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Everything posted by midka

  1. I would also like the address for this story. Thanks
  2. *Whine* HE DID IT AGAIN
  3. Thank you very much for all the work that you do.
  4. Actually there is a website that has a lot of LM//HP to off http://www.etc.slashcity.net/archive/index.php click on browse stories and then catagories, then select beloved enemies. It's pretty good.
  5. Yep I was complaining about the same thing yesterday. Is this going to be an every day occurence it's 27 pages of aggitation.
  6. I don't have a problem with m/m in fact that's a majority of what I read. I apologize for calling it offensive but I was annoyed at having seen 15 pages of it. I really don't even remeber what it was about this morning. So I apologize if I offended you.
  7. This person is posting 15 pages of the same story. The story is crude, and not in a good way, and offensive. If, big IF, it is a true story then it is posted in the wrong pace anyway. I believe this is the same person who listed stories with similar titles right before this one. Here is the author's link. It really sucks not being able to see anything but this garbage. Can someone please fix it. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296863513 Thank you Midka
  8. This person is posting 15 pages of the same story. The story is crude, and not in a good way, and offensive. If, big IF, it is a true story then it is posted in the wrong pace anyway. I believe this is the same person who listed stories with similar titles right before this one. Here is the author's link. It really sucks not being able to see anything but this garbage. Can someone please fix it. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296863513 Thank you Midka
  9. I take it back there are twenty pages of his story
  10. Okay there are about three pages of two stories posted multiple times. They are in the wrong section as well. It would be great if someone could take a look at it and fix it. Hope you had a great Holiday Midka Here is his link http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296863488
  11. I am currently writing an au. Severitus, SS/RL, LM/SB, and DM(veela)/ HP(mate); yes I know it's WAY over done. But anyway I digress. Bill Weasley's birhtday according to HP-Lexicon is November 29, 1970. So right now in my story the year is 1985, at Christmas. Is he a fifth year, or a sixth? Is he just in the older part of his class, if in fifth? This is were I need some help. I can't find anything that would explainit easier. Going logically he would have started the September after his elventh, but sometimes school let a child in earlier due to his birthday. Is there anyone out there who can help? I'd greatly appreciate any. Thank you, Midka
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