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Posts posted by bitBlackmage

  1. Bleh. Not going to say anything about Hillary or Obama, good or bad because I can see people question how good they are for the job.

    I'm just going to gripe with a conspiracy theory. Those stupid politicians may think they can continue to unite Americans with their crummy wars and then split us apart (pitting us against one another with race, gender, class, religion and so forth) when we wise up to their devilry, but they don't know that their antics will end when anarchy arises the country begins anew... -_-

  2. I'd like to know- just curious as to why you think this. And you are right, Kuwa IS hard to ship, even though I want to....

    Oh there's nothing wrong with Kazuma—funny, his own brand of intelligence either in battle or just life, gentleman to balance his brutish side, has good endurance, love of kittens, strength to hold his own against demons... and I think he's attractive when he's not making those comical and outrageous faces. And even those bizarre faces don't disgust me... they make me laugh.

    A lot of girls seemed to like him in high school, but I think they were mere fangirls and thus would have to be the dreaded OCs/Merisus. Of the canon girls (minus his sister for obvious reasons) Botan or Yukina could work. Botan doesn't seem interested and it doesn't look like Kazuma's soon to pick up on her again. Yukina, though she likes humans and I don't see her as innocent as everyone, I don't get the sense that she feels the same way either culturally or emotionally founded.

    Pairing him with guys is hard since he's a bit uncomfortable with guys in that manner. He seemed pretty disturbed by that dream where he kissed Yusuke. Then there was when Itsuki mentioned he loved Sensui and Kazuma was again, irked. Oh and let's not forget when Kazuma and Kurama were waiting for the train, two girls from Kazuma's high school said "Oh we didn't know about this side of your life" after being corrected on Kurama's gender. He was pretty mad. Also, I think I remember him being pretty pissed when Botan said something about it being strange for two men to watch the sunset together.

    Ultimately those things can be written but it takes a good author, an accepting audience and fans of the character in question.

  3. This is why I never describe my original characters when writing fan fiction. Also, I'm very ambiguous as to race because that's a hot button I don't want to try pushing—might get my finger burnt. If people imagine my OCs to be White or Asian when they aren't, it doesn't bother me (besides most of them are White or Asian). Often enough I find some way to make that OC important to the plot, but not important like center of all attention.

    Eiyuuko Sugimoto for example is dead in the begginging of my one story. She was making plans with one of the canon characters for a few years out of the twenty-two spent knowing each other until one day she was killed. How she became important to the canon cahracter was summed up by the years they knew and worked with each other.

    Still, I'm not even sure how Sueish she is...

  4. After having a piece of work rejected at a random site for hentai art, I can say that it felt like a cold knife plunged into my heart. However, while I'm still in pain, I'm still trying to fix my piece and resubmit it. In the mean time, I asked what needs work.

    The same goes for writing. I got a few criticisms telling that I need to work on this or that, but I get through it somehow. I won't say I've become stronger. I've definitely healed though.

    Edit... Though I do regularly get flames. :)

  5. I generally like a lot of pairings thus I like Yusuke/(insert character) which is why I wrote Kido/Yusuke and plan to write Yusuke/Hiei, but bashing makes me sick and I feel that it's-plain disrespect to the anime if you can't stop butchering a character just because you dislike them. Often when I try to sit down and enjoy a pairing bashing comes into play and that just ruins the story for me. I rate stories down just for that.

  6. Yes... where did all those Kuwa-writers go....

    Uh canonly I can't see anyone with Kazuma—even Yukina (I'm sure that somewhere I wrote the reasons why). But that doesn't mean I'm against pairing him with anyone. Besides, everyone's like "OMG ugly!!1!" despite the fact that in the magna that I recently looked over again Togashi drew him in a variety of ways ranging from ugly to handsome.

    Edit: I am writing or rather rewriting a story that has hinted yaoi between Kazuma and an OC, but it's nothing real major... jut stuff you'd have to make for yourself. The real focus of the story is revenge and extreme violence.

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