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Status Updates posted by Valtristus

  1. *revives* Hey, I might not still be in the guild, but I still am loyal to the BG. <3

  2. X3 We attacked each other at the same time. I'm feeling the pain.

  3. *cackle* Hey, one point is better than no points! :P

  4. XD I wasn't around to heal myself, actually. We had to take my dog for a c section and we're all killing ourselves trying to feed them.

  5. She had 7 puppies. The first two she had on her own, but then she went into a steady labor for about 5 hours. We finally were able to contact a vet for a c section. A stillborn was wound up inside her and was the cause of the complications. The runt died when we got her home. And then the little black one died. We think he got dosed to a bad level with the surgery drugs. u_u

  6. Yeah, it sucked, but the four that survived are doing just fine. o_o; And have tripled in size since they were born. Greedy little mutts. X3 I named one Dip. Short for Dipshit. =_=;

  7. :P We're getting even on killing each other! o_o Your frags are all tasty, btw...
  8. POW! Right in the kisser! X3

  9. *salutes* Hello, m'dear. *courtly bow*

  10. XD I can't help being quicker on the draw, partner. *blows smoke off hands* Fastest keyboard in the West. :P

  11. =_o One day I can kill you repeatedly... the next day, you keep taking all my damn frags, repeatedly. T.T

  12. Whew, you were about to die. I donated all my stats but one point TWICE, and you're still in the yellow zone. =_o Thank god for potions. <3

  13. Hellooo fellow guild mate! Very powerful, rich guild mate... o_o *friends* I might need somebody to revive my ass later on. XD I'd do the same for you! <3

  14. *wavewave* Howdy! <3

  15. *waves* Howdy. ^.^

  16. Booo, you were supposed to die and give me all your twelve billion frags. u_u;

  17. Happy birthday! *luffs*

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