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Everything posted by NinjaGaijin

  1. H: Hide under the blanket so my parents can't see you!
  2. Z: Zhu Yuanzhang, founder of China's Ming Dynasty
  3. K: Kubilai Khan -to get rid of the western bias-
  4. C: Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor -to get rid of the amerikan bias
  5. I: Intimate Friend ...i suck at romanticism...
  6. Passing comment: This thread seems to be very useful, not just for HardyKitty, which is visibly improving (that's great!), but for all writers who want to improve.
  7. Hi Kitty, First advice: Fix your spelling. There is no excuse for a writer in that matter.
  8. Q: Quelimane, Mozambique-- I was going for QwaQwa, RSA but turns out that's not the name of a city! Cool name though.
  9. --got overtaken by Echtrae L: Luanda, Angola
  10. H: Harare, Zimbabwe Btw, theme is--Cities in Africa.
  11. A similar event happened here recently. A bookstore and the local branch of WWF (the environmental organization) invited schoolchildren and their parents to see a movie about environmental problems. The operator, an employee of the bookstore, plays the film from his/her* laptop. (*don't know the gender, sorry). And the children were accidentally shown a porn movie. Apparently it plays for quite some time until some parents realize what had happened. After the screening, a cheeky reporter asked one of the kids what the film was about. "Lady with gooey stuff on her face," the kid said. Now that's another oops.
  12. I claim theme! Theme: Cities in Africa (that should be interesting...) A: Abuja, Nigeria
  13. Good move. Never liked sig pictures myself, they distract and make a mess of the forum look. I advocate short sigs instead. Bigger sigs = more bandwidth usage & download time More bandwidth usage & download time = more power consumption More power consumption = more pollution. Save the earth! Use shorter sigs.
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