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Everything posted by Anonymous_Nanotyrannus

  1. I hate maggots, worms (earthworms are okay, everything else including catepillars, grubs, and insect larva are not okay, oddly), and infestations of such. I get all itchy and have to bath just seeing them on TV. The fear either stems from when I was really little my grandparent's massive Oak tree was covered (and this thing was three feet in diameter at least), absolutely covered in tent catipillars, or a botfly larva removal from pets... And I'm the worse kind of phobic. Instead of shrieking in fear or freaking out, I have to destroy them if I had the means to, otherwise I just can't sleep, I'm itchy, I'm uncomfortable. When we remove wasp and bee nests with all those wriggling larva in them, they have to be buried. Out of sight, out of mind. Not something I'm proud of... I also can't sleep with my door open, I have issues with my bellybutton, and large fresh water fish freak me out. I like and enjoy shark tanks, but fuck, the moment I go through "fish of the Amazon" at an aquarium I just feel a shiver up my spine. As long as I'm outside of the tank, I'm okay, but I have nightmares of actually falling into one. As a child I had an outstanding fear of men in tights. I seriously fucking hated Peter Pan.
  2. Liopleurodon
  3. Yin-Yang
  4. I just write for the joy of writing. Reviews and such are just peanuts and cherries on a really good sundae. And I mostly just write adult oriented material when I'm extremely stressed out, and it acts like a release. I'm not doing my hobby for the reviews but for myself. With two exceptions, I mostly write one shot stories. Multiple chapter stories, however, reviews do help because they let you know that someone is keeping up with your story. I probably should give a review to the many, many stories I've read, but half the time I can't honestly think of anything important to say.... "Nice story, keep at it" reviews are as worthless as "OMG you suck" flames. I give any story I've read I do give a rating however. I think also that people are just as embarassed to admit they're reading and enjoying adult material just as much people are embarassed that they are writing it. People may not emotionally be ready to admit it in a review. Even with the anonymity of the internet, there's still that very, very human feeling of shame.
  5. You know, I've never really encountered that, and all my works, with the exception of the WIP Gargoyles fic, are original. That's rather weird on account the amount of animosity aimed towards fanfiction on the interent, in the art communities, and the real world. I suppose it's stereotypes agiant. Perhaps fanfiction writers feel that their erotica at least has a base in a fandom, while original writers are just acting out their secret fantasies in their works and therefore less with it. Or perhaps, fanfiction writers also have the idea that all original writers want to be the next J.K. Rowling and think their porn is going to be the next big thing. Possibly there's no reason. I mean why does Pittsburgh hate Cleveland and viceversa?
  6. Very good question... In my opinion (which means nothing), fanfiction seems to have a tendency of a little bit badly written. Sometimes story summaries alone tell you how the story will roll, and I find really bad story summaries more often in the fanfiction section. A few reasons: 1) The "let's fuck" mindset is definately more predominant in fanfiction. Sometimes we just want certain characters to fuck, and that overrides the storyline. I'm working on a PWP fanfiction involving Taurus and Elisa Maza from Gargoyles, because I just want them to have a one nightstand...why? I think they'll make a cute couple--with the entire I hate humans, I proved you wrong storyline in the original cartoon, we're both serious cops thing. And definitely the writing is bad compared to my other works. Seriously, why are pictures of Rule 34 so nasty? 2) OOC. You can't go Out Of Character in an original piece. OOC is definately related to the "Let's fuck" mindset and throws everything off. 3) Younger population writing fanfiction. Probably a stereotype... 4) Character attachments. With personal, original characters you do get emotionally attached, and more thought is involved in an original story while with characters existing in a show sometimes strong emotional attachment or extreme hatred to certain characters can completely override a story. Sometimes you want them to get loved (let's fuck mindset) other times you want them to suffer (You gonna get raped). I FUCKING HATE SAKURA, HERE'S 20 PAGES ABOUT HER GETTING RAPED AND SHIT ON BY DOGS. I just made this one up... Just my caffiene induced thoughts....
  7. Anoymous flamers are nothing more than teenaged boys who have the type of low self confidence that pressures them to do violent or aggressive things in a completely cowardly way as someway to make up for their life problems caused by their poorly developed social skills. Undoubtedly, anyone who didn't put the effort into providing contact information or a name, didn't put any effort into reading the story. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised that if one was to look around they'll see the same "OMG you suck" review copypasted repeatedly into other story reviews. Anonymous flames are nasty, rude, and hurtful. I definately had butthurt thanks to a few flames, but I've learned the person who posted it didn't put any effort into reading the story or looking at the picture, and simply singled me out because of what was the labels or focus of the piece of work in question. I hate them and agree with you. Any fetish community will have a high concentration of trolls and anonymous flamers. Furaffinity *rolls eyes* is a prime example, and some of the fetish communities on DA as well has more flamers commenting on pictures than actual members. So it's one of those "learn to deal with it" things, as much as they suck because they're inevitable, especially on communites like this. They're piss ants. They're always going to be there, they're going to be annoying. If I hate something, or feel differently than the author/artist I'll definitely sign my name (and if the person wants to talk to me my info isn't that hard to find). And I definately get very mad when a fellow artist/author is flamed or harrassed, because it is very hurtful. I feel it is the "why me?" hurt. The big problem is sometimes with signing your name is only two ends of the spectrum will talk to you: the generally curious and polite, and the absolutely nuts and easily offended is my only other thought.
  8. I love dinosaurs, I just grew up with them. Jurassic Park, We're Back, Land Before Time all happened while I was growing and influenced me. I don't give and never gave a flying fuck about Barney. I thought I grew out of them when I was teenager, then I read the Quintaglio Ascension series by Robert J. Sawyer and I was back in the loop. Nanotyrannus is the dinosaur species that evolved into the Quintaglio aliens from Robert J. Sawyer's series. It means "tiny tyrant". Anonymous refers to the hysterical "Anonymous Rex" series by Eric Garcia.
  9. Defiantely not using it as a personal army. I definately know that. Sorry, if it came out if I was one those "OMG ED help me!" people. Just throwing ED into a sorta amused rant. It was four in the morning after I worked all day in a Personal Care with a bunch of obnoxious elderly (shit all over the floor, shit on a chair, someone flushed a pad down the toilet, someone wants pills)---all while PMSing. I was in a very, very sour mood coming home and seeing a girl talk about what an amazing artist she is. Probably not much of an excuse, but I was in a very, very half-assed mindset when I ranted. Having the morning off and time to cool down, I'm much, much more level headed, and I definately do take back the ED reference.
  10. An insane as ED is, I think it has a wonderful set up, and people seriously put a lot of effort into making an article and capturing screen shots. ED in my opinion is more factual than Wikipedia, given passed experiences (I've personally come in contact with three people who have articles). ED gives the "artist" the art thief label and alerts other trolls to the artist's dealing. The artist will forever be stuck with that label and harassment that follows. An ED labal is equivlent to a bullseye, and leads perhaps to paranoia It sounds really nasty, but bleh, DA has a crooked system, call ED the Batman. I did work in the furry community, and I have had the misfortune and lulz of running into many sixteen year old sparkledogs. One particular example would continually post and delete "Bawwnals" (sometimes posting one for five minutes then immediately deleting it), and ED was right on top of it capturing her hippocrisy, and using in her journals against her. LOL thanks.
  11. To the 16 year old idiotic bitches and their Naruto obsessed possies that make up 50 percent of DA's population, No one is jealous of your art. You trace art, and you got caught. Not only do you trace art, you failed at it... Horribly. "OMG you're so totally jealous I'm such an amazing artist that's why you're being such a meanie to me" is not a valid argument. Nor are we sore that you have "made such an amazing improvement in your art" (direct quote) We, the few, the proud, the hardworking of Deviantart, are more than a bit pissed over the fact you sit around claiming front page Google search engine traces are your art. We're bitter. And we've got every fucking right to be bitter. We are bitter individuals who have been working our asses off. We enjoy being creative. We enjoy creating our own characters, our own worlds, we enjoy drawing funny and creative fanart. We put a lot of effort--either mental or physical--into our work. For what? our own enjoyment. A few commissions, asspats, watches, comments, favs, and pageviews are nice and well earned. Ego food is good food, and even without all the love, we would still draw because that's what we love to do. But then we look at your pages, traced fanart--traced fanart from manga of characters you recolored and renamed some ridicolous Weeaboo term involving moons and silver and unicorn and dragons and breakfast cereals. And we get sick. WHY? First off you call yourselves artists. No, you're not Second You have huge fucking egos Third, you have like 10,000 page views and over 100 watchers, and you've only been a member for barely a year. You don't deserve a single one. You haven't earned anything. Bitter. Fuck, we're bitter. Asspats for tracing pictures I come in contact with daily on web searches. Asspats when you get called out. You're doing it for the asspats. Here's a bitchslap. Bawwwing over it and playing the martyr is annoying and even more childish. Nevermind, they're just plain annoying. The bawwing journals and OMG if you say anything mean about me I'm gonna turn you in for harassment are facepalm worthy. Then you drag your posse into it, "leave my friends alone too". Only kids do that, drag other people into arguments! Seriously, it's a weak attempt to garder attention by making your equally retarded friends feel important and therefor stand up for you. Frankly. I'm hoping some EDiot comes across it and gives you the internet justice you deserve. DA may be weak when it comes to tracing policies, but ED is the ultimate justice dealer. Take twenty bucks, as it seems you live a sheltered life with your parents and since they're giving you money to by this metric shit-ton of manga and weeaboo crap from Hot Topic, and buy a how to draw book from Borders. Hell, they've been having specials lately on them (5 books for 21 dollars when I went last week), you'll have enough money left over to buy an energy drink to catch up with all learning you've lost in the years you spent tracing. Preteens and children trace art. Preteens and children make up randomly colored characters that look like existing characters from a series. It's how their minds work. They're not developed enough to create original characters yet. Most are not aware of their own capabilities yet. So yes, I will excuse them. You however are not. Tracing, copying, recoloring is disgusting, and it leaves a disgusting aftertaste. Are you so desperate for a few numbers representing a visit to your page or an asspat that you'll basically sell someone else's artwork as your own? Do you have such a bad case of denial you claim to be creative on something that you just picked a pen up and traced it through a piece of copier paper? Is your mental state so weak that any naysayers completely ruin your life? Serious, it's absolutely sad. Fuck, when I was 6th grade I traced pictures. But you know what? I did it a few times and I realized I wasn't going to learn shit from it. I traced from a Jurassic Park Lost World Coloring book, and I wasn't happy when I did it. I bought a couple how to draw books from Scholastic, I took art classes, I practiced and practiced. I'm still not an amazing artist, but I can pat myself on the back and say, "Man, I've improved, man I'm still improving!". I buy how to draw books if they're cheap enough, I buy books to reference so when I'm drawing, I can make sure that whatever critter, cryptid, and god knows what else, is anatomically, historically, ETC correct.I do not rely on someone else's art to gain popularity, I rely on myself. It's time you did too, you're adults. Seriously tards, Get the fuck over yourself. From the bitter, sore, jealous meanie you've so nicely labeled.
  12. I draw more often than I write now, but I find that the same exact things that help me draw also help me write: 1) Do all your chores, clean up around your work/writing area. *Trust me, this works like a charm. You will not get distracted when everything is in order, and cleaning up allows you to think as well* 2) Find your muse. What do you enjoy watching, what engages you? A good way to figure out your muse is what do you collect? 3)Go on wikipedia and just go on a search for random stuff, wander around, click on links, it will cause the gears in your head to start working. It's how I got the idea for two of my stories. I happen to really like mythology so I just started clicking links. Go on deviantart and look around. Just some random boredom busting site, like www.listverse.com, www.deviantart.com, and www.snopes.com, they're websites I can spend hours on. 3) Make a scrapbook or memory box. Fill it with things that make you think or you enjoy. This is a calming and soothing activity that jumpstarts ideas. 4) Take a shower or a bath. 5) I have heard good and bad things around forcing yourself to write. My one proffessor swore by it. He insisted to keep writing and writing and eventually a good idea will come up and you can't stop writing. Just go on a tangent about random experiences. I'm not sure about the success of forcing yourself to write, but it may work for you. Just my thoughts thus far, hopefully they help.
  13. I like erotica more than smut, so I do enjoy more "flowerly, poetic" terms, but not just explosively poetic. Seriously, I'm reading a piece because I want porn, not a work by Wordsworth. I do play around with more blunt terms when using dialogue or writing in the POV of certain characters. I would not expect a lowerclass individual to refer to a woman's vagina a "her internal fleshy flower", but rather just call it a "pussy". I like it when other authors think like that too. I hate the word "asshole" when used to describe the body part. It's just really, really crude. Pussy is the same exact way, and dick is too. Cock, I'm absolutely fine with, mainly because it's the only one that is not used to describe a personality type. Blunt terms annoy me. They cut love scenes short. Honestly, they make a scene sound like an 18 year old male wrote it. And we need better terms for the vagina. I hate reading a piece that makes me think it is a guy screwing the victim of a car accident. My list: Asshole dick pussy pussy juices juices fuck (as a verb) cunt clit slit gash hole butthole (the body part) semen sperm cum cumming comming (because it's mispelled) come (mispelled)
  14. I find something that inspires me unintentionally, then I spend every shower for a week mulling over the details before finally sitting down and typing.
  15. Six sites total for me. One I rarely use anymore. Gargoyles-fans.org for my gargoyle fics and collabs. Fictionpress (no longer used) for poetry and older fics Fanfiction.net for my fanfiction and rewrites of fairytales AFF for the naughty stuff DA for my favorite pieces of fiction and poems I have one story posted on Furaffinity by request All my adult material can be found here and nowhere else.
  16. Thanks in part of Anime and fantasy settings become more and more prevelant, hybrid characters, characters born from a mixed lineage are becoming more and more common in internet fiction pieces. Half-angels, half-elves, half-demons, half-dragons, angel/demon combos, ogre/elf combos, dragon/elf, gods/demons, nekomatas/werewolves.... An important thing to note is that a common feature of the feared Mary Sue, the Marty Stu, or AAH-OOH, is that these all these all too perfect characters are often of hybrid nature--multiple lineages--and they are all in perfect balance with one another to create an absolutely amazing character with the best features of each lineage. A completely made up example would be a Mary Sue named "Princess Moonshine Fireheart and Someothersilveryshit", who is a dragon,cat,elf,human hybrid. She looks human, has a pretty, long cat tail, elf ears, silvery hair, great magical powers, does not age, and can turn into an amazing, powerful, fully capable dragon. Yes, quite a beautiful little creature, but people don't like characters like this, and anyone who does, you'll find out is under the age of 16. There has to be imperfection, there has to variation, there cannot 8 million absolutely stunning dragon/human hybrids who look like humans but can turn into perfect formed, capable dragons. People create hybrid characters and give them the best features of each race, the magical powers and wings of a dragon, the agility and light features of an elf, cat tail of a nekomata, and a bit of human as a buffer. I call this "The Liger Syndrome". Ligers were bred in hopes of making offspring with the best features of the two big cats: the mane of and social abilities of a lion, and the size and stripes of a tiger. What did the breeders get? A very antisocial creature with faint stripes, a very shabby mane, infertility in males, prone to mental problems and gigantism. So take the poor liger into thought when you create a hybrid. Naturally one will not always get a balanced character if such breeding were to actually happen. Add some of the more physically or mentally unattractive features to a hybrid character. Add inbalance. Splotches of scales, a shorter tail, smaller horns: hey, these genetics are going to be duking it out and some genes are going to lose their power. Genes are not going to be pure, so don't make the features pure. And sometimes a hybrid individual would look 100 percent like one parent, and not look like a cross at all. Play around a little, become your own Dr. Moreau, and make your own unique character with obstacles (physical, mental, social) to over come. People love conflict, and in a romantic story, conflict is center. On a further note, cut back on just how many bloodlines go into a hybrid, limit it. If you want your character to have multiple bloodlines, let me give you a hint, let your character be confused to just what exactly is in their family tree, leave things a little opaque. A character who is able to state their entire geneology will come across as haughty, annoying, and well knowing, will lead to the Mary Sue labeling.. In terms of realism, hybrids are more likely to happen in urban settings than rural settings. Hybrids are more likely to occur in lowerclass than in upperclass.
  17. What makes a Mary Sue a Mary Sue is not her perfection, it's the bad writing. Good writing makes a character with multiple hobbies and talents multifaceted and intricate; bad writing makes them a Mary Sue. I sum a Mary Sue up as this: if Barbie was a literary character, she'd be a Mary Sue. Everyone loves her, she has lots of different pets, many different talents, but no plausible backstory on how exactly she got them. So you have to hate her.
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