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  1. I will try again, but I havent’ been able to log in to my account all day. Thanks! I was finally able to log in to my account. I did have to reset my password. I’m also glad to hear that my reporter hasn’t gotten here yet.
  2. Thanks. I’ve tried all that twice and still can’t get into my profile. It keeps telling me that I haven’t moved my profile or something, and so they can’t resend the verification. I’ll try again, but I have little hope.
  3. Sorry, my original username is tambrathegreat. My email is tambrathegreat@gmail.com
  4. For whatever reason it let me log in finally.. I'm so confused.
  5. I used the exact same info I used in May, it was saved to my computer. When I tried to reset my password to see if that was the problem, the site said there was an error and wouldn't let me reset it.
  6. I can't seem to log in to my archive account. I can log in to the forum, obviously, but the archive won't allow me to log in. Is the part of the read only thing that's going on, or am I locked out because I haven't logged in in so long?
  7. I can't seem to log in either and I tried the work arounds. Nothing.
  8. Woot! I'm so happy. I looked in all the things I thought it might be in, but didn't see it.
  9. I have a new category request. I checked the archives and couldn't find it so: The Walking Dead In Televison Shows I have several stories written with the TV characters already, and am working on another. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to attach a file to this or not, but let me know if you need to see the stories and I'll be happy to send them to you.
  10. I odn't know where I should post this, so I'll do it here. I just uploaded a new chapter to a story and the site won't recognise it at all. I've done it three times and when I check to make sure the chapter has posted, it hasn't. The story is in HP. It is called "The Spoils of War". The site URL is http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094766. I don't know what's going on, but I haven't had this problem before.
  11. Happy Birthday!!!!! Where have you been?

    1. tambrathegreat


      Sorry, I didn't even see this. This site has become unnavigable. Thanks.

  12. I would love to see a dark fic that is cannon up to the point where Harry kills Voldemort. In the scenario Voldemort won and Harry is believed dead (Narcissa is dead too, I don't really like stories where Lucius cheats on her in any manner.) Hermione is captured by Lucius, who is not as horrible as she's believed, though still an elitist and quite the terrifying person when angered. I believe you can write him in character while giving him a softer side that she hasn't seen before. Lucius seems to have no interest in Hermione sexually, but if you want he can require sex of her as payment for keeping her safe. She finds out that he has a secret guest after a time and the secret guest, of course, is Snape who is gravely ill from his wounds at the hands of the Dark Lord, but still alive. For whatever reason, Voldemort has gone completely off the deep end and is holding all the DE's children hostage. Lucius is desperate to save Draco and he enlists Hermione's aid to do this. Over the course of time, she starts to have feelings for Lucius, even while she is sleeping with and falling in love with Snape. She comes to find out that Lucius and Severus have been lovers for years, and this intrigues her. The plot should consist of a great deal of sexual tension leading up to the moment when the three get together, and should also have more than a bit of intrigue an danger. I hope this is what you were looking for. I would love to read it, but don't have the guts to do a threesome story yet myself. If you do decide to write it, please email me at tambrathegreat@gmail.com, and I will gladly review. tambrathegreat
  13. I write a great many OC's in my fics and have NEVER written a Mary Sue. To make such a generalization is not only ignorant but offensive. There are many good writers out there looking for an audience and fanfiction is one way they find them. In the fandom in which I write, there is a dearth of female characters of a certain age. There is little choice but to bring in an OC, otherwise a writer ends up producing nothing but Lolita stories or post end of series stories. Sometimes those don't work. As for the low number of reviews, maybe the number is low because too many people view fanfics like you do, and disregard OC stories without giving them a chance. I'm not trying to be offensive, just pointing out the error in your logic. My rule for OC's is there has to be a reason for them to be in the plot. They can't just suddenly show up and be accepted by all and sundry because the writer wants them to.
  14. Thanks for the prompt response. If you need any help, I'm serious, if you teach me what to do, I will do it. Thanks again, Tambrathegreat (the way I feel after my day at work.)
  15. I read the site’s requirements for making an new pairing search or whatever it’s called, and it said that you had to have 10 examples of the pairing before it would be considered. I am writing to ask that you put the Severus Snape/OC section back into the archives search things. It would even be nice if you just had an OC section. I like reading Original characters with Severus Snape, and it is exceedingly difficult to search through the entire general section to find them. Thanks for your consideration on this matter. Tambrathegreat 1)A Rock and a Hard Place by Ink Stained Wretch http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600016237 2)The Grindelwald Legacy by Ccino http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600013896 3)Leech by Ccino http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600013896 (and nine other stories, but I’m trying to show the diversity of authors who write OC pairings.) 4)Another Dark Star Shineth by Alabaster Princess http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018446 5)In the Dungeons by Pittwitch http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018766 6)The Marriage of Severus and Drusilla Snape by Elisheva Nadir http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010190 7)Blackeyed Girl by Momo http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018939 8)Deep Roots by Femme Bono http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600018609 9)Spinner’s End by Nakita Girl And because I’m tired and lazy, I’ll include my own: Forgiveness by tambrathegreat http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600012319 Having read the above posts, I would be willing to donate some of my time to get this category up and running if that's what it takes. Really, there a few of us freaks out there that actually like OCs in fanfiction. Thanks again. Tambrathegreat (This is not a statement, it's just how I look.)
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