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Posts posted by Zhaladjin

  1. People are so arrogant and they seem to think that the rules don't apply to them.

    Ah yes, concerning that: hagglers. Especially the arrogant ones who know you're not in charge of the prices and demand to see the chef so they can make some kind of a deal for a discount. Please die. Or move to a country where it's part of the local culture.

    Can't help but sharing this with you though: a friend of mine also works in retail and she also has to deal with hagglers, and a lot of them use the "I saw it at a lower price in another store" argument to get something for cheap. Everytime she hears that, she just flatly tells the customer they should go to that store and buy it there, and her boss simply approves of it. She even went as far as telling a customer to fly to India because the item in question is cheaper there. :sick:

  2. You know what the scary thing is? Far too often, we have to TAKE this because "the customer is always right".

    I SO hate it when people use that sentence as an excuse to try and make you do whatever they want. You know what else I hate? That stupid joke everybody thinks is original when they see an article without a tag: ,,There's no price on this, does that mean it's free?"

  3. Thanks again. The story is done and posted, by the way.

    As I alluded to before, you may find an opportunity a bit later in your story to describe her outfit a little more - perhaps as she removes an item, or it comes untied, etc.

    Well removing an item is coincidentally what I already did in the story: the top came off first and a few paragraphs later the bottom piece followed. But I'll be sure to keep things like this in the back of my head whenever I feel the need to describe odd clothing again :thumbsup:

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