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Everything posted by DireAfterglow

  1. I was just wondering if I could request a content code for drugs/alcohol in a story. I went through and didn't see one on the list yet so I would like to request one be added! If it can be done thank you very much!
  2. I used to a lot when I was younger-- Jolt and Red Bull especially. When I started working in a coffee shop last year, though, I was switched back onto the beans, though it's left me with a higher tolerance for caffine and picky in my taste for coffee now >.> Once and a while I'll indulge in a Red Bull now and then, but everything else I drink tastes so bad to me...My brother let me taste his Java Monster Chai-something-or-other the other day and I threw up in my mouth a little x.x A taste of that makes me wonder just what they put in junk now a days...
  3. The fact that you've read Poppy Z. Brite made me smile :3 Kudos to you, there aren't enough of us out there!

  4. Wow, that’s unattractive…I don’t know what’s so pillow-like about boobs anyhow…*shrug* That and all it makes me do is think of Carrie and ‘dirty pillows‘, which uber-crazy-religious mammas isn‘t necessarily what I want to think about when I‘m reading something sexy…XD
  5. Sometimes I don't think people even bother to run it through a basic spell check...*shakes head* I mean I'm no grammar nazi and I make plenty of mistakes myself and quite often, but I think if you're going to publish something online you should at least have the common decency to use a spell/grammar check... ...*spell and grammar checked the above just in case*
  6. Mm, I have a lot of them... Necks in general (specifically the Adams apples and the little 'v' in front) Wrists Inner thigh Ribcages Collarbones The corners of lips Elbows (elbows are just cute to me...) I think that those are some of the most sensual areas of the body <3
  7. Even as a lesbian with a long standing sexual relationship, even I find it hard to write yuri sex scenes (though, strangely enough, yaoi comes quite naturally...), but I will do my best to give any advice that I've found helpful. As a lot of the others have been saying, considering the background of your characters is very important. If you have a bold character, a shy character, a virgin character, an experienced character, it affects how the sex will develop overall. It's best to go a little in-depth when you are describing them to make them more of a person rather than a creature about to have crazy-hot sex. For me, emphasizing the softness of girls comes to importance, not in manner but in their bodies. Girls are a lot of soft, curving planes no matter what build, though it can be emphasized differently if you're looking for a rough, dominating sex scene or something fluffy and loving. That, and the realness of it is important, too. With sex there is usually a lot of fumbling, getting caught in clothes and strange noises and new touches. I think it's better to describe those little things as well, that and making sure not to overkill on dialogue. Though some is good during sex if well written, there gets to a point where the pleasure should be well enough to keep them from talking, or at least from talking completely coherently… When it comes to the mechanics itself, I think that that's where yuri becomes more difficult for me. There aren't a lot of words that sound as pleasant when describing female anatomy, it seems, without being either slander or almost medical. I've heard things ranging from pussy, vagina, juncture, mound, lips, sweetness….It's really depending on the mood of the piece. For me, that is honestly where I struggle the most-- the intimacy and foreplay comes easily, but the words to use are difficult (compared to with men where it's almost a glorification-- member, shaft, cock…). Also, I'd say with female sex it becomes a lot about pleasing the partner rather than the self. Unless they are touching each other at the same time (which becomes difficult if you are trying to do things to your partner and concentrate, or unless sixty-nining…) generally (or at least in my experience), it's about taking turns. One partner usually makes sure to get the other off first, then the roles are switched. That also goes into the personality of your character-- whether they would please their partner first, expect to be pleased, and the way in which they please each other. That combined with the fact that girls can potentially have multiple orgasms is enough to create quite a lengthy sex scene. If you're going for something a little less graphic, even just the slighest bit of affection can start everything. My first real kiss with a girl (and the same girl I'm with today) started when we had been rolling around in her bed, sticking out our tongues at each other playfully, and it evolved into something much more. It can be from something playful or even something angry that a relationship starts. It's not too much unlike yaoi or het pairings, really, how it all begins, though with girls I do want to say that there usually is a little more emotion involved from the get-go, if only from a prexisting relationship or the societal deviancy of the action. It's best to explore those emotions ranging from confusion, acceptance, and taboo, depending on the situation. I have a problem with a lot of yuri I see written-- it's usually very cliché. The most important thing I can really say is to make it real; just because it's two girls doesn't make it perfect and beautiful and sexy. I think it's best written as if you're peaking into someone's real life (though maybe a little glorified-- it is fan fiction, after all) and getting a peak of intimacy from the inside. Hopefully something I said helps and isn't just a late night/early morning rambling :3
  8. Whenever I'm writing a fighting scene, whether extremely violent and emotionally charged to a simple training session, I try to cover all of the senses. There’s not only the pain and the dialogue but a sense of smell, whether from surroundings or the other person, a sense of taste whether it’s sweat or blood or a dry, nervous mouth. I also think it’s important to describe it rather vividly-- blood splattered on a cheek or a tear in the clothing, how hard a character is breathing or the dilation in their eyes. The more real and human it is, the more grit you can describe, the better it seems to come across, at least to me. I think people usually either smooth over a fighting scene too much or try to go too much into dialogue, but I always think it’s best to describe the mood and the thought behind the fight rather than the words thrown during it. That, and unless the fight is extremely casual or extremely emotional, there usually aren’t too many words, and the words you say have to count and mean a lot. I think the best I can say is don’t throw dialogue around too much and make it useless or messy-- sometimes less is more. (and I apologize if I’m not making too much sense-- I’m new to the forum and awake despite it being two in the morning and me having a test at ten XD I hope something I said helps, and sorry I don’t have much to touch on meditation)
  9. Have you ever been reading a fanfic that was rather good, and just as you were getting into a really hot sex scene, you read one word that hits you like a brick wall? I'm not sure how many times it's happened to me, but plenty enough that I get hella frustrated. Some examples I can think of: Penis Vagina Anus Rectum Meat-stick Love-lump Rod Juices Moist Pussy (I can deal with it rarely...) Weiner Man-meat (And I kid you not, I have seen these and many more that I can't even think of written into a serious sex scene. Most of mine seem to be either ridiculous or very clinical, neither of which I would want to think of describing something sexy or sensual...) So what words do it for you? Or, well...don't do it for you?
  10. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't. I'd have to say, that that one is quite amazing... Were any of these meant to be parodies, or are they 100% serious, trying to be deep?
  11. My first ever fandom was Digimon, way back in the day... Tai and Yama were my first love there. And looking back on it again, it only becomes more obvious to me how much they wrestle, hold hands, and look to each other longingly. Then again, watching 'Digimon is on Gay Fuel' kind of clenched the deal: http://digigayfuel.ytmnd.com/ As for first fanfiction, the first few I read were really hard-core BDSM Yugioh fics by hatochiisai, though I'm not sure which ones. It was extremely graphic for being my firsts, but I couldn't have asked for anything better to introduce me, really. Once you're a little desensitized, it becomes easier to react to more outlandish things that you read and figure out just what you're actually into. Roleplaying was my first experience doing anything with slash, though the RP that resulted of my muddled preteen years was extremely fucked up in more than one sense. It was mostly Digimon but evolved into something much more, something drugged up and angsty and hypersexual. I'd like to think I've developed since then, but still look back on it fondly. I'm glad I got into slash when I did. I'm not very proud of my super-fan girlish stage, but it's allowed me to develop my sense of sexuality and sensuality in different ways and actually has opened me up to a lot of concepts. I think it really allows someone to develop beyond a sense of deviancy that society tends to put on us for having different fetishes and fantasies, and at the same time lets you meet others based on something so intimate. I think as long as it's used carefully, it can be a powerful weapon <3
  12. ---------------------
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