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  1. Umm... I would have to say that I don't forgive as much as I should. I hold grudges for a VERY long time. I also tend to think the worst about even my most best of friends.
  2. I would have to say 'Memories' by Within Temptation is the saddest song I know
  3. *waves* Howdy. ^.^

  4. If my dad ever found out about my FACINATION for ALL things yaoi and so very much things gay... I think he'd kick me out of the family ;_;
  5. I HATE the word shit... I wish we could just do AWAY with that word all together! Also Dick and Twat... you could easily just call is penis or vagina or something more poetic like lenght or warmth.
  6. It's all quite random.. Aimless babble seems to make sense but thats just me.
  7. I'm a Leo and a Bunny!
  8. Nope and I don't plan to either. I've never Ran into a parked car
  9. ChibiUkon


    I've never really done IT >_> but I know of thinks I would TOTALLY do! * S/M, Dom/Sub (I'm a total sub) * Public (to a SLIGHT degree.. like in a bathroom stall or even on an elevator) * Asphixiation * Multipartners * And I'm not quite sure what it's callled... but any.. ehem "activity" done in or under water (IE- pool, bathtub or even on the lawn with the sprinklers on ;
  10. Nope, never! I've never been to France
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