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  1. Found someone for the oneshots. Yay! but I still would love to have someone going over AKOM: Thanks
  2. goofball


    can someone please send me a link where I can look this up? I got attacked yesterday and I have NO idea what that is all about...
  3. yep, I do! I love answering my reviews so this will be really cool! *doing a happy dance* yep again, thank you from me as well!
  4. Mean this one?
  5. *sigh* Margali, Jaell, Damon, Callista, Ellemir & Andrew… yep, love them too Anyway…how and why did I get involved with slash? Last year around springtime I was a little obsessed with LOTR and fumbled over a site with tons of stories. I got finally over it after a couple of weeks, RL being real busy and all. Then in autumn I was watching one of the HP movies and I was not feeling well. But even though not feeling well, I did notice that Alan Rickman as Severus Snape is – well, hot. And that voice… So I started looking for HP slash, never once actually thinking about writing slash myself (writer's block since years). What finally made me write one myself was because I saw many brilliantly written Stories, which supposedly included BDSM, but were actually abusive. I wanted to show a different side of that lifestyle and that's what I did. Well, and now I'm hooked with the Potterverse. That's it
  6. I think it's time for me to stop being such an inpatient ball of goof ( ) and seriously look for a beta, since the one I had disappeared somewhere. English is not my first language, so therefore my grammar does suck at times. The spelling shouldn't be too bad though (thanks to the spell check!). My worst problem is punctuation and of course pitfalls like "robe" versus "rope", "whip" versus "wipe", "off" versus "of", "to" versus "too"… I'm sure you get the picture. I'd love to have my already finished stories betaed. There are two oneshots: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger (678 words): Humour Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall (7300 words): Humour, Language, (consensual!) light BDSM, explicit Sexual Situations (includes Oral, Handjob etc.) And a longer one: Severus Snape/Harry Potter (42100 words): Language, (consensual!) BDSM, explicit Sexual Situations (includes Oral, Masturbation, Anal, Handjob etc.) (implied) Voyeurism, major Fluff (in case someone can't stand that) I'm also working on a follow up of the Snape/Potter-story (different pairings though). I'd be really grateful and do hand out cookies for any help
  7. goofball

    Audio Porn

    I'd most definitely enjoy audio porn. I think that's really missing on the market!
  8. Thank you for explaining that! And just to make sure you all know that I don't have that bad manners: I'd never use cunt outside the bedroom (or wherever one might get sexually involved with each other). I don't use the German equivalent for cunt either, even if I'm really mad at a woman.
  9. goofball


    even though I totally agree on that one, I have to say: trust me, adult genitals do not look like kid genitals even when they are shaved (not even the female ones). At least not the ones I saw
  10. I'm so glad someone else does this "oh god" thing (and I'm not even religious), but it's just *smirk* short enough to get out repeatedly when the brain stops working. Anyway, I had no idea that cunt had such a bad rap? I like it better then most of the German words and use it not only in my stories (if I write het). But then again, my stories are mostly on the perverted side anyway. And if my characters use dirty talk, I might as well use bad words to describe their genitals
  11. because you'd poke it every time you answer here is it normal to have more fun with answering the question rather then coming up with a question?
  12. the other half of that why am creating silly oneshots instead of continuing my sequel? PS: thank you so kindly!
  13. you would cough dust after eating the cake when do I get rid of this frigging virgin status *glaring to my left*
  14. you just ruined my fantasy that if I would be a gay man I would have sex all the time. Shame on you! jk That's like: Myth: all lesbians love beer, soccer and drive a Harley Truth: er- nope *pushing beer away with a disgusted face and turning [nonexcisting] TV off* (okay, I'd like to have the Harley though) I have another one (I hope it's not here already and I just forgot it): Myth: all women are able to orgasm sorely from being penetrated Truth: some don't and need to have their clit stimulated as well
  15. because otherwise you would be pissed of when it happens why do I answer here?
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