it. Maybe with full sex scenes. Feedback: Yes, please Fandom: Hercules the Legendary Journeys URL:http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093522 Thank you, cygna vamp
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