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Nerys Dax

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Posts posted by Nerys Dax

  1. Review reply to Wildkitsune

    ”This chapter felt like a gift today.  I just thought you should know.”

    I'm glad to help in any way I can. I hope everything is alright? 

    The next chapter should be up later today.

    Thank you for reading and reviewing,


    xoxox nerys



  2. Review Reply to Relatela1 

    Omg you ARE back.” 

    Yeah, I am. :o It's great to write Tomione again. I missed it. 

    “I don't have much to say here other then the fact that you're still my favourite fanfic author and that this story is still super interesting :).” 

    Yet that is saying quite a lot. Thank you so much. You really made my day. I'm so glad you still like my stories. 

    And thank you for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

  3. Sorry about disappearing for so long. Long story. I won't bore you, but I'm back. I've used nanowrimo to finish The Prisoner (still needs editing which I'm doing now with my beta). You can expect regular updates on The Prisoner. As for my other WIPs, I'll look at that once this is finished. 

    Review Reply to Relatela1


    – I know. *hides* To be honest, I'm surprised, too, but the will to write for this pairing is back. Hallelujah!

    “About a month back I was re-reading The Apprentice (still so good) and finally coming to terms with the fact that you were probably done writing and I wouldn't get to see the conclusions. And not long after...this. Holy shit I'm so happy. And 2 chapters to boot! I was so excited that I immediately re-read the entirety of the story after reading the updates.” 

    - Thanks for liking both my stories this much that you're willing to reread them even when still unfinished. 

    Really excited to see where this goes!! Especially since it seems like he's finally escaping. I totally forgot Hermione was pregnant in this too - she's totally naming the kid Delphi, right? ;) 

    - Oooooh, guess now I have to change it to Delphi. I'll make sure to put the blame  credit you. :P   jk   

    Does the fact that you've already updated twice mean you're likely to keep to a somewhat regular schedule?”

    - Yes, apart from the epilogue, which I'm in the process of rewriting again because unhappy with it … again, the story is finished. I'm going through the editing stage now and will update again on December 31st (because of Tomione Day). 

    “Damn I'm just so happy. All in the last couple months I've gotten new Loki, new Kylo Ren, AND new Voldemort. I feel spoiled.’

    - I'm glad I could do my part in making you happy. ^^ Thank you for making my day with your enthusiastic review.

    Thank you for reading and reviewing,


    xoxox Nerys

  4. I'm not sure you're aware of it yet, but there's a problem with summaries and codes. The name Hermione lost the Herm in summaries and is down to "ione", and I noticed that when said name was in the summary, all my codes have vanished and/or are replaced with "gotry". I didn't want to alter it myself yet in case I make things worse by changing things now, seeing how you're working on the datebase.

  5. Apprentice

    Body of review from Mkey follows:

    You make a constant mistake:
    "for awhile" = "for for a while"
    Please edit those to " for a while"

    Nope. Don't think I will, not for any while.

    If this were a just posted chapter, I wouldn't mind editing an error that was pointed out, but I'm not going through a multi-chaptered fic, looking everywhere for one type of error when there are plenty more to correct. I do have a day job.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

    Sleeping Beauty

    Body of review from Lea follows:

    Wauw, I love this!! Great story idea. Will there be an update?! Soon?! I know, it's greedy of me, but what can I say, I'm imagining all the delicious torture one could inflict on Lord Voldemort in his sleep...


    Thanks for liking the story, and well, what can I say? The completed sign in the tags says it all. I'm really not planning a continuation, no matter how many delicious tortures one could inflict on Tommy dearest. It's tempting, but I've got too many WIPs already. I'm not adding to my work load.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys


    Body of review from Ann follows:

    I love love love this story!!!!!!! Just came back to reread it again I really wish you'd make it a PDF! It's soooo good!

    Thank you so very, very much for loving this story. I plan to upload it on AO3 once it's fully edited. I think you can download stories there (not sure which format though). Thanks again for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

  6. Apprentice review reply:

    Oh, dear. I knew it wasn't finished when I started reading it but I still got that awful feeling when there was no link to a new chapter. I'm not sure if you're even still writing for HP. Still wanted to drop a line to let you know that I really enjoyed this story so far and I would love to know what happens next. Your Voldemort is actually pretty sexy, especially when he's doing magic (not just the sex magic either!) so I totally agree with Hermione about that. Hermione is still very in-character even though she's obviously tempted by Voldie and the dark arts. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get inspired again. Cheers!


    I'm sorry for the long hiatus. I know it's bad. I'm still writing HP, just haven't been for this story. I'm trying to finish my other WIP, The Prisoner, first (because it's closer to the end than this one), and then, I plan to get back to The Apprentice. I'm really happy to hear you've enjoyed the story so much and like sexy Voldemort. ^^ I'm also pleased you find Hermione IC. I hope to keep that up.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

    P.S. Sorry for the late, late replies. *hides*

  7. Apprentice review reply to anon:

    "Dumbledore could care less. "<br />

    UGH. Idiotic.<br />

    It is "I could NOT care less" when you do NOT care at all.<br />

    Do you say "I could agree more" when you can't agree any more?

    Darling, breathe. Think of your blood pressure. I wouldn't want to be responsible for you having a heart attack.

    I would've thanked you for pointing out an error I could fix IF you'd actually pointed out where the error was made. I trust you don't expect me to go through an over 200,000 word fic to locate it. If you do, well, tough luck. I couldn't be bothered.

    Have a nice day,

    xoxox Nerys

  8. Review reply to Emmiey:

    "Great to have another chapter! I'm sensing a lemon soon too! Please update soon :)"

    You've sensed correctly. ^^

    The chapter was getting a bit too long with the lemon in it, so I decided to move it to the next one.

    I'll do my best to update asap.

    Thank you for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

  9. Review reply to Bexes:


    You have me on the edge of my seat! Please, please tell me this story is NOT abandoned??? Finally I found a TR/HG story so very well written and all characters fitting perfectly! The back and forth between Hermione and Tom is amazingly written and the plot expertly conceived! I'm dying to know the end game! Who comes out on top? Will Harry and Ginny interfere with Hermione's plans? Gah! So many differing options to how this could end! My mind is buzzing with the possibilities!


    Hi Bexes,

    I'm dazzled by your wonderful review. So many compliments, thank you. I hope I won't disappoint you with the possibility chosen, but you'll see how it ends soon. I reckon three or four more chapters, and Prisoner will be done. So, no, it's not abandoned. I'm terribly sorry for the long delay in updates on (all) my WIP(s), but I got stumped on this one, due to a timetable I put in the story. I've finally found a (surprisingly easy) solution. What do you know, if you stare at it forever, it doesn't come to you, and then, one day when you're supposed to be writing other things, it just jumps in your mind, nagging you to write this instead. LOL

    Anyway, I hope to send the next chapter to my betas tomorrow and then update when I get it back from them. Again, sorry for the long wait,

    xoxox Nerys

  10. Review reply to Anon:

    "I love this story so much. The way you portray the characters is brillant. Please continue it!!"

    I'm glad you've enjoyed my story, and the portrayal of the characters. I will definitely continue it. Thank you for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

    Review reply to Stella Purple:

    "Yet another spectacular establishment by Nerys. I always love the books that she writes!"

    Wow, what an amazing review! Thank you very much. You've got me blushing.

    xoxox Nerys

  11. The Bittersweet Taste of Victory, review reply to Silver_Screen_Icon:

    " *Drools*

    I apologise the Dark Lord would probably crucio me for drooling over him but how can I not when you depict him so well!!??

    What an AMAZING story! you are alway able to get all my feels worked up and make me doubt my moral compass.. (damn thing just won't point straight anymore)

    Always love your work, its been a while since I've read fanfics and i wanted to come back with a bam and hell you did it! So amazing!

    Was quite the addiction! The second last chapter nearly broke me but the end game made me squeal in pure delight! I love how you are always able to maintain Voldemort's true (delicious) persona while still making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.. (clearly, i must have some serious metal issue i need to work on but that a story for another day)

    Thank you for a great story!

    Always a fangirl!

    Silver Screen Icon

    Thanks. I'm really pleased that you're enjoying how I portray Lord Voldemort in this. It was quite a ride with him in this one; I had fun writing him. He's such a deliciously amoral and hypocritical character.

    Moral compass, what moral compass? ;) *slinks off, muttering:* "There is no good or evil. There is only power and those too weak to use it." xD

    Aww...I almost got killed by Ssserpensssotia over the second to last chapter. So, you're definitely not alone there. What can I say, I take my cues from LV. ^^

    Oh, I had plenty of warm and fuzzy feelings while writing Bittersweet, so you're also not alone in the mental issues department. You can join me in my padded cell.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing (both here and on FFnet),

    xoxox Nerys

  12. The forbidden ship, review reply to Anon:

    "I could see chapter 9 being a longer story."

    Thanks. I think there are a number of drabbles that could be elaborated upon, "Hogwarts" definitely being one of them, but I already have three WIPs, so I won't be expanding on my workload. Too much pressure. ^^

    xoxox Nerys

    Experiment of the Mind, review reply to Casper Reddrick:

    "Wow, that was incredible! i loved every bit of it although at first i didnt really understand where it was going but as i read on everything was put together perfectly."

    Thank you. I'm glad it became clear in the end. I deliberately wrote it so the pieces would all fit together later on, as one read along. I'm also happy you enjoyed reading my story and thank you for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

  13. Bittersweet review reply to severly disappointed:

    I will start off with the good stuff. You have a writing style which is completely enthralling, and I love reading your stories, as you are definitely a massively talented writer.

    Thank you for the nice compliments. I'm glad you enjoyed my writing style and my stories.

    However... my main problem (and I seem to have this problem with a lot of stories people write) is when the heroine of the story is suppose to be sooooo intelligent... in Hermione's case the brightest witch of her age, and yet they behave so stupidly you want to reach through the computer screen to slap the heck out of them for being to stupid to live. In this case Hermione is by canon and the way you have written her is suppose to be brilliant, and yet she refuses to show it. I realize that you don't want to show her as being weak, but her repeated defiance in mouthing off and throwing attitude at a man who can not only cause her mass amounts of pain but also can stop her ability to breath because he can control her body, just seems like something the character would be smart enough not to do.. and yet you repeatedly have her doing just that. Now I am not saying she should willingly give into him at every turn but there are ways for her to defy him that would not be so blatant, and with her intelligence being what it is, I don't see why she would do something so stupid and almost suicidal, even if she does think that death would be better... which obviously she doesn't or she would have figured out a way to kill herself by now.

    Hmm...that sounds like a reasonable critique. To be frank, it's been ages since I wrote this and I haven't reread it, so right now if there had been a reason why I wrote her reactions like that, I don't recall it.

    My other problem is that your sex scenes in this story are weak... and I know you are capable of so much better because I have read much better from you. In this chapter alone, it was hard to tell when they even actually started to have sex, and then suddenly he was ejaculating inside of her, implying that they were in fact having sex... now mind you I am not expecting explicit details since the rating on this story wasn't that high, but when I have to go back and reread the very short paragraph several times to figure out when they started actually having sex... well, you can see where one might get frustrated enough to not even bother continuing the story. Please be a little more clear in you details from now on, after all this isn't fanfiction.net so it isn't like you have to be so vague.

    Actually, this story is one of the first fanfic stories I wrote. I started writing it on FFnet, not aware of AFFnet existence until I had already reached chapter 20-something. So, the story is actually FFnet approved for the most part of the story, which is one reason for the lacking details and vagueness at times. Another reason is that Bittersweet is the first fic that I started writing some explicit scenes for, so I was rather hesistant (I felt uncertain while writing) and was trying to find my bearing with something that requires loads of descriptions when I'm more comfortable writing dialogue. Unfortunately, most readers here will ask for sex scenes, but when you've written them, you get little to no feedback on them, so that makes it hard to figure out what was liked and what not. It becomes a bit of trial and error learning curve, where you learn by simply writing more of it.

    I'm sorry that things were unclear with regards to the sex scenes. Thanks for pointing that out to me. The one thing I don't like when reading smut is when I get confused about body positions, because the writer has them doing something that contradicts their previous position, since it takes me out of the story. So, I'm sad that happened to you while reading my story. I'm at least glad you felt my smut writing skills have improved since Bittersweet.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xx Nerys

  14. Reply to chyara:

    "I love this fic. I hope you are able to finish it."


    I'm actually using The Prisoner for my Nanowrimo submission in order to get it finished. I don't think it'll take another 50,000 words, but I've got other WIPs so I can always use them for the remaining words to fulfill my Nanowrimo obligation. So, come December, it'll be edited and then posted after that, if everything goes as planned.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xx Nerys

    P.S. If you want to see how my writing on the Prisoner is progressing, my nanowrimo is http://nanowrimo.org/participants/nerys-dax

  15. The Apprentice

    Review reply to Amsden:

    "Ohhhh, I love this pairing *squeels in delight*
    You are an amazing writer I was so compleatly sucked into your story after reading the first paragraph."

    Tom/Volmione is my favourite pairing, too. Actually, it's the only ship I write for. XDDDD

    I'm really happy that you like my writing and thank you for the compliments,

    xx Nerys

  16. Empathic Seduction

    Review reply to Chyara:

    "Would you be willing to continue this? It was a wonderful read.
    I want to see how each tries to get the upper hand. What they missed in the book."

    I'm glad to hear you liked my story so much. Right now I'm focusing on my WIPs, so I'm not continuing on this one. However, I'm not ruling it out for the future since I do have some ideas for it. However, they need to be more fleshed out before I decide to write on. RIght now, it's too meager to build a story on.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xx Nerys

    Review reply to Ms. Cuddles:

    "You are brilliant. Not just in writing but in creating worlds that draw your reader in and have them feel the emotional build up. Spectacular work. I just wish you still work on the Apprentice. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing works. True Art."

    WOW. *blushes* Thank you for the amazing compliments.

    As for THe Apprentice, I know it's been a really, really long time, but I've not given up on the story. Right now, I'm using nanowrimo to finish The Prisoner (and I probably won't reach 50,000 with that, so the rest will go to another WIP, be that Apprentice or MOM2).

    Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xx Nerys

  17. Review reply to Vanessa follows:


    I read the story the first time in ffnet and really enjoyed it. Then I read again with adult content and loved even more. It would be fantastic if there was a second part.

    Congratulations for the work.

    Hi V.C,

    I'm glad you enjoyed Empathic Seduction on FFnet and here with the additional adult scenes, too. As for a second part, well, I have no plans for it at the moment, but I'm not ruling it out for the future either. Right now I plan to focus on my WIPs. Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xoxox Nerys

  18. review reply to LadyBaudelaire follows:

    "This is Amaaaaaaazing! Please post next chapter ASAP!"

    Thank you. It's good to hear my story is liked. I'd love to post the next chapter asap, but it sucks and I want it to be right. I've written many versions of the next chapter now and none are quite it. Until I'm satisfied with what I got on some level, I won't post it. The trouble with writing stories and posting them as you write the chapters is that you can't undo an error (well, not without doing the, for readers really annoying, deletion and reuploading, which is something I want to avoid at all costs); plus, so close to the end, I don't want to screw this plot up. I hope you understand. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, and I will do my best on the next chapter,

    xx Nerys

  19. I really cant wait till you update!This story is one of the best Ive read despite the impossible pairing. You made it very believable and fun to read. Im wondering how many more chapters you are planing on having?

    Sorry, I haven't been to the AFFnet forum in a while, so I didn't know you posted this. I get email alerts for reviews on the site, not for forum posts. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying The Prisoner and find it fun and believable. I have to say that for me the fact that it's such an impossible pairing is all the fun of writing this ship. I love a challenge. As for how many chapters are left, well, from past experience I've noticed that I'm not very good at guessing the length still necessary, but I would estimate about give or take six chapters before I reach the epilogue.

    Thank you for reading and reviewing,

    xx Nerys

  20. Review reply to erdyfylla:

    "I was just browsing random fics when I stumbled on this one. The last dozen or so I'd read (or attempted to read) were awful -- poor or no plot, completely OOC characters, awful grammar/spelling/structure and no editing, etc., and I was about at my wit's end, when all of a sudden, I started reading this. And I COULD NOT STOP. So wonderful. I love how you've managed to take a completely believable and not-evil Hermione and pair her with Voldemort, without it being a rapefic. I was heartbroken when I got to Ch 33 and found there wasn't anymore, but I'll take you at your word in the review response forum that this fic isn't abandoned. :) Can't wait to read more!"

    Thank you for all the nice compliments. It's always great to hear that my writing is appreciated. I know it's a horrible place where it has stopped right now (I'm kind of regretting that awful cliffhanger; I didn't expect the next chapter would bring me so much trouble to write. I was in the zone right before that), but I'm really doing my best to get the next chapter done. As said in the reply to Emma above, I've located a solution to my predicament in that first scene of the next chapter, so hopefully, I can get it written now without tearing my hair out. And fingers crossed I don't lose another computer in the process (I'm backing up like crazy now). Thanks for reading and reviewing,

    xx Nerys

  21. I love every story I read by you. Hogwarts Christmas Orb was amazing!!!! I still reread Bittersweet and I can never get enough of the Prisoner. You have said before that you are the type of author that sometimes need nudges from readers, so, hows the Apprentice going..... That was the first story I ever read by you and as much as I love your other stories I still want to know what happens. I hope you are still writing it, and if you are having a writers block that it isnt too frustrating. If I can help in anyway by being a sound bored or something else I would love to.


    Well, I've been having a run of bad luck with computers after writing on Apprentice's next chapter. It's a hard chapter to write, because it's got that intense scene at the start and I've been having trouble maneuvring the other characters around while Hermione interacts with the teacher. However, I figured out a solution, which was so obvious that it was staring me in the face all that time. I can't believe I missed that. Anyway, I'm writing again on Apprentice. I'm thinking MOM2 or Apprentice will be the next story I update.

    Thanks for caring so much about the story,

    xx Nerys

  22. Empathic Seduction Review Reply to no longer anonymous Reine:

    I just realized I wasn't logged in when I reviews. Alas! The woes of reviewing fanfiction at 7:20 in the morning. By the way, what is up with these captcha? So. . . hard. . . to. . . read. . .

    No worries. I now know who the anon was. ^^

    I don't know. I have trouble reading them, too. I often recycle them until I see one I can read.

    xoxox Nerys

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