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  1. **ADMINISTRATORS** I mean no disrespect by posting this thread. If you rather it didn't continue, I understand. I encourage those interested in this story and in my continuing it to message me directly and let me know if I have an audience or not. Please don't penalize me or kick me out of the group. Finding an audience for a 20 year old movie Fan Fiction, as you know, is quite difficult and at least in this group, there are writers who might at least be interested in the the content if not the movie and it's characters. Please let me this chance to put feelers out. If anyone is interested even a little, I will then create a place on my A03 profile for those interested to have access and a place to read as I post. Thank you. Respectfully, MarianTheBlackadder *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ To All Fan Fiction Readers, This is the beginning of a story I've been working on the last two months, every since I watched the movie “The Gangs of New York” (2002) and had a few ideas I've been tossing around. This is one of them and the problem with writing fanfictions of 20 year old movies is if anyone would care to read them or just scroll past it without giving it a second thought much less a look. I'm focusing on the 'villain' Bill the Butcher Cutting (Played by Daniel Day Lewis) because there is so much more they could have done with that character, so many things to explore, so many beliefs. He's what is referred to as a principled psychopath, which makes him more dangerous then your average loose cannon psycho because he has rules for himself and moral code that he abides by and sticks to. Fascinating character to say the least. So the reason I'm posting this very small bit that i've written, I was curious if anyone would be interested in reading my exploration into this character and my ideas as I write it, or if this would be a story for me and me alone to write which would be ok too. As this is just a baby WIP story, there's nothing really triggering in it. A small bit of violence is alluded to but that is it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Author: Title: Summary: Feedback: Fandom: Pairing: Warnings: Solo story or chaptered story: URL: Review Reply thread:
  2. Seriously been forever since I’ve been here! I did a lot over at A03 when I was the admin of two Round Robin groups and dozens of stories with daily updates just took me away from my own stuff. About the only stories I was working on were group collaborations. THEN in Feb 2018 I had my son. Any Hiddlestoners out here? My son was Born Feb 8th and his first name is William. Only Hiddlestoners will understand the significance Well, my son is 6 and attends school now, and I care-take and house keep for my parents in exchange for my son and I living with them. I’m having a few hours a day having an existential crisis that I turned 42 when I wasn’t looking and rather go back to writing but I want to gather, clean up, and beta some of my old stories. How do I do that? Just start a new story and transfer it one chapter at a time? Or do I start a whole new account and transfer from there? I”m open to suggestions.
  3. Author: The Blackadder Title: A Villian's Heart Summary: (Thor/Avengers) This is a LOKI based Fiction taking place after he was captured and incarcerated at the end of Avengers and before Thor: The Dark World. Did you ever wonder why Loki went so insane when he found out his father was actually the King of the Frost Giants? Thor goes to his cell to find answers. Feedback: As much as I can get. If you could either comment on the story or e-mail me directly at mercilessraven@yahoo.com, I would be very grateful and happy Also don't forget to rate my story 5+ !!! Fandom: Marvel 'Verse Movies > Thor Pairing: Thor talking to Loki in prison. Tag/Warnings: NoSex, MiCD, Angst, H/C Solo story or chaptered story: Solo short story URL: http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091225
  4. PLEASE READ!!! I need feedback! Thank you Author: TheBlackadder AKA Marian Welty Title: A New Beginning (Terra Nova) Summary: This is a Terra Nova story, about a young woman whose biology was mutated when she came through the portal from 2149 to the Terra Nova settlement with her parents 85 Million years in the past. She gained abilities that no mortal human should have and removed herself from the colony to live on her own. Commander Taylor doesn't believe on giving up on any of his colonists and won't let the young woman of 19 years of age just fade into obscurity and is willing to do anything to bring her back to Terra Nova. Feedback:Please I need all the feedback I can get, you can even e-mail me directly mercilessraven@yahoo.com Fandom: Terra Nova (2011) Pairing: Commander Nathaiel Taylor, Miss Bridget Sullivan Warnings:AFFO, H/C, MC, OC, WIP Solo story or chaptered story: Chapters URL:http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098002
  5. Just posted the last chapter to my story "A New Beginning" Give it a read and please please please! Give feedback! http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097952 ALSO, There is a Terra Nova marathon tomorrow on the Science Channel! Make sure you tune in!
  6. Just added Chapter 10 to my story.
  7. Chapter Nine of "A New Beginning" just posted. Check it out and be sure to leave feedback!!! http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097952
  8. PLEASE READ!!! I need feedback! Thank you Author: TheBlackadder AKA Marian Welty Title: A New Beginning (Terra Nova) Summary: This is a Terra Nova story, about Commander Taylor having a chance to start a new life and family of his own Feedback:Please I need all the feedback I can get, you can even e-mail me directly mercilessraven@yahoo.com Fandom: Terra Nova (2011) Pairing: Commander Nathaiel Taylor, Miss Rayne O'Connell AKA Mrs. Rayne Taylor (OC) Warnings:Abuse, AFFO, Angst, Bi, Contro, CR, D/s, H/C, Humil, Inc, MC, M/F, OC, Preg, RapeFic, Tort, Violence Solo story or chaptered story: Chapters URL:http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097952
  9. Hey guys, This is a direct link to my design. Just click the link and then click VOTE Thank you again for voting for me!!! http://ugc.smartycloud.com/comments-detail.php?contest_id=4c815a25-b3e5-410b-8646-c59efb77d7ff&entry_id=56e61903-4e7f-476b-9d77-2bda5068c07e
  10. Hey guys, So this clothes website that I am completely in love with, is having a design contest. I entered like 6 dresses but only one of them has any sort of a chance I think. The Dress is called "Mackenzie" and last time I looked it was the last one in the second row. (Depends on the size of your computer probably). http://www.facebook.com/holyclothingfan/app_137350649736546 If that doesn't take you directly to the Design Contest page then you can go to: http://www.facebook.com/holyclothingfan then click on the Design Contest or $400 in prizes Link and it will take you there. Voting is over on December 10th. I entered kinda late so I probably won't win but I at least gotta try!!! Oceans of Love, ~Marian~ AKA ~Blackadder~ (or Bob LOL)
  11. Hey Guys, You know you've seen these all over the internet. On pages, on facebook walls, even over at MySpace where the crickets cherp constantly. SO here are some for all of you to enjoy. Add 'em if you got 'em!!!!
  12. Come on, Serenity and Firefly are out on DVD and Blue Ray. Why aren't there like a million more Music Videos? Get ON it Browncoats!!! Does anyone out there have video making capability? Cause I have all these GREAT ideas for song/videos of firefly/serenity. But I have never quite had the capability to make youtube music videos. I can make them out of stills but I'm sure you all agree that is so lame. There seems to be almost NO music videos on youtube for FireFly/Serenity, which is weird considering how many browncoats are out there and it's been released on DVD for a while. What is going on with this? **For Instance**: **The Whole Crew Serenity and Firefly-** ["Cowboy" by Kid Rock][http://youtu.be/iPOQE_LUESs] [“Last Firday Night” by Katy Perry][ http://youtu.be/VqmW1d87AlU] [“Dead or Alive” by Bon Jovi][ http://youtu.be/OYZ5oWkOfqU] [“Tik Tok” by Kesha][ http://youtu.be/fDj2NiVNZ-w] [“Gotta Keep ‘Em Seperated” by The Offspring][ http://youtu.be/eFwkv14u3b4] **Captain Malcolm Reynolds-** [“My Way” by Limp Bizkit][ http://youtu.be/IJ9xhsVV42I] [“Hope It Gives You Hell” by All American Rejects][ http://youtu.be/1UWgRwVRbxc] [“Highway to Hell” by AC/DC][ http://youtu.be/Xv24N8H1KyI] [“Dude Looks Like A Lady” by Areosmith][ http://youtu.be/KEKDgZH0EGQ] (Yes, I realize this only fits him for one scene in one episode, but that bonnet was to much LOL) [“In the End” by Linkin Park][ http://youtu.be/1yw1Tgj9-VU] **Mel/Inaria -** ["Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge][http://youtu.be/s12XiAOtjcg] ["Love the way you lie" by Eminem][http://youtu.be/uelHwf8o7_U] ["Bad Romance" By Lady Gaga][http://youtu.be/qrO4YZeyl0I] [“Hot ‘N’ Cold” by Katy Perry][ http://youtu.be/A_FreDrOFd0] [“Fallin’” by Alicia Keys][ http://youtu.be/Urdlvw0SSEc] **Inaria-** ["Poker Face" By Lady Gaga][http://youtu.be/bESGLojNYSo] [“Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson][ http://youtu.be/c-3vPxKdj6o] [“Wind it Up” by Gwen Stefani][ http://youtu.be/9sY-TsLXiDo] [“Lady Marmalade” for Moulin Rouge][ http://youtu.be/RQa7SvVCdZk] **Yo-Saf-Bridge and . . .Everybody - ** ["Crush No.1" by Garbage][http://youtu.be/locBtYh90-0] [“Crazy Bitch” by BuckCherry][ http://youtu.be/wSzyKO_kW_s](Explicit) [“Maneater” by Nelly Furtado][ http://youtu.be/veqoVP4zzEg] **Yo-Saf-Bridge/Inaria-** [“Rumor Has It” By Adele][ http://youtu.be/Ti3t7MAwaaM] [“Gypsy Woman” by Hilary Duff][ http://youtu.be/g5yXW9cUldo] **Mel and/Or Zoey -** ["Original Sin" by Taylor Dane][http://youtu.be/ehAnATDG_FE] **River –** [“Disturbia” By Rihanna][ http://youtu.be/sTKY5GTQ1HQ] [“Living Dead Girl” By Rob Zombie][ http://youtu.be/UDX86QBbSw8] (Mostly from the episode “Message” and when she was fighting Reveers) [“I Don’t Like The Drugs, But the Drugs Like Me” By Marilyn Manson][ http://youtu.be/vhCwebrGMTc] [“Medication” by Garbage][ http://youtu.be/WXICN7Ng58o] [“Sweet Dreams” by Marilyn Manson][ http://youtu.be/BHRyMcH6WMM] **Jayne –** [“Monsta Mack” by Sir-Mix-A lot][ http://youtu.be/Suw1PaTzTIE] (Explicit) [“Paradise City” by Guns ‘N’ Roses][ http://youtu.be/btLRy4EHF0k] [“Sexy Bitch” by David Guetta][ http://youtu.be/Rgh3Pnt9O68] (Explicit) (Cause this just reminds me of Jayne’s tact with the ladies) **Simon-** [“She Fuckin’ Hates Me” by Puddle of Mudd][http://youtu.be/qDkZdTJbSxw] (Explicit) [“Pretty Fly for a White Guy” by The Offspring][http://youtu.be/VB-_S95Skwo] **Kaleey-** [“What the Hell” by Avril Lavigne][ http://youtu.be/NE7dhplqLjs] [“Your Love is My Drug” by Kesha][ http://youtu.be/7w93zv89Jug] **Kaleey/Simon –** [“The Best Damn Thing” by Avril Lavigne][ http://youtu.be/y1DpBgUwKQA] [“Tell Me Baby” by Red Hot Chili Peppers][ http://youtu.be/BWyblTqAwp0] [“Whenever, Wherever” by Shakira][ http://youtu.be/weRHyjj34ZE] [“Build Me Up Buttercup” by The Foundations][ http://youtu.be/iol0B-clFFM] **Wash-** [“Learn to Fly” by Foo Fighters][ http://youtu.be/7dwuzqF6huc] [“Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines”][ http://youtu.be/UPgS26ZhqZs] **Wash/Zoey-** [“Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows][ http://youtu.be/22bK0C2obFc] [“Hot Stuff” by Donna Summer][ http://youtu.be/27-TM3q5-Cc] **Shephard Book-** [“Here it Is” from Paint Your Wagon][ http://youtu.be/1WuLtOQ0BCk] Could any other songs line up so perfectly for these?
  13. http://youtu.be/cgccGccTjHA http://youtu.be/8qT4d6xEUd8
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