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Harley Quinn hyenaholic

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Posts posted by Harley Quinn hyenaholic

  1. Hmmm... let me see... you need a little clarification, and I feel like agreeing with you.

    1: Ugh, Authors Notes! Now okay, sometimes you may have something to say to your readers. But if you do, please say it before the fanfic starts. Or after the fanfic. Nobody wants to be interrupted mid-sex-scene with a comment on how much you LOVE studding Shadow's ears. If you must say it right there, if you're THAT CRAP at keeping your damn mouth shut, at least put in an asterix (*) and let the writer CHOOSE whether they give a damn.

    2: "I want 10 reviews before I put up a new chapter." You manipulative, childish, stupid BITCH! You might get 200 hits but you'll be lucky if you get 2 reviews out of that. In fact, it's usually a good idea to assume that every person who reads your fic may well access it 20 times or more. And they aren't all registered, so unless you have anonymous reviews enabled, they can't all review anyway. And of course, some people are just lazy. And some of those hits are from you. Divide Hits by 20, and that's a better interpretation of how many people are really visiting.

    3: For this, I use online thesauruses. There are also online rhyming dictionaries and online spelling dictionaries. Word for Windows spellcheck works well enough most of the time, but their grammar check is appalling. Especially if you want to write descriptively.

    4: For this problem, you will require a human. Somebody with a living brain. Even a Beta won't always find every problem, for they may be Betaing for a dozen people as fast as they can, and the eye sees what should be there instead of what is there. It's natrual for humans. And apart from that, a Beta won't be able to improve your story. If you read your fic through yourself, you might be able to improve action and sex scenes just before they go up, spot spelling errors that a busy Beta might miss, and justgenerally improve your work.

    5: What the hell do I know about HP spells? But an inability to research your own fandom is inexcusable. Especially when it's pretty fucking obvious that you have access to the internet. There are Wikis for Transformers, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings. And that's just for starters - your fandom probably has an official site too if you're really stuck. There are sites for spanish and mexican insults, and sites for song lyrics. You have the INTERNET.

    6: You can beg forgiveness for not speaking English all you like. I'm not gonna stop being distracted, put off, and just generally annoyed by your lack of knowledge of my language. If your first language isn't English, that's fine, but why not write in your first language and aim your fanfic at those people already? Or don't Spanish people use the internet?

    7: This is generally a suggestion to make sure your Beta speaks the same form of English you do. If Americans asked me to beta for them, they'd get their fic back entirely in british English - mainly because my spellcheck default is UK. They probably wouldn't be happy about that.

    8: Why should reviewers correct your mistakes? They're here to complain about them, not correct them.

    9: Your Beta is trying to HELP you. Usually because you asked them to. Turn down their opinions and advice, and you could easily lose yourself a friend. Even if they just say "I don't like this kind of plot" they're trying to be helpful. Trying to point out that they're not the best person to ask for an opinion on it.

    10: You ask for no flames. Baby, two things. First of all, nobody likes flames. Second of all, real flamers aren't gonna pay any attention to you asking them not to do what they do best - copy and paste a thousand SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!s into a review. Don't give them the dignity of replying. Just report them, and delete their review. Third of all, not every bad review is a flame. If somebody has the decency to tell you why your fic sucks ass, sure, they may make you cry, and they may be rude, but they're not a flamer. Fourth of all, revenge reviewing is childish and pathetic. If a writer has stories of their own and you hate them for giving you a bad review, don't give them a bad review out of spite. Who knows, they might be a much better writer than you. You might be able to learn something from them. And you don't HAVE to review them anyway. Leave it all be.

  2. Yes, I did notice the words "Angst" and "Bumblebee" in your topic title.

    First of all, it depends what he's getting angsty about. As long as it's not something really stupid and petty... well, you know how it is. Miserable git characters will get miserable about just about anything. Bumblebee wouldn't get miserable about something like a bad day, or somebody calling him a name, or getting beat up in a Decepticon/Autobot battle. He'd need something big and extended to happen - something that really makes him feel bad and stretches over time.

    Something like... I don't know... I'll guess at him loving his boss and being turned down by Optimus himself because of something that he can't help.

    So, like I was saying, it's gotta be something big. If it's big, then it warrants getting unhappy about it.

    Also, I'll be watching anything you turn out, as well as still making my offers for us to team up and turn out something really amazing and dirty.

  3. Ah, those foul Bots that spam up your reviews with about a hundred identical reviews filled with insults and porn, and keep you and all others from reading or even deleting them so you need to repost the fic, losing all your reviews in the meantime.

    How about you arrange that when you leave a review, whether logged in or not, you must type in the letters in the box, like you need to when you register for things? That would stop most bots, and slow down manual spammers too. I wouldn't have to block anonymous reviews to keep myself safe from spam-bots.

    Surely it's an addition that can be made?

  4. If I really can't think of a title (I usually can but hey) I generally pick a song that seems to fit the fic, and call it that. If the reader knows it's a song title, if they want they can look up the song sometime. If they don't want to, I hardly ever put lyrics in my fics because Songfics are pathetic. If they don't know it's the title of a song, I just got away clean.

  5. I think a word count might come in handy, provided it was in the search functions too.

    A "less than" word count like "Less than 100 words" and "From 100 to 200" and "from 200 to 300" sort of thing, rather than an exact word count would keep the most pathetic of the pissing contests under control. Of course, you might then end up with losers padding their intros and their stories with 'Therefores' and 'alsos' just to keep then from sinking below 100.

    It's just that lately, people have been posting fanfics that are one chapter long and a single solid paragraph of pornographic crap, and that sort of thing gives AFF a bad name.

    Bugger, I forgot I already said this!

  6. You know that thing where I try to be nice so that un-logged-in, un-registered people can also review my stuff? Well somebody's taken advantage of it and now I can't even see most of my reviews. There's about 100 more reviews - per freaking story - than yesterday. I can't even get in to delete them because there's so many.

    It's my Animé Transformers stories that have been ravaged like this. But I don't know the creep's review IDs or I'd be able to delete them.

    Help! And punch this jerk in the nose!

  7. Today I worked out how to use Windows Movie Maker (and made a clip) and that probably means I'll be spending MORE time making clips and maybe even construct one of those slideshows for characters. My own characters.

    Also spending time waiting for people I know.

    All my friends are on the Internet, who the hell needs to go outside?

  8. It's a simple question. What do you do all day? Are you like me, and spend 90% of your time on the computer, dressed in your pyjamas, typing fanfics and chatting to friends?

    Currently, I spend almost 50% of my Internet time on IM, acting as some kind of psychologist for one of my friends who has anorexia and is trying to get over it. That time is split between listening to her problems (something I'm fine on doing) and RPing a story about anorexia. Her first-hand experience is awful handy, but I'm kinda having trouble reading her mind.

    Other time is spent trying to get one of my more annoying friends to quit being such an unreliable DICK. Sure, it's great that he introduced me to one of my friends, but now I can't get any work at all done on that story and some days I just want to punch him.

    The rest of the time is spent trying to get my best friend in the whole world (who lives in Illinois) to RP. He used to be really good about this but lately maybe it's just something to do with my fandom changing. Don't even get me started on the crush he's got on me when I have a boyfriend already.

    My front door is playing up today. I have closed it three times already and it keeps opening. It should be locked, but it manages to open again.

    So, do you spend all your time on the computer? Or do you occasionally step outside?

    I see the light! IT BURNS!

  9. Just because I write yaoi doesn't mean I'm gay. Just because I write rape doesn't make me a rapist. Just because I write bondage doesn't mean I've done bondage. And just because I write about sticking a wire in somebody's ear while OC's kissing them doesn't mean I'm a murderer.

    I'm sure you get the idea.

    Not that I would ever portray child abuse as being a good thing. Provided you know the difference between real life and fantasy, you're free to fantasise what you want. It's certainly preferable to using real children.

    Also, pedophilia CAN be cured - provided the patient WANTS to be cured.

    You might as well stand there and insist "Hey, Anorexics can't be cured so why not let them starve to death?" I've got a friend who used to be Anorexic.

  10. Only problem I can see is that right now she seems awfully shallow.

    Her bad habits seem awfully normal. If you don't really trust somebody, nobody's expecting you to be nice to them. It would be more of a bad habit to make her snappish with her friends. And a pet peeve is being called names. Nobody really likes being called names. And JEEZ, liking the Autobots? Nice and all, but nothing special.

    As for disliking other humans, well, why is that? Is it just so that she doesn't fit in and can be really good friends with giant alien robots? Now that is A Sue trait - just one, but if flaunted it could make your character really self-isolated and pitiable, only I know I won't pity her because so far she's not interesting.

    No, robot legs do not automatically grant you interestingness. Or save you from being a Sue.

    If 'linguist' is her job, I'll let her get away with those languages, as long as there's a reason in stories for her to have them. But I'm a little shaky on her robotic limbs. Like, how good are they? I know Sector 7 provided them, so they're bound to be impressive, but can she just walk with them, or are you planning on turning her into a cyberninja?

    Basically, this character isn't powerful enough to be a Sue right now, but she's awfully dull. If she's going to be an important OC, she needs more personality.

    How about I direct you to some mental illnesses? Feaston your character with a social disorder or two (most of mine have a couple) and she'll become a lot less perfect and a lot more interesting.

  11. Well, knowing about the fandom is important... but then again, it's important for every genre of Fanfiction. Yes, smut too. Research makes your sex even better. It's just that some people are lazy, ignorant gits and think that if sex is involved, you don't have to know people's personalities, histories, abilities or other 'ties'.

    So, yes, you do need to know your fandom, I agree Solaris. Aspergers Syndrome really comes in handy for that.

    I kinda felt like it went without saying, and besides, so many people would have continued to ignore the fact anyway.

    Also, having a few plot details - like killer, means, motive and opportunity, all noted down somewhere else, like on a piece of paper, or in Notepad, is a good idea.

  12. I like to have my OCs as important characters. Not THE MAIN characters, but important. They're always involved with the Canons. Their life revolves around the canons, not the other way around.

    And I like to talk a lot about their past, but not all of it.

    But that's fanfiction.

    In Original Fiction, it's different. What with there being no Canons at all, you have to live without them. Make your own canons.

  13. Hmmm... that does sound like the sort of thing I could write. I've always thought that Donatello was the most normal of all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Even if Bad Boys are sexy(er).

    And I already have an idea for one. I just need to be able to stick at it. It's a while since I've done anything on my own.

    DAMMIT! I just revived a dead thread!

  14. To/Too/Two.

    And all the examples above.

    Now everybody makes spelling mistakes once in a while. And sometimes even computers miss spelling errors. But the above are just an example that the writer can't be arsed to read their own work. No wonder it sucks. If they can't bother to go over their own spelling, their own grammar, their own plot, hell, if they can't even arse themselves to turn on their Office document writer thing's spell-checker, they really are stupid.

    "Hey, I've already WRITTEN it, why arse myself to READ it? I'll just throw a hasty spasm attack when somebody reviews and tells me the writing is terrible, or asks why I can't spell for cookies and that my fic sucks."

    Me, I go over a chapter multiple times before I put it up. Usually because it's just been on my computer for so long. It still sometimes has a few mistakes I miss, and I hate missing them. I even hate punctuation errors. But going over it is vital.

  15. Asking who cares, I care. Not that I want you to die, but if I'm reading a Transformers fanfic, I'd like it to be about Transformers. Not the way you feel like mating with Dinobot.

    OCs are all very well, but you can have a starring OC and still keep up the canons as the heros, you know. Self Insert is fine too, because who's gonna know if that Anthromorphic Cat is you unless you say? But I'm trailing a fanfiction site to read FANFICTION, not lousy "I'm the hero! Look at me! I just saved Spock!"

  16. Just saying now, to all my reviewers...

    I do love you all, but I don't actually pay you a damn of attention when you're asking for new updates. Most of the time, I intend my updates to be a week apart no matter what, although lately it's been a bit irregular.

    So saying "Please Update!" doesn't change anything.

  17. I've only written one Murder Mystery before, a crossover with Sonic and Cluedo, but it was a good one.

    Here's some advice for writing one. You can find more advice by searching on Google; it's not hard.

    1: The most important thing is that you know whodunnit, how and why, before you get going.

    2: Getting things wrong is excusable in smutfics. It's not excusable in Whodunnits. If you can't Beta yourself, you MUST get somebody else to help.

    3: When it comes to the crunch, three things are needed - Means, Motive and Opportunity. The ONLY person to have all three is the culprit. Other suspects may have one or two of the others, but they never have all three.

    4: This is still a fanfic. You're still working with canon characters. Why not use their canon skills? But if the hero turns out to be a killer, you WILL need a DAMN good reason.

    Moving on, to make your Whodunnit more exciting, there are some other things to keep in mind.

    1: Giving everybody a Motive is an option. Multiple motives are also an option, as are secret motives. But being crazy is not a good motive, unless the character is like that in the fandom. Motive is better than crazyness.

    2: The least likely person? Why the hell not? But making it the least likely person is not an option to decieve your readers with false clues that can't be discounted.

    3: If somebody's framing somebody, they need the chance to frame them.

    4: Multiple crimes? Why not - if you can handle it. One culprit means they needed the chance to do it all. Multiple culprits means they BOTH needed the chance to do whatever they did, whether they're working together or not. That means you have effectively got two Whodunnits in one to write. If you're not familiar with mysteries, it's best to practice a little before moving onto multiple crimes.

    Try to read a few published mysteries before you try to write one yourself. Not all of them are genuinely solvable. But they never 'lie' to the reader. Even if you can't see what's going on, it's still true - the hero didn't see something that the author failed to mention just to decieve the readers. They didn't see it at all.

    If, halfway through putting up your fic, somebody guesses right, or partially right, don't change it just to spite them. In fact, if they can guess who, and how, that's signs that you're writing accurately.

    If you have any advice of your own, or have any questions, ask or mention them.

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