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Ezriee last won the day on February 5 2012

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  1. Ezriee

    Forget me Not

    Do you know if sesshomaru was a professor, or was he a student? There is also a writer named forgetme not or something similar too… Another ?...do you know if sesshomaru is mean to kagome, or are they a couple?
  2. No problem! I read a lot of Sesshoumaru/Kagome stuff among other pairings. Sorry Bronx! I forget about the link since I get it out of my folder. I’ll remember next time
  3. Captured and Trapped by Sweetest Angel! I’m 99% sure.
  4. I know this story...I have this story…let me look in my personal archive and I’ll get back to you.
  5. Ezriee


    Ah!! I’m pretty sure I’ve read this recently...or something similar. I’m going to have to go through my personal archive to see if I can find it, or potential matches for you. I’ll do my best! I know it’s a pain in the ass to have a story that you want to read, but not know the title.
  6. Ezriee


    I might know this story, but need a bit more detail.
  7. Is the sister nicknamed Flippy Fujino and she dates Kakashi? Her real name is Kouseki Fujino and Naruto didn’t know that he had a sister until Kushina saw her? Did she love pancakes (which is how she got her nickname) Do they have massively impossible breasts? If so, the story is called “The fox hidden in the leaves” by MikeJv37. This is extremely rated MA and can be found on fanfiction.net . Mike died a few years back but this story is completed, some are not. He has quite a number of Harem stories so you can check them out to see if one of them is correct. Also, there is a reunion with Fujino where Kushina first sees her and she calls Fujino “Koosy” Is the sister nicknamed Flippy Fujino and she dates Kakashi? Her real name is Kouseki Fujino and Naruto didn’t know that he had a sister? Do they have massively impossible breasts? If so, the story is called “The fox hidden in the leaves” by MikeJv37. This is extremely rated MA and can be found on fanfiction.net . Mike died a few years back but this story is completed, some are not. He has quite a number of Harem stories so you can check them out to see if one of them is correct.
  8. Ezriee

    please help

    Taisho’s Darlings
  9. Could it be “A Sexual Favor” by queen of bitchiness?
  10. Blood and Tears by Doggieearlover
  11. Ezriee

    Kushina's capture

    I think I found it, but in the future, the more info you give, the easier it is for us to know if it is, or is close to what you’re looking for. https://www.wattpad.com/155333721-kushina's-capture-chapter-1
  12. Nope, it’s Returning the Favor: A Twisted Fairytale by Lexjamandme, but the one above is good too!
  13. The Emperor and His Sons by mykonosparadise. maybe...but there is another fic that has a somewhat similar story. I’ll doublecheck my archive and get back to you
  14. Their stories are on other sites, but you just have to google search it. Came right up for me.
  15. You Darkness by Vyncent. One of the best stories that I’ve ever read. All of her stories are amazing...too bad she doesn’t write anymore. http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544170673
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