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Becca Star

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Status Updates posted by Becca Star

  1. It means I like talking to you... you make me laugh... and well... I'd love to keep you forever! lol

  2. Yesh! You can have me... though my baby might have something to say about it... lol

  3. Lol... You make me laugh...

  4. I decided to take a look at your other sites... Yay... your artwork is AMAZING! Just thought I'd let you know!

  5. OH NO! You got me!! What did you use to take off my head?? just wondering...

  6. did i ever tel you I loved you? O.O

  7. Wow... you haven't been on in... FOREVER... I like your furry though!

  8. Why can't I kill you??????? lol

  9. Ahhhh!!!! ~runs at you with a butchers knife, falls, and stabs own leg~ DAMN IT! Not again!!! I'll Get you Amber Rose!!!! lol

  10. Sorry bout that... you only had 6 hps left... and it was JUST... SO... TEMPTING!!! i wuvz u? don't hurt me!

  11. YES! Finally.... Though... You only had 5 hps... I feel like I cheated.... >.<

  12. You're so mean tempting me with those 17 hps... EVIL! You're evil I say!!!

  13. I missed you the last few days... I'm gald everything went well!!!!

  14. Yay! We Friends! ~hugs~ Even if you do kill me every now and then... it's all good!! ^.^

  15. I wuv your legs and will forever chase you! hehehe

  16. Gee thanks.. ya kill me then don't even send a letter!? ~cries~ I feel so UNLOVED!

  17. There... I donated till you were all healthy and alive again so no one WAY lower would kill you with a bat... now... LOVE ME!

  18. I thought you were joining the Roaring Dragons... what happened??

  19. Hey... what about our own personal guild weapons? We should think of some.... OOOO... ne could be FIRES OF HELL since we're dragons and all.... just saying...

  20. I love "Host Club" hehehe...

  21. lol... i like your name...

  22. Who's the character your using for you main pic? It looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it... hmmm

  23. lol... ok!

    but... that last battle we JUST had... that was weird... How did you get all your strength back the SAME time I tried to kill you?... that was SO weird...

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