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Everything posted by Bargle5

  1. I read/write in the Harry Potter fandom. I avoid MPREG, Slash (though I like Femmeslash), scat, watersports, BDSM, blood play. I avoid the bad boy/good girl pairings. I just can't buy most Slytherin/Other house character stories. Draco/Hermione and Draco/Ginny, especially. I occasionally read Non-con fics, but it's not a favorite type of mine. Incest, as long as it's consensual, usually doesn't bother me. Snape/Hermione I like, if it's well done. (Ladyofthemasque and Swooning are usually quite good) And for some unknown reason, Hermione/Weasley twins stories irritate the hell out of me, no matter who writes them.
  2. I wanted to see the scene of Hermione using logic to pick out the right potions in the first movie. The Mad Magazine parody included it, but it wasn't in the movie or one of the scenes included on the DVD.
  3. I've only written one original story so far, so this is how it came to be. The story is here, if you're interested. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544190584 Several years back, I was daydreaming and got to wondering what I would answer for the old 'three wishes' thing. A couple of things that I came up with were a time machine and a device to control people's actions. That led to the 'Observer's Box' part of the story. True Crime is another interest of mine. There is an unsolved murder here where I live from that occurred in the early 90s. I don't remember exactly how, but the two things crossed in my mind and led to the story. It was a nice feeling to have the murder solved, even if it was only in fictional circumstances. That's the only thing I've gotten completed in the way of original stories.
  4. Bargle5

    Pimp Your Fic

    I can't pick just one as well. All, save one, are Harry Potter based. My first finished fic, "A Short Jorney", because it was my first and has gotten more reviews than any of my other stories. The story just popped out of my mind without much thought. Only one that's done that. Rewrites on it were just to get the smutty bits properly smutty. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544187860 "The Regret of Argus Filch" because of the odd viewpoint from an odd character and the conflicting emotions I tried to make the reader feel about the character. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544191523 "Terms of Payment" because of the 'one sided conversation' presentation and having a laugh with Snape. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544200255 "I Blame Ron Jeremy" because it has several thinly disguised incidents from my own life in it. It's a deliberate 'Gary Stu' story written for a challenge. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544187868 "Making Things a Little Bit Better" because it's my one original fic and was inspired by an actual unsolved murder in my town. It just got its first review after being up for over a year. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544190584
  5. On my fics, I try and leave them alone for a few days at least, then read them over again. I'll often spot typos or formatting errors then. When I correct them, I add a note to the the summary saying I just fixed some typos and there's nothing actually new in the story. Seems to work for me.
  6. Bargle5

    Harry Potter

    Will do! You're very welcome. You're also the second person I've helped find this fic again. I feel so useful.
  7. Bargle5

    Harry Potter

    I'm not absolutely certain, but I think you're describing Petalsoft's "What a Witch Needs". Link below. It's now completed, if that's the correct story. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544182125
  8. I agree the star rating isn't always indicative of a story's quality. I know there was one story in the Harry Potter section where the author had some troll leave mutiple one star ratings to drag the story's overall star rating down. Hits is a better indication, I think. For my first story that I put up here, I checked the number of hits for it after it had been up for a while. I compared it to the numbers for other one shot stories on the first 30 pages of stories. It was something like 2nd or 3rd of the fics I checked. I'm sure my count is a bit inflated because I kept finding typos and formatting mistakes. Correcting them moved the fic back to the first page of stories so I'm sure it got more notice because of that. Still, it does seem to have been a popular story. It's certainly my most popular story. On one of my own stories that I didn't think was near my best, I gave it a 3 star rating. Someone had left a 5 start rating for it and I didn't think it deserved it, so I left a lower rating to bring it down.
  9. CoughcoughLiveJournal blogcough.
  10. Some thoughts: I wish the site overlords would allow longer summaries. I understand you don't want to get too big, but another 25-50 words would help without getting too cumbersome, I think. While I usually like knowing the pairings before I start a fic, I have run across a few where putting that in ruins a twist at the end of the story. Ones where we know who one character is, but not the other. Use the story codes! I recently ran across a fic that hit one of my squicks without warning. Not good. For some people, any amount of (insert your sqick here) is too much.
  11. It was a fic of that type that got me to start writing fanfic. I remember thinking, "On my worst day I can still write better than that." I don't claim to be a great author, but I can come up with a bit more plot than that, even in a PWP. We've had this come up at times at another fanfic site I go to. One of the regulars on the message boards let slip in an IM session with a mod that she was underage. Even though she was a much liked member of the community, she got the boot. She was quite mature for her age and I had even betaed a story for her before her true age came out. There have been several young people, especially from other countries, that can't seem to understand that it's the country that the site is hosted in that sets the standard and it's the site owners that get in trouble if they aren't keeping the underage out. It doesn't matter if you think you're mature enough or your parents don't mind. They're not the ones that will be paying the penalty. There was a story here on AFF that got many bad reviews. There were a few, including one from me, that tried to give constructive critism. The author took the story down, rewrote it and put it back up. It was still awful. At least he/she tried.
  12. A good point. I read and write in the Harry Potter fandom and there are some matchups that are very popular that I don't like and I don't like stumbling onto them unknowingly. About warnings in general: Different people have different squick levels for things. An example, my story, "The Regret of Argus Filch" has a rape mentioned in the story, though it isn't described, just stated that it has happened, it still squicked the first person that reviewed it. It was posted first at another site and I had elected to leave a warning for it off. After that reviewer mentioned not enjoying having that rape pop up even though it wasn't graphic, I got a warning for it added to the story. I also got surprised myself a couple of times by things not being mentioned in the warnings. Once by brief Slash being included in an otherwise Het story. The author thought that since it was only briefly described, it wouldn't squick anyone. Wrong! Second instance, in the midst of a consensual het sex bit, the male slaps the female. I would really have appreciated a warning for that since I don't like violence in a consensual setting (no, I don't read BDSM fics) and it soured the story for me. I now tend to favor being having possibly too many warnings rather than squick someone.
  13. Bargle5

    This Is A Shame

    The story is "The Missing Bits" http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544190006 It's uneven in quality, some parts are funnier than others. It's not really a single story, but more of a group of related fics. I haven't updated it in a while because my personal writing muse has wandered off and shows no signs of coming back. Re: Parent's phrase. Sympathy ewww.
  14. Bargle5

    This Is A Shame

    A couple of thoughts:: FWIW I have one story up here involving characters that are 11 years old and having sex. It's in the Harry Potter section. In it, I have one of the byproducts of being a witch or wizard is that you hit puberty and have a higher than the general population sex drive at about the time you enter Hogwarts. Since this is typical in the wizarding world, they have classes for it. Yes, classes, and not just the biological info type. Your head of house actually takes you step by step through your early experiences and it continues up through your 4th year. it's all done in a goofy, lighthearted manner, not as a serious thing. On your parents having sex: One of the most 'ewww' things ever in my life was when I figured out what my parent's 'code phrase' for sex was.
  15. I usually reply with a review post myself. I try to include the name of the person I'm replying to, especially if there's other comments in between their review and my answer. I find reviews being answered in the story itself, distracting.
  16. Yes, I did. You know, most students have qualities that suit them for more than one house. General thanks to the people that have taken up the Challenge.
  17. You're very welcome. My own entry for the Colin Creevey/Pansy Parkinson pairing is already up. Looking forward to yours.
  18. Metafrantic, one of the authors here on AFF in the Harry Potter fandom has started a new drabble challenge. Details here: http://www.subvertthespace.com/fanfiction/...lechallenge.htm I had planned to put this in the challenge thread here, but it seems to have disappeared.
  19. OK. Goofiest dream I can remember. I was laying in bed. I couldn't move. I couldn't make a sound. I was completely terrified. Why? Because, hovering over my bed, in very menacing fashion, were... (wait for it) * * * * * * * The shirts of The Lovin' Spoonful! That's right, the shirts with those wide horizontal stripes worn by folk rockers, The Lovin' Spoonful. The Spoonful weren't in them, it was just their shirts. I still don't know what brought that one on. In another one, my house was broken into by a teenage hermaphrodite. After its penis split lengthwise into four sections and fell off, I blackmailed the now female burglar into sex for not calling the cops. Those are old dreams from years ago. Lately my dreams have been very boring. Over the last several months, I've had four dreams about a pretty teller that works at my company bank. In the first one we talked about how to say her name. Wrong. In the second one, she got to giggle at me when an elderly woman bent me over backwards to ask me something. In the third one, she was sad and I said something comforting. In the fourth we talked with another customer about some odd things and she showed me a newspaper article where she had been hospitalized for an acid burn and her name was changed when they took her in. Another recent dull one: I dreamed I did laundry.
  20. In HP Fanfics: Room of Requirement Grimmauld Place One of Hogwarts seemingly endless supply of closets. Snape's Office/Rooms I am guilty of using 2 of these myself.
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