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Posts posted by Raphaella

  1. That post was genius >_>

    screw you >_>

    I'll continue then:

    Dick never got to make amends,

    for all the girls he spied upon,

    But now he knew how to use a tampon,

    He zipped him self up and went on his way

  2. I would like to ask if sword would be appropriate for; let's say a more painful, description of anal sex. And if one were writing in a Dungeons and Dragons type setting where the vocabulary, in the actual novels is similar.

    For those of you who dislike the word cunt, I was wondering if you would at all read a BDSM type story, or a Dom/Sub. I find that when the characters are playing a role, or just being themselves, for that matter, the word cunt can be quite apt in some instances. It matters not if they use the name as an 'insult' to humiliate their partner as some characters enjoy that sort of thing, or if it is used to describe a woman's (insert proper word here) With the proper setting and an appropriate story line I feel the word has merit.

    Just like if the characters were into talking dirty, "Oh you are such a dirty whore!" or "Tell me you like it, you filthy ____" Just some thoughts on this matter, is all.

    Wait I have to add some words I find particularly amusing… Thanks PorkChopExpress8..

    God Stick

    Shame Cave

    As featured on the daily show. ZING!

  3. Thanks for clearing that up. I really am looking forward to your first chapter! I do hope I can keep up. As for Fruit Basket I have never heard of it???

    The orgy part is the meat of this yes? So really it’s the sex that counts… I want to be a secret agent of the Illuminati with giant boobies! Could I also make a man character? You know so that he could be dashing, manly, strong, and possibly gay?

    Just kidding about the Illuminati thing, I really don’t know what I’ll write until I read your starter chapter, but I look forward to it all the same.

  4. I say that religion is by far one of the best things that has ever happened to man kind. Sure it has blinded us and held us back on many fronts, but noting at all can compare with the utter strife and discord it has caused. Why, if it were not for religion than it’s possible we could have advanced too far in the realms of science! Wouldn’t want that… if the Atomic bomb scars you, just think of what could have been if we were far more scientifically advanced.

    I concur, PorkChopExpress8, with your point about irreducible complexity. I was flabbergasted to say the least when I first sat down to watch a two hour long, one sided documentary about it. Man, I love how they get all those quantum physicists and biologists to really argue for the theory…

    All sarcasm aside, I am still undecided when in comes to religion in general. I am not even sure that consciousness resides inside the mind, or in a floating bubble just to the left of my head… Really I read too much I think. I like to think everything is a conspiracy that is a hobby. I may turn it into a religion.

    I just wanted to interject some humor in this thread, as I found it to be notably lacking. Usually I have more tact and I am much more charming, I assure you. (Grins and winks)

  5. So if I wished to play, and have not read that particular fandom than will you excuse any liberties I would take in creating a chapter? Or if it is like you said and nearly every literary work creates it’s own reality than I could write almost what ever I wanted, so long as that ship of yours stops by and picks me (character) up for the kinky parts? Is it like the ship in hitchhikers guide? Could I be Eris the Greek Goddess of strife?

  6. I'm in, as you already know. Just one thing I'm not hip to the fan girl plot as I was not here when the last ship went down. Could you recap, or just give me more to work with? If not I'll work with what I know which is Dungeons and Dragons... Forgotten Realms to be specific, but I can also do Sci-Fi and Vampire stuff too; I just need a more solid foundation.

  7. Hmmm, probably a host of casulties, followed by massive lawsuits. Of course, how an email interceptor would track website forum posts, I don't know.

    By following the links that are in our e-mails, you know the ones that notify us when someone replies, or leaves us a message…

    I'm not too worried about this though, I have much more pressing concerns about the reptilians emerging from the hollow earth in Nazi UFO's and demanding the world government implement Codex Alimentarius so half the world's population will starve. You know, the basics… that or the Zombie apocalypse.

  8. Nice! We were just discussing this over dinner… never eat a place just named Dan's, by the way.

    The right to happiness is extremely vague. If one were to take that literally than every depressed person in America would be demanding someone make them happy.

    Insofar as infringing on the rights of others, well that is a consequence of the right to free speech. We cannot have it both ways. If you wish to say, what ever it is that is offending, or infringing on another's freedoms than that should, by definition be protected. But on the other hand, if what you say is hurtful, like hate speech, than your victim, or the infringed party would indeed have cause to seek recourse. It's a catch 22.

    Causing physical harm to another though, there is no right that allows me to do so (not yet… wink) and were someone to cause harm to me yes I would seek out a means of protection and wish to be provided a means of recourse.

    At dinner we were talking more about the origin of 'rights' and someone said that he thought that was religious in nature. But is religion not a product of society? What say you?

  9. To respond to your first question foeofthelance, I say that the things we tout as rights are in fact given by society. But on a spiritual level, as human beings, I feel that we are indeed born with innate rights as well, such as the right to exist and pursue our own happiness, but also, within the constraints of the society we are born into.

    The ability to define concepts and behaviors that we deem acceptable is also the same ability that tells us right from wrong though. It is also the ability that will let a man recognize when he is being denied and his wishes suppressed. I propose that a man gains the rights he fights for. (I use man, but it also applies to woman) I say if you are content in a society where your genitals are mutilated, or you cannot vote that so be it, but if you are not content and you feel the need to fight, than you should, until your right to do as you please is granted.

    In response to your second question however, I am at loss. You own PUBLIC property? No, just kidding. I shall assume you meant to say your own property. Insofar as property rights go, if you have the deed, or lease agreement, than it is your own prerogative as to whom you let enjoy said property. Your claim to the property would indeed take prescience over any interloper who squats on said property.

    A better question would be free speech, or OMG abortion. Let's go with speech though. Say you are exercising your right to free speech, by slandering a hotel, or business, and said business was loosing custom because of your speech. They claim that you are infringing on their right to a free and fair market, by misrepresenting them. Whose rights are greater then?

  10. I did read the article and here are some highlights for people who may not wish to read all of it, but still wish to catch the gist of it. It is the wording that gets me, it gives too many loopholes and makes the judicial system completely impotent when it comes to defending the rights of the peoples the government may be spying on.

    The law: Protect America Act

    • Defines the act of reading and listening into American's phone calls and internet communications when they are "reasonably believed" to be outside the country as not surveillance.
    • Gives the government 6 months of extended powers to issue orders to "communication service providers," to help with spying that "concerns persons reasonably believed to be outside the United States." The language doesn't require the surveillance to only target people outside the United States, only that some of it does.
    • Requires the Attorney General to submit to the secret surveillance court its reasons why these programs aren't considered domestic spying programs, but the court can only throw out those reasons if it finds that they are "clearly erroneous."

    These outposts need only to have a "significant" purpose of spying on foreigners, would be nearly immune to challenge by lawsuit, and have no court supervision over their extent or implementation.

    Abuses of the outposts will be monitored only by the Justice Department, which has already been found to have underreported abuses of other surveillance powers to Congress.

  11. I actually used to work at a porn store, not a rental place though. We had toys and dvd's and bargain bin VHS tapes. The store was huge too, and bright. We used to look for the funniest title; it was a contest that spanned months. Finally, I won with a toss up between, 'Spankenstein' or 'Throbbin Hood Prince of Beeves'

    Though my friend cut a close second with 'Buck's beaver'

    But for free porn I like to go to StileProject. Not only can you watch some good porn, but they have all manner of messed up stuff.

  12. This is a fun thread! I have a few I would like to add.

    Atremis Entreri, Jarlaxle D'aerthe and Drizzt from frogotten realms.

    Cheetara from the thunder cats, I know it's weird, but when your a kid you cant help who you have a crush on.

    Tyler Durden from fight club.

    Snape and Draco from harry potter.

    Dr. Egon Spengler from ghost busters, the cartoon not the movies.

    Rasputin as played by Rickman in Dark Servant of Destiny

    Most any Rickman character too, I guess, even Marven from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, sexy voice.

    Thanks, this was fun...

  13. Here is a link to some cutting edge fashions,


    I do hope this is what your were after. It's mostly girls, but there are some men too. Here is a link to the cover of a book called fresh fruits it is a fashion book and has many good photos of men and girls in really crazy outfits that they make themselves mostly.


  14. I am looking for a beta reader for my Forgotten Realms Fan fic. There is sex, druggs and well, no rock and roll, but I'm working on it. Really though, I have seven chapters posted it's called The Shifting Sands of Calimshan and I really need a few good betas. Please let me know if you are into this sort of thing.

    Thanks for your time,


  15. Topic Title: The Shifting Sands of Calimshan

    Topic Description: Set after the events of the Sell-Swords, Jarlaxle and Entreri part ways. This story follows the adventurers, Entreri into the deserts of Calimshan as he battles with his emotional demons, and Jarlaxle as he embarks on a journey fraught with mayhem and amusement. The story contains strong sexual themes and some drug use, for medicinal purposes. It is a work in progress and I will post more chapters shortly.Please take a look and let me know what you think as it is my first work of this type. Thank you all for your time,


    Title: The Shifting Sands of Calimshan

    Author: Raphaella Von'Mercer

    Rating: Adult++

    Warning: Anal, BDSM, D/s, Dom, H/C, HJ, M/F, OC, Oral, SoloF, SoloM, WIP

    Summary: Set after the events of the Sell-Swords, Jarlaxle and Entreri part ways.

    Feedback: Please…

    Fandom: Forgotten Realms

    URL: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093577

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