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Everything posted by gorgeousbowneyes

  1. Do you do Harry Potter, Snape/Harry stories? It's very angsty and deals with murder on Voldemort's part, but Snape plays the hero and saves Harry. I'm looking for someone who can help me out as fast as possible however, like, today/tonight (depending on time frame). I would love it if you could help me out. If you can give me a hand let me know here, or preferably on my email phoenix_fire_cat@yahoo.com And rape sucks. I'm not a physical victim of rape but my family was split apart because of child pornography and my father being suspected of touching me, even though to this day I deny it (it didn't happen). So you have my sympathies, even if you don't want or need them. Well, thanks in advance! ~gorgeousbowneyes
  2. Hi! I'm in desperate need of someone who can do a speedy beta for me today/tonight (depending on time frame around the world) on a Harry Potter, Snape/Harry story. It's quite angsty. If your not into slash thats totally fine. Let me know if you can help me out though, if you'd prefer my email is phoenix_fire_cat@yahoo.com otherwise let me know here. Thanks, ~gorgeousbowneyes EDIT: Thanks, I've rounded up a Beta, so I no longer require help!
  3. Hi all! I'm in a fest for Harry Potter fanfiction, Harry/Snape specifically, and I need someone to do a beta job for me ASAP. The story is around 5000 words (not finished right now because I'm sending out my plea, hoping for a reply from somewhere a few hours before hand), very angsty, and is of course a Snarry pairing. So if you could help me out tonight, leave a comment or email me on phoenix_fire_cat@yahoo.com Thanks! ~gorgeousbowneyes
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