Title: No Rest For The Weary
Summary: Sam and Mikaela are getting closer to their graduation and to each other. Their tranquility is shattered when old enemies with new faces appear on a mission for vengeance and conquest.
Rating: NC-17 for Anal,Bi,Death,DP,Exhib,F/M/M,H/C,Language,M/F,OC,Oral,WIP
Pairings: Bumblebee/Sam/Mikaela, IronHide/Chromia so far besides the married couples.
Spoilers: Not unless someone is snatching my work. Hint Hint Hollywood. JK...
URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091327
Title: Harry Potter and The Unlikely Gryffindor
Summary: Once upon a time, she had a family. Twice upon a time, she had everything stolen from her. Thrice upon a time, she was lost and found. Now she must prove herself, and either fall to the darkness, or rise to the light.
Rating: Adult+ for Angst, Language, MC, OC, Racism, NC
Pairings: H/G, R/Hr, NL/LL, LV/OC
Spoilers: A few if you have not read the 6th book.
URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000346