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Everything posted by slashtheboyz

  1. Oh Please! It's called fiction for a reason people. All of it is a bunch of lies made up for entertainment. And the show writers themselves put so many contradictions in the show characters and their backgrounds that there isn't really "one true way" for a character to act. If that same character were put into different circumstances they might act differently than they do in the show. That is the whole point of fan fiction. Take the character/s you like and put them in different circumstances and see what happens. Fan Fic writers write for the enjoyment. I'm currently in the midst of my first fan fiction story. I do not write for the readers, or I'd never mess with the hassle. And I darn sure don't do it for the attention. And if any teeny boppers can get in here to ask OMG more smut plz! Then this isn't a place I want to be. Even my LiveJournal is labeled adult materials just to screen out the teeny boppers. I'm writing this particular fan fic because I got an idea that chewed on my brain until I wrote it down. I've written poetry for my own enjoyment since I was very young. I've always written on anything handy and anywhere the inspiration strikes. Real writers write anything they like as long as they write, and they don't care if snobs like you like it or not. They still write what they like. Sometimes I believe it's more like we write what we have to. If an idea takes hold it will not go away until it's been thoroughly explored with written words. I don't particularly appreciate your snobby post stating fan fic writers aren't real writers, and the reasons they write. You're way off base there. I could write original fiction I suppose. But fan fiction is fun, that's the point of it. If you choose to write original fiction then be my guest, but it doesn't make you any better than me or anyone else who chooses not to do so. Soooo, I'm going to politely invite you to stick your opinion where the sun doesn't shine. I joined this forum thinking there would be a few good people to discuss writing with. I can clearly see I was wrong. Now I'm disgusted that I even bothered. There are always a few like you who think they're better than anyone else and it's okay to knock people because they don't see things your way. It's a damned good thing that you're not in any important position anywhere in the fiction world, now isn't it.
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