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Everything posted by octoberman

  1. Bambi - Prince
  2. Because they wouldn't let you join in any reindeer games. Doesn't anybody "get" me?
  3. Sounds like a rhetorical question. Approximately how long should I put up with my girlfriend's gargantuan mood swings?
  4. Refuge Of The Roads - Joni Mitchell
  5. Yes, that's why we have the judicial system. Aren't we all just making it up as we go along?
  6. It may be time to consult the Magic 8 Ball. Doesn't anybody walk anymore?
  7. It's the Akashic Record, the Center of All Knowledge. After I finish re-reading Dickens, who should I re-read next?
  8. I thought we already covered that in our last session. Is steak & kidney pie worth the effort?
  9. "Take One"? Is it ever too late to fall in love?
  10. 'Cause deep down he knows it's bad for him. How soon is now?
  11. Well, as I recall I was mildly surprised at the, how shall I put it...moistness of the young lady at the time. I seem to remember the phrase "wet as a dish rag" coming from her in the heated conversation. Of course I know now that it's a variable situation, but I did take it to be a good thing. Not to be too indelicate, but I also remember certain, uh, aromas involved. Hey, you asked! But in actuality I don't think it was altogether unpleasant. In fact, quite the opposite. I guess that stuff about pheremones is true. I almost forgot...it didn't last very long. And when I say "it" I mean me.
  12. It was, but now it's way past it's expiration date. Why do I keep doing this to myself?
  13. I think a quite a few of the FX shows are excellent, including The Shield and The Riches. Especially Damages. I'd finish watching an episode and wish it were longer. Great acting, great storytelling. I'm so pleased to hear it's coming back.
  14. I'm a musician, and I played in a pretty good band for several years. It had quite a few members, among which were the drummer, who was the bandleader, and his wife, one of the singers. About a year ago I quit the band under the pretense that I was leaving town to go to some school, but in actuality I'd fallen desperately in love with his wife and had to quit before I went crazy and did something I'd later regret. They all think I've left town, but I'm still here. Luckily I live in a pretty big town. It's so cliche it's funny, but it's true.
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