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    Canada eh ^_^
  • Interests
    I'm just your normal everyday slash author ^_^ I currently write for the Inuyasha and the Harry Potter fandoms. I hope you'll check out my stories.

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lyiint's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Glad to hear you guys are back up and operational! You guys did a fantastic job getting things sorted out so quickly, so kudos to you. ♥
  2. If it was Harry/Draco, I'd be all over it
  3. Welcome back, Apollo
  4. I've added my birthdate to my profile. I hope this meets the conditions
  5. Everything sounds very exciting and I can't wait to see all the new things you have in store for us. I'm sure all of us look forward to all the new innovative idea's you come up with to work in our requests. Thanks for all your hard work.
  6. I really think we need this option as well so I'm adding my vote to the growing list of those who want a way to respond to reviewers. I love talking to those who have read my stories and, as been stated before, its very frustrating to not be able to repond. Most other fiction sites have this feature so it would be great if AFF could do it as well.
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