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Everything posted by lb54

  1. 7396
  2. Hmm. To add my two cents, I can say that they are right and wrong. This is sort of like the violent video games/television shows arguement. Some people really distort reality, or get bad habits. Likewise with rape. I have no doubt that 99% of the people here are not rapists or one bit like their stories, and thats a good thing. BUT their point is you never know, and with these fictions out there it may tempt the mentally weaker or desperate people out there and they may get the wrong idea. They also want people to know that rape is serious, which it is. They are using the fanfics as an example of what is NOT true. Not saying fanfiction is evil. But that it is not fully realistic and that anyone reading should not take rape lightly. Thats my opinion.
  3. I read the topic vocabulary turn offs Link: http ://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...showtopic=4436 Question...with all these turn offs, what are words that are turn ons and good for stories? o.O I didn't want to hijack the thread, so I posted a sister thread here...
  4. What happens when the nerd in Danny Phantom meets the powers of the Master PC, the nerds greatest Mind control and universe altering program... 8 Chapters up, here is the link Master PC Phantom Edition
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