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Everything posted by bellakuuipo

  1. In this fic willow and Angel are a couple they are happy so Angel thinks. Willow gets a call from the doctor she is sick and there is no cure. She starts to push Angel away because she has a dream that he will take it hard and die for her. Willow even goes as far as dancing slutty with another man at a club. Willow finally has to leave but Angel tries to stop her she lies to him and tells him she doesn't love him. Buffy and Spike confort her but she wants to leave. When Buffy starts yelling at her Willow starts coughing up blood and faints. They get to the hospital and Angel goes there he knows already she is dying because he had a dream when she asked him to bite her during one night as they made love. Angel asks willow to let him turn her and she does. I hope these fics seems familar Please e-mail me at mypetconcubine at yahoo dot com Mahalo
  2. My friend and I I think are looking for the same fic so here is both our summaries for the same fic. my friends summary this is an x-cover with the crow. Willow is killed. everyone thinks she's dead but when deaths start happening in sunnydale eveyone wants to know why. Willow comes to Giles for help. Giles knows but Spike is in the dark. In the end willow leaves but she says goodbye to spike. my summary Willow dies but doesn't stay dead she becomes like Draven from the crow. she goes to sunnydale to seek revenge on the people who hurt her. Giles finds out who she is and she makes her promise not to tell anyone who she is. But when they find out Spike takes it the hardest. She gets her revenge and she wants to leave without telling spike. Angel convinces her to talk to spike. She does spike begs her to stay but she can't she has to leave if this seems familar please let me know at mypetconcubine at yahoo dot com
  3. In the fic Draco and Blaise are walking in the school. When they find Hermione in a weird position. She was hexed by a bunch of 3rd years and she can't move. Hermione is teased by Blaise and Draco. They want to call a professor but Hermione tells them to help her but soon they decide they want more. They end up having sex with her. It's called To Be Continued by jess_lovecat
  4. Draco and Hermione are married, but have been separated for a while. Draco is living at the Manor, and when Hermione comes after like years to get him to finally sign the divorce papers, Lucius counsels Draco and Hermione to try to get them back together. BTW thanks for the reviews so far - it's not 'The Affair' by Valady, but thanks for the tip.
  5. No Longer a Malfoy by MistressMalfoy. Hermione/Zabini. Blaise married someone else because she was a Mudblood. But Hermione was never one. He's going to wish he had the guts to stand up against his bigoted parents for Hermione Malfoy.
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